Friday, September 30, 2022

Port Townsend Chief Thomas Olson Bullies Women, Disrespects Women, Stands and Watches Women Abused and Assaulted, then continues to demean, slam, discredit, discriminate, bully and gaslight online.

 Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson knows best what Ms. Cox should be doing with her time. Chief Thomas Olson insinuates I am Crazy, you see just look at my spiritual postings, walks and dancing on YouTube. 

Nothing I do surprises him. Remember folks Chief Thomas Olson IGNORED the actual real CRIMES in Port Townsend that I brought to his attention, no time for that, some woman who lived in a car, no value there to actually follow up on REAL CRIMES. 

Chief Thomas Olson cruelly gossiped about me living in my car with the City Attorney Heidi Greenwood. These folks should not be leaders in our community. 

This Man is Unconstitutional and Lawless. 

Oh and this email exchange with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA after he watched hundreds mob me and all the participants at the Julie Jaman Press Conference. These are the people in charge of Port Townsend.  the Lawless, Discriminating, Bullying, Heartless, Gaslighting Monsters Among Us.

Funny right, call me a "woman", call me a "Ms", I don't recall Rowen Deluna of the YMCA, who he is responding to here, or Chief Olson asking me what I would like to be called. See I sign everything Reverend Crystal Cox, they Call me "Ms."  Hypocrites, don't even buy into their own Radicalized Violent Hate Filled Agenda. 

oh and the Proud Boys and Washington 111% he mentions, yeah, they came to Port Townsend with Robert Zerfing of the Common Sense Conservative to Protect Us Women so we could Safely Speak. 

As the Liberal Cowards of Port Townsend, the Liberal City Government, the Liberal Lynch Mob, Liberal Olympic Pride, Liberal Terrorists Antifa and Liberal Community in General attacked us, assaulted us, shut down our speech, pushed and shoved us, hit us, pinned us, hurt us with painful noise, silenced us, then attacked and gaslighted us online nonstop; well the Conservative Men Eric Rohdes and the Washington 111%, the Proud Boys, and Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative, Protected us to Come back to Pope Marine Park and Speak our Mind, have our Say, stand up to our assaulters.   And NOT be attacked by the Port Townsend City Government and the Hate Groups attached to them.  That group at the Stand for Decency Rally had Lesbians, Gay Men, Conservatives, Liberals and well me, with NO Political Affiliation, simply trying to speak, not hateful words, they Silenced our Voice Violently and Praised themselves for it. 

These Conservative Men protected our Free Speech, our Constitutional Rights, our Human Rights, our Dignity, our Boundaries, our Safety, our Voice. 

the Washington 111%, the Proud Boys, and Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative came to Port Townsend and Protected LIBERAL Women to Speak. At the Stand for Decency Rally a large Washington State Liberal Group for women was able to speak about things that matter to them, and NOT be attacked by the Liberal Terrorists of Port Townsend. 

These men protected all of us women from all walks of life, belief, religion, parties, affiliations and lifestyles. They kept us safe from our oppressors, our attackers, our hate filled Port Townsend Government, Olympic Pride Terrorists, Trans Rights Activist Bullies, and Antifa Terrorists.

You can continue to Believe the Lie, or you can See, Hear, Think for Yourself and See the TRUTH is Plain, Simple, Obvious Common Sense.