Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Stand for Decency Rally Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022. Woman Goes Off on Port Townsend Police for not Protecting Her, and for "letting" a "Hate Group" into her F-ing Town.

Lesbians, Violence to Conservatives who had NOTHING to do with any of it, Violence to Elders in their Community and the men their supporting us. And they call their Victims, me one of them, the Hate Group.

They want to FORCE us to LOVE Transwomen in our naked space, and they give us NO Respect, No Equality. They make the Laws and they are Above the Law.

The Julie Jaman Press Conference had Speakers that spoke positive of Women and Equal Rights, and I even spoke of the Values of PRIDE. They shouting us all down violently, our ears hurt for days. We shook while trying to speak. We were traumatized for weeks. And harassed by Liberals in the community that whole time and they are still gaslighting and abusing us to this day. 

This Video is Compilation Below of Officer Cam Footage from the September 3, 2022 Stand for Decency Rally in Port Townsend Washington, shows a Local Port Townsend Resident, presumed to be a Woman, Claiming to the Police to Be Mayor David Fabor’s friend. 

She chews out the Port Townsend Police for not Being Diligent, yet they sure were being Diligent when they made her put her knives away just before the Rally started, and the NOT Hate Group got there. 

What was She going to Do with the Knives? Intimidate? Hurt? What?

I was at Both Events, NEITHER were Hate in ANY way on the Side of the Permitted Group. 

Both times the ONLY Hate came from the Liberals, The Trans Rights Activists, Antifa, the Olympic Pride Community, the Port Townsend Council Members, the Mayer, the City Manager, the Local Liberals Rage. 



So many follow the Hive Mind, and do not use Common Sense and look at the proof and make clear logical conclusions, they simply tell us we are the Hate Group, We are the Fascists, We are the Bigots and Homophobes, we are Racists and they Do NOT look at actual evidence to the contrary. 

I am a Fascist Because I Do Not want a Dictator Dictating My Life or Forcing me By Proclamation to Deny Intuition, Boundaries, Personal Rights and to LOVE who they Demand I Love. 

These Dictators Call Us Fascists. Clearly they do not know the Definition of the Words as they are the ones Forcing Us to Conform with their Beliefs by Law, by Proclamation in a town we live in. They are ruling over us as Dictators violently and calling us the Dictators. 

Dictators in Port Townsend are the ENTIRE Port Townsend Government at EVERY Level, the Rageful Unkind Olympic Pride Community, the Violent Trans Rights Activists, Antifa and the Port Townsend Liberal Community in general for some reason.

They continue to Yell at us that they are Kind. They have online conversations calling us mentally ill fascists, as they strive to DICTATE our lives. 

The Mayor David Friend in the video below is complaining about a man intimidating her, and calls us a Hate Group. Though we are there protesting the HATE that was put on us by hundreds in our face violently intimidating us. Oh the Irony and Hypocrisy right?

This is her F-ing town and she does not approve of the police not watching her every move to protect her from "intimidation" by filming her as she filmed him.

She is filming Us, and she is mad when someone is filming her. Oh the Irony, we were there Protesting hundreds mobbing us, in our face, touching us, pushing into our body right up in our face. And she has an issue with ONE person to close and so much so she gets in the face of the police, actually touches the police disrespectfully, WOW indeed. 

Oh and this is my Fing town and the Police let in a Hate Group. 

We were NOT a Hate Group, we were Standing UP TO THE HATE GROUPS in Port Townsend, the Hateful City Council, the Hateful Liberals that mobbed us, Olympic Pride Terrorists who attacked us with bikes Pride Flags and Poles, to Protest what the city incited and praised Antifa to do to us And this David Faber friend calls us the Hate Group. 

I Think to anyone not hypnotized within the hive mind, you can easily see who is inciting hate and violence, it is OBVIOUS. 

Anyway here is a video compilation I made of Officer Cam Footage of this Woman at the Rally for Decency Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox with the Intention of Awakening and Healing Humanity