Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Today Piper Corbett Informed me that I Put an Innocent Man in Jail. Ya know the guy we all seen assault Jen Thomas and the Elder Gentleman.

Port Townsend Woman Piper Corbett admits connection to Alexander French, arrested for Assault, Robbery and Theft.  He Assaulted Jennifer Thomas, I filmed the assault and so did Robert Zerfing. 

Just how Piper and Alex are connected is a mystery at this moment.

Got a Tip?  eMail me at ReverendCrystalCox@gmail.com

I intend to file a 3rd party criminal complaint in the future and am gathering evidence. 

Alex French who assaulted Jennifer Thomas and the older man protecting us, well he showed up at our Rally, our Protest to PROTEST what he and others, along with the City of Port Townsend and Piper did to us on August 15th 2022. Alex got arrested, he threw up a lot, clearly on a substance of sorts. 

Piper Says I, Reverend Crystal Cox, had an Innocent Man arrested. 

I simply told the Police he was there and a threat, they said there was nothing they could do. Next thing I know, a warrant out I guess, he was arrested, then today Piper posts on my Facebook Page her confession of her connection to this criminal, in jail for actual crimes, of which she clearly aided, abetted and defended. 

Piper claims he was only trying to unplug the speaker and not assaulting that man as he clung to his leg and his head on the man’s privates.  So I guess sabotaging Amy’s speakers is innocent, ya not.

Apparently Alex was Simply trying to unplug the microphone, ok well that is illegal and sabotage and that is innocent to Piper, good to know. And innocent man was just sitting there under Jen's legs and she was such a bully to him, so sad. Sitting there under us, at us while we try and speak, that's fine with this psychopath? Really? Just sitting there? THERE?

Victim Blaming Queen probably blames Jen for penning her leg down and ripping off her own shoe too, oh know wait that is on video too, gee darn.

Oh and she says that Alex was not reaching for that man's genitals, hmmm Alex's head was on that man's genitals for a VERY Long time.

While he was sitting on the Ground? umm under our legs, hanging off that man's leg, then sitting below Jen grabbing at her, so innocent, what a Crock Piper.

Did Piper tell Alex what to do that day and coordinate his protection?

Was Piper directing people in the crowd of her antifa gremlins like some mob boss?

Meanwhile Creepy Slinky Snake Piper was at Amy’s back the whole time, like a creepy monster. And bashing into old ladies yelling I am the Press? All so Innocent. That footage coming soon to a blog near you.

A younger woman seen in our footage with a white hat, black band, she came in to help the older gentlemen and a man named Ryan Harris, you see in footage with the Death Cult shirt, well he attacked her while protecting Alex to continue assaulting the man and Jen, clearly antifa body guards guarding antifa thugs. Ryan is 44, Alex is 25. 

Piper Corbett's Innocent Man Alex French aKa "the Worm" Seems NOT SO innocent to me

How does Piper Know Alex? He has only lived here 8 years, he told officers on the cam footage.

Was Piper directing these men to Assault Amy or her participants?

Does Piper have any influence over the Port Townsend City Council? She is very good friends with Ben Thomas as he told me.

How friendly is Piper with the Prominent Politicians of Port Townsend?

I Saw Piper Corbett right before Amy Sousa’s press conference, she told me all about Amy’s life and others in the street. She blamed Amy for the YMCA issue, she defamed Amy Sousa and painted her in false light. Piper claimed that local businesses had to remove their PRIDE signs out of Fear of Amy and her press conference participants, me, a local lesbian one of them. Piper incited fear that made businesses remove flags and some close. Piper incited that same fear over our Rally For Decency Protest against what the City did to Us. Then blames our group for businesses closing when clearly it was her Fear Mongering that closed them, all we did is bring in more customers. 

It Turned out the PRIDE Flag People were our Assailants in mass. Odd how within an hour of meeting Piper, Amy’s press conference was violently attacked by the PRIDE peeps that she was making the victims. One assailant in particular was at us all, he pinned Jennifer Thomas to the ground and ripped things off her body, he was at her for 2 hours straight, most all on video. Yet Piper Corbett can’t seem to see any of it as “not innocent” and perhaps “Guilty”. 

So The question Begs to Be Asked, Did Piper Pay these men to do this to Amy or is she connected to those who did? Why chew me out for the assault her friend actually committed on video? 

Piper must have been Piping Mad that her crazed lunatic soldier would not be able to attack and harass us again, cuz 5 minutes before we started he was arrested. Gee Darn foil your Evil Plans? Or does Piper really believe Alex aKa “the worm” is Innocent, and all that incriminating footage was faked by me even the live feeds and officer cam footage and well none of that bad stuff happened. 

Busy Body Self Righteous Narcissistic Gaslighter Indeed. 

How Piper is Connected to Ryan and Alex and the others she talks to, directs and seems to coordinate, well that for another day. Got a Tip? eMail me at ReverendCrystalCox@gMail.com

Piper Corbett’s “innocent man”, Alex ‘the Worm” explaining to the police how innocent he is, all about him. He had just assaulted Jennifer and hung on an old man’s leg for at least 30 minutes with his head on the gentlemen’s privates. No Boundaries for these folks anywhere.

Sometimes, I think to myself how sad Piper must have been to have had her “innocent man” her little warrior of the weird, Alex “the Worm” arrested before he could assault us again at the Rally for Decency to Protest what Piper and her Mob did to us At Amy Sousa’s Press Conference for Julie Jaman. Oh Snap 5 minutes before the show, Piper loses her Gremlin she could control to assault us. Piper was so sad, she did not even want to be filmed. Well I hope Alex “the Worm”  tells on you as a Plea, we Shall See.


Ryan Harris, I Believe in the Cult Death Shirt in this Video Clip

Officer Comes in FINALLY to STOP Alex French from further Assault. After about one minute in Alex, the assailant runs from the Police. You see his GF in the footage, she was at us the whole time as well. 


Officer Cam Footage showing Piper Corbett’s Best, Jennifer Thomas’s assaulter Alex French


Alexander Zachery French Port Townsend Man Who Assaulted Jennifer Thomas Arrested September 3rd 2022 at Rally for Decency Protesting the City of Port Townsend attack on us, along with 400 in a violent mob, oh and Piper, the Worms friend.
