Thursday, September 8, 2022

Julie Jaman Press Conference by Amy Sousa on August 15th 2022. The City of Port Townsend Gave the Port Townsend Police a Directive, therefore They Stood there and watched us be assaulted and did NOTHING, we got help after an hour of assault by calling 911 and having the state patrol come and help.


"Here is a full report from one of Julie’s supporters:

“I observed the city police officers withdrawing from the edge of the press release/rally area until they were all clustered around the front of city hall.

As the trans support crowd became increasingly violent, I ran over to the police and pleaded for help explaining that the crowd was pushing and assaulting a number of people. The police chief responded ‘we’ve been given our directives and if you feel unsafe you should leave.’

I turned to one of the other policemen standing there that I recognized as having been at the perimeter of the rally area and asked ‘you were over there before, why are you not there now?’ And he said ‘we’ve been given our directives and I stayed as long as I could.’ (reading between the lines I believe he was implying that he had been ordered to leave).

Also, in my recollection, the City Police didn’t engage until the State Police showed up and went directly into the area where trans protesters were being violent towards the rally participants.”

She wrapped up with the following, which she was firm in clarifying is only her opinion and not (yet) proven fact:

“It’s clear to me that the rally/press release participants were the object of a city endorsed ambush.

My heart is broken in the face of humanity’s erosion to — once again — condoning violence against women from men — particularly that the strategy of assault was set in play by city officials.

…I’m speechless and shell shocked.”

Police Chief Tom Olson

Hmmm.  “We’ve been given our directives.”  By whom?  Asking for a friend…

Another videographer caught police response on camera. The Chief stood back cooly, choosing to leave it to his minions to speak, as the side he’d already taken a stand for was right there behind him.

About a minute in, you’ll hear concerns from a couple of men regarding the lack of police presence near the speakers.  After a stunning period of Who, me? moments, officer Kamal Sharif responds, “Please let the folks there know that if you don’t feel safe being there, you’re free to leave.”

Officer Kamal Sharif, at right, explains their current directive.

That’s nice of the PTPD, to return one of our own messengers with the message that we’re “free” to leave. Defending the cops, a woman with a Pride flag opined “It’s okay, they have to look out for themselves, too. It’s not safe for them…” as the audio trails off, becoming difficult to decipher"

The speakers tried to carry on as the fury of the crowd intensified, along with the physical and verbal abuse.  Jim Scarantino reported going back across the street to the police.  “I asked them if it was their policy to do nothing. They said they wanted both sides to be able to “protest.” I told them things were getting violent. They did not move.”

He returned to the speakers and saw the assaults continuing.  He recalls, “At that point I called 911 and described the escalating violence. The dispatcher said words to the effect, ‘Law enforcement is on the scene.’ I replied, ‘No they’re not. They left.’”

Within minutes, State Patrol officers filed in with some PTPD officers in tow. They went to the pier side of the speakers and hung back for a very long time, after announcing that they were going to clear the area in ten minutes. They watched along with the crowd around them as the Dispatch teenager, squatting to the ground, planted his head against the crotch of one of our defenders.

The 10-year old lieutenant courageously covered him.

An ever-present black-masked man who appeared to be in his 50’s wearing a ball cap—the only identifying aspect was a little pigtail poking out from shaved sides of his head—leaned into the inner circle behind those kids. He sported a black tee shirt with a gruesome graphic that said Capitalism is a death cult.

Why and what was he doing there? What is that man’s investment in this project? Is he a paid provocateur? Antifa?

Finally the Troopers took action, and began waving back the trans horde in a time to get going manner. I could not hear what they were saying. I was on the north side of the speakers’ circle, so didn’t see what transpired after that, but video documentation reveals some details."

Source and Full  Port Townsend Free Press Article with Lot's of Photos.