Thursday, September 22, 2022

Your Business is YOURS and You Can Serve who you want. You owe no obligation to everyone.

 It is NOT Ok for the government to say IT IS LAW that I have to bake a cake or provide a service to someone, anyone I do not want to. I have had a bakery, a real estate company, we have the right to refuse service to anyone and do not need a reason. If someone does not want to bake a cake for a gay couple, at their business they have every right to SAY NO. 

Why would you want them to bake it if they don’t want to, food has energy, that's a different topic for a different day. The point is if I, as a lesbian, feel off about someone, anyone and do not want to bake them a cake, a speciality bread or provide real estate or any other service I have that right. You own a business, you pay for the building, the business, the taxes, all of it and the government says who you HAVE TO serve, that is Unconstitutional Period in EVERY SINGLE WAY. 

The “LGBTQ” community that is forcing business to “serve them” that do not want to, is the rape culture, is bullying, is against free speech rights, religious rights and the personal civil and human rights of the divine sovereign individual. 

SCOTUS is going to decide on this as a bigger issue of Free Speech, Of the First Amendment and our individual rights, speech rights, and religious rights to say NO to whoever we want without having to give a reason. It is our business and not a government business. If I do not want to bake a cake for a Gay Couple, or for anyone for any reason, as a bakery owner that is my RIGHT and for the Government to fine the bakery, bully and force them to serve people they don’t want to, that is immoral at best, it is unconstitutional, it is bullying, it is wrong and clearly says YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR BUSINESS, the Government Does. 

Anyway here is the latest news on the upcoming SCOTUS decision. I am sure the WOKE mob will scream LGBTQ discrimination, however it is about Freedom, Personal Rights and Sovereignty.