oh No MEN were Drinking Beers
Beers I say.
Those "Men" Had Beers.
How do you KNOW they were MEN Piper?
Did you Ask they/them?
Not concerned with the Violence against us, the drugged up people attacking us, the drunk people attacking us, the violent mob at us, or our rights at all but Hey Po Po, some Guys, well they had on masks and were drinking beers in or around said vehicle.Yeah probably not at the same time, but still its a very concerning Issue. Some Guys downtown Port Townsend were drinking beer and Piper Corbett does NOT APPROVE.
So She/Her Runs to the Port Townsend Po Po. OMG Officer the Sky Really is Falling This Time. Yet she had NO ISSUE with 400 people, most strong men, many had plenty of beers, attacking us physically and FOR REAL, in REAL Life. She cheered them on and filmed it then gas lighted us online that it just did not happen, even with dozens of live feeds.
Oh and how did she know they were guys, did she ask them their "gender" or is she allowed to assume and not be mobbed, yet we are not.
What a Hypocritical Better than Thou Busy Body, Port Townsend Prickly Pretentious Prattle, Provocateur Piper Corbett. Here is PIPER Tattling to the Po Po about them Thar BEERS.
Let's Take another Look at the Officer Cam Piper Corbett was caught on talking to Pride Muzzle Man, one of our assaulters.
Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox, Super Hero