Saturday, September 10, 2022

HEY Haters. BRING IT ON. Not My First RODEO.

NOTICE to Anyone who would Like to Sue me For Defamation.

I Accept Service of Lawsuits at

I have over 5000 blogs so be sure and list them all. I LOVE to Counter Sue, it is my Hobby. 

So Expect that. 

I definitely fight back, so bring lots of money for lawyers, Pro Se for me all the way. Been in no less than 50 legal cases for this very same thing, ya know reporting on the bad things other people do and standing up for the innocent victims of such shenanigans.

Remember the TRUTH is an affirmative defense in defamation cases, so you sue me, I prove it TRUE, you Lose, oh and there is a Court Record of your NOT TRUE yammers (aKa Crimes). So Careful of the ol’ OMG that mean Unstable Crystal is Defaming me with the TRUTH. LOL.

Oh and I have my Very own High Court Case Precedent if you would like to Cite that in your case, just to knock it out of the ball park. 

Big Media had a Monopoly on Free Speech since the days of the Dinosaur, oh until the Good Reverend, ya know ME, stepped up to the plate, and yeah KNOCKED it Right Out of the Ball Park I Did, and no more Monopoly on Free Speech for Big Media. 

NOW All Citizen Journalists, ALL Whistleblowers and Anti-Corruption Bloggers have equal protection under law for Free Speech, the First Amendment, Retraction Laws and Shield Laws. Oh and not only was I the first to go that far, ya know live through it and reject settlement offers as an activist litigant, well I also WON the precedent for those same anti-corruption bloggers to “Break the News”.

I suggest you do your homework before you get into the legal ring with me, I am a bit of a Wildcat, you may not be able to keep up. Oh and Really Pay Attention to this advice, DO NOT get on my Radar if you have done bad things you don’t want the world to know about, I just can’t help it, the Great Spirit leads me to your atonement. 

Oh What’s that you say, you want to know more about my case, ok here is a bit on it, and remember now when the New York Times, Forbes, NPR and the rest of the Thugs tell ya I am a criminal, put on your thinking cap and dig around, are there Criminal Charges for me? Anywhere? Or just the Defamatory Yammering of the New York Times, and other Big Media Buffoons? And even if you do decide my email in the New York Times is criminal, well per rules of Evidence it was part of 13 settlement negotiations, and was from attorney to attorney, it was a settlement and not extortion and illegal to be in the case or the New York Times, nothing I can do about it. 

Anyhoo ENJOY Haters, the Internet has tons about me for you the proverbial band wagons to jump on. Have Fun. Still even if I am an Unstable Criminal that Does not mean that what I am reporting on YOU is not TRUE. 

A Bit of News at the Time I Won My Ninth Circuit Case