Monday, September 5, 2022

Candace Mercer Speech at Rally for Decency Port Townsend Washington

"This is the speech I gave in Port Townsend on September 3rd at a rally organized by Robert Zerfing, the Common Sense Conservative. He organized it as a protest to how women were treated in Port Townsend on August 15th. It was billed as a Take A Stand for Decency rally." ~  Candace Mercer 

"Keep Your Gender Euphoria Out of My Bathroom: Port Townsend Speech on Autogynephilia

Men have socially approved permission to have erections in women's spaces"

My name is Candace Mercer.

Today I am going to talk about what trans rights activists don’t want us to talk about - the dark side of gender ideology.

The just be kind compassionist crowd wants you to believe gender ideology is all glitter, bubbles and rainbows.

It is not.

I have been a supporter of LGB rights since the 1980s. I believe in diverse gender expression. I want it to be OK for people to present however they want.

Unfortunately, there are many aspects of post modern gender theory that are harmful to individuals, families and the community.

The reason Port Townsend is in the news is because of unjust policies that prioritize the feelings of men over the safety of women.

Women were attacked in Port Townsend on August 15th for defending their need to have penis free spaces. Two thirds of the speakers that day had been sexually abused by people with penises.

Given the claim that trans women ARE women, they should have empathy for women.

They do not.

Today I am going to talk about one of the their most closely guarded secrets - autogynephilia.

Autogynephilia involves men who transition later in life due to a compulsive sexual fetish that revolves around pretending to be a woman.

These men get “gender euphoria” when they engage in normal female activities and when we treat them as women.

Gender euphoria is code word for sexual excitement.



To the public, trans rights activists deny the existance of autogynephilia. They claim it is “transphobia.”

They are lying.

When you read the first hand accounts that these men with autogynephilia post on Reddit, they are open about their gender euphoria erections and what triggers them.

Due to just be kind ideology, these men have permission to act out their hypno sissy porn fetishes in public.

They get boners when they wear women’s clothing and when when they shop for women’s clothing.

This means there are erections in women’s fitting rooms.

These men get boners when applying makeup, especially in women’s bathrooms.

They post selfies of their erections on social media and write of the thrill of masturbating in ladies’ rooms.

I’ve read accounts of men with menstruation fetishes retrieiving used tampons and sanitary pads out of the trash.

Many carry emsntrual products in the hope a women or girl will ask to borrow them.

That is never going to happen.

Autogynephiliac men get boners when other people affirm them as women.

That is why they are enraged when misgendered.

It breaks their sexual spell.

It is also why they have intense anger when lesbians reject them sexually.

When men dressed as women get erections from interacting with women in women’s spaces, we are non player characters in their sexual fantasies.

We did not give consent.

This is sexual harassment.

It gets worse.

Autogynephiliac men HATE women.

They despise us because they cannot be us.

On Reddit, they are comfortable openly expressing envy, resentment and the urge to hurt women.

It is one of the purest forms of mysogyny I have ever encountered.

But the ugliest aspect of autogynehiliac men is that they are using children as a shield for their perversions.

They promote and hide behind gender ideology to ratify and protect their fetish.

Gender ideology gives these men unlimited socially sanctioned access to women’s spaces including prisons, homeless shelters, breastfeeding forums and domestic violence support groups.

Children are groomed by gender ideology to mutilate their healthy bodies, destroying their chances for a normal life.

No child is born in the wrong body.

Children cannot consent to puberty blockers.

Children cannot consent to cross sex hormones that leave them sterile and unable to orgasm.

Children cannot consent to double masectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasties, castration and phalloplasties.

Synthetic sexual identities are disabling children and making them drug dependent for life.

Are you OK with this?

I am not.

Enough is enough.

I refuse to accept autogynephiliac men and their erections in women’s spaces.

I refuse to deny biology.

I refuse to sacrifice children.

I refuse to be silent.

Thank you.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Gandhi