Thursday, September 29, 2022

My Intention of Continued Coverage of the Julie Jaman Press Conference and the Stand For Decency Rally is to show YOU who the Bad Guys are. This is Spiritual. This is the Micro of the Macro. What happened here in Port Townsend and who is bringing this dark, in-humane, ruthless energy is happening all over the world right now. It is IMPORTANT that you pick a side per se.

 You do this in your own mind and heart by thinking for yourself and deciding what you believe for you personally, what matters for you, and what kind of world you want to live in moving forward? 

We cannot have this next level of much needed change for the good, if we do not first understand what has happened and is happening now. Understanding ANTIFA, understanding what kind of energy the Port Townsend Government Aligned with, is Important, as with this knowledge of the True Events, you can decide what am I for? What Kind of world do I want to live in? 

They repeat the LIE over and over.  Yet tons of footage, documents, and their own words exposed show the TRUTH.  They hypnotically chant and rant the LIES and the Lie then Becomes the Truth, becomes what really happened. 

My Goal is to Show you that NO their LIE did not, in Fact, Happen.  Here is the Truth, believe it or don’t however, I am exposing all who I can to the actual events that happened.  As if you are ok with what happened, then you are saying that is ok for any Port Townsend Event, and if only ok for that event, then who decides Human Rights, Civil Rights in Port Townsend? Who decides whose injuries ring hollow as they are saying? Who decides which person it is ok to knock violently the ground because they deserved it and who it is not ok to knock down? Your Government decides, and in these Facebook posts I show you, you will see those exact words, of who they decide gets to feel pain or have acknowledged injury and who does not. 

These People DO NOT want Solidarity, they want to burn it all down. They want all cops De*d. They want all things burned down, as they stated on their ferry ride home after our beat down. It is important for YOU to see their words, to see live footage, so you can know what really happened and then choose a side, choose a reality, choose or know what you believe. You cannot decide those things until first you see what really happened. 

The Port Townsend Antifa Attack at the Julie Jaman Press Conference and attempted attack at the Stand for Decency by the same Antifa Super Soldiers is part of a worldwide darkness. There is no humanity, no compassion for human beings, no love in their words, actions, and violent force of their beliefs.

Their Goal stated by them is simply to tear everything down. My Goal is to Unite us All on Common Ground with Common Sense and Common Decency. My Goal is for us ALL to be and live as Divine Sovereign Individuals, making individual choices based on individuals beliefs, knowledge, opinions, wants and needs and in no way connected to a hive mind, or group affiliation. 

INDIVIDUAL Rights for ALL. Individual Human Rights, Individual Sovereign Rights. I am a Lesbian Yes. But I have never been part of the LGBTQ community or some community narrative or propaganda that has nothing to do with us as individuals nor did we have a say in the current LGBTQ agenda that is beign pushed, forced and weaponized. 

I will POST what I Post and YOU will think for yourself. You will NOT follow the Party Line or what your friends and family say, but instead think for yourselves. 

I have around 60 live feeds, including Officer Footage. I am showing you what happened, NOT for Justice in the Corrupt Governments of Mankind, but instead to assist you to Awaken, and to break their hypnotic hive mind spell over you. 

They State their Version of Reality over and over, my intention is to show you enough footage and plenty of their own words to show you what is the Real Narrative, what is really happening. 

So many believe whatever their party, their government, their politicians, their legal system tells them and do not LOOK with their Own Eyes, nor do their own research. 

I will continue to Post video compilations and information to the best of my ability, in my own way, to show you who the people were at the Julie Jaman Press Conference in Port Townsend Washington.

It is important that you understand who represents the Dark in energy and who represents the Light. With enough proof of what happened, you can make an informed decision. To me this is Spiritual. As you cannot Choose the Light if you don’t know the Truth.

If you believe the bad guys per se, their version of reality and cannot see for yourself then you create a world where they, the dark rules and literally creates the reality that is your world.

I believe this choice is for the Soul of Humanity. I Believe you can’t really choose until first you see what happened. This Port Townsend Antifa smackdown and those in government, local businesses, Corporations and Private Citizens that aligned with them call it love, call it support of the Trans Community, call it LGBTQ support, call it beautiful.

I want you to decide if you believe it was supporting, loving and beautiful and if that is the Community you Want, the Government You want, the Life you want for you and your family.

This is not about any one particular Religion or Spirituality. However it is imperative that you have a spiritual connection, a divine connection, a Christ Consciousness Connection, as this is Spiritual Warfare. 

These folks who are so cruel and de-humanize those of us at the Julie Jaman Press Conference and the Stand for Decency Rally, do not represent Love and Support of the LGBTQ Community, that is a Flat Out Cruel Lie.  They are mostly, from what I have seen, Straight White Liberals. 

They claim to be part of the Rainbow and supporting, yet the Julie Jaman Press Conference half of the speakers were represented in that LGBTQ Community.  A third at least, of us, were Gay Men, Lesbians, and Bi-Sexuals at the Stand for Decency Rally. 

So when the Cruel Heartless Angry Violent people of Port Townsend say they are aligning in support of Gay Men, Lesbains, and Bi-Sexuals YOU know that is no where near the truth of their Dark Alignments, they must by under some hypnotic spell to think they are loving us and supporting us by dehumanizing us, hurting us, silencing us, bullying us, gaslighting us and physciall hurting us, then saying our injury did not happen and if it did we staged it, we deserved it and our pain rings hollow. ( their actual words, I will be posting soon)

You are Choosing Worlds right now. Right there in your own Heart, Mind and Soul. 

It is my Belief that the reminder out there that are following some narrative not their own, will awaken to the Good, the Light, the Sacred and Divine, Once they See that their Group, Party, Religion, Henny Penny, Local Business or Citizen are not telling them the Truth.

A Spiritual Connection is Imperative. These Bad Guys have Dehumanized those who do not follow their party line, their narrative. They act and speak as if we don’t feel pain, we don’t bleed, we cannot be injured. They are cruel and heartless and lack basic human decency. It is important for you to see what they are doing and saying so you can decide in your own mind and heart what you believe moving forward, as this is KEY to create the Version of Life, the Timeline, the Reality we, YOU, move into next. 

This is not about me, I am simply a messenger in my way, it is up to you to find your information and think for yourself.   What World Do You Really Want?   What Do you Really Believe as a Divine Sovereign Individual and NOT part of any Group whatsoever, no Corporate connection, outside of Party, and away from anything outside of your own truth for you and your family?

~ Reverend Crystal Cox, All Faith Church