Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Amy E. Sousa @KnownHeretic Press Release ""Port Townsend Police Ignored Intelligence Warning of Agitators with “Intent to Victimize” Women’s Rights Group "

 "Port Townsend Police Ignored Intelligence Warning of Agitators with “Intent to Victimize” Women’s Rights Group 

Seniors Concerned about Safeguarding at YMCA Assaulted by Antifa Members Armed with Pepper Spray, Batons and Firearms

Port Townsend, Washington - August 19, 2022: The Port Townsend Police Department refused to protect women’s rights activists gathered at a Washington free speech event on Monday, despite having advance intelligence that their lives were at risk from “out of town agitators who were there with the intent to victimize.” 

Event organizers were told by a Port Townsend police officer this week that his “...highest priority was concern for the loss of life.” When asked if the agitators among the estimated 350 protesters had guns, he said, “Yes. They had batons, pepper spray and appeared to be carrying concealed firearms.” The officer, who helped RevFoxx Co-Founder Jennifer Thomas file assault charges against one of the main agitators wishes to remain unnamed. He confirmed that several felony assault charges have been laid. 

He added that attendees of the Let Julie Swim press conference had “absolutely done everything correctly” in holding up their promise to peacefully assemble in objection of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA’s policy of assigning males to supervise the intimate care of girls attending the facility’s day camp, as well as allowing males to use the women’s facilities in violation of women’s sex-based rights. 

Despite pre-event assurances from Port Townsend Police Chief, Tom Olson that the group comprised primarily of seniors and sexual assault survivors would be kept apart from protesters, he watched from across the street while the women were repeatedly assaulted by men who had penterated a human chain they had formed to protect event speakers, even forcing their way between women’s legs. 

Video footage shows Chief Olson smiling among a group of his officers when asked to intervene on active assaults. One officer said “Please let the folks there know that if they don’t feel safe being there, they’re free to leave.” (Footage available.) Despite the presence of three law enforcement agencies on the scene, and multiple 911 calls, they did not intervene until the last quarter of the event. 

“I organized the Let Julie Swim event to create opportunities for women to express their safeguarding concerns about men in women’s intimate spaces at the YMCA. I scheduled my event one hour before the City Council’s meeting regarding Mayor Faber’s proclamation to ensure we would have time to attend both events. Between local law enforcement’s unwillingness to keep our volunteers safe from the hundreds of protesters in line outside of City Hall, and Mayor Faber’s lack of respect for due process, none of us were able to have our say. We call for an emergency City Council meeting that will permit Juile Jaman and myself to offer comment, as well as publicly address the fact that Mayor Faber has openly supported Antifa, who he emboldened with dehumanizing and misogynistic language, and a hyperbolic claims that his own life was being threatened by the very women who were assaulted by men, encouraged and cheered on by the crowd.” - Amy E. Sousa, Co-Founder of RevFoxx, lead organizer of Let Julie Swim. 

The press conference was held in support of Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old Port Townsend resident permanently banned from the YMCA for objecting to a male in a woman’s bathing suit who she observed watching young girls take off their swimsuits to use the toilet in the facility’s combined shower/locker/washroom area where she was showering. 

Jaman was called “discriminatory” and “transphobic” by employees who informed her the male was a staff member. Employees tried to prevent her from leaving the facility, threatening her with the police. The facility has since stated that the senior, who has used the YMCA pool for 35 years, was banned as a result of multiple uses of vulgar language and obscene gestures with staff. The facility has refused to provide any documentation to support these allegations.  

The event took place prior to a City Council meeting taking public comment on a “Transgender Proclomation” issued by Mayor David J. Faber in support of the YMCA, which is co-operated by the City of Port Townsend

Prior to the event, Faber tweeted “I’ll probably get assassinated on Monday evening by a TERF or a moral panic-stricken right-wing nut job. ‘TERF’ stands for ‘Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist’. It is used to diminish the credibility of women who believe biological sex should be protected against sweeping policy changes carried out in support of gender ideology without public debate. Feminist groups have cautioned for years that the use of this slur creates public acceptance of male violence against women.

Faber also follows and has tweeted support of School Board Bloc, a Washington-based organization that describes itself as Antifascist,” and that recruited agitators to attend the Let Julie Swim rally. On the eve of the event, they tweeted “It would be a shame if something happened to that sound system” moments before the sound and live feed were temporarily disabled.

Following the event, Faber tweeted “What an incredible night. The Port Townsend community showed up in huge and beautiful fashion to say that hate has no place here. Trans and cis-allies alike spoke love & support.”

Faber has since tweeted “I unreservedly condemn any violence that happened during the protests on Monday. The city police, from my understanding, dealt with it. There hasn't been a council meeting since the protests, which ran at the same time as the council meeting.

This contradicts video evidence that shows City Council happily discussing the fact Let Julie Swim speakers were unable to get into the event due to the lengthy lineups that had formed outside of City Hall during the press conference, which was scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to allow speakers to participate in public comments at the council meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m..

Faber is currently facing growing scrutiny over a history of disturbing and problematic tweets ranging from misogynistic to approval of incel culture, pedophelia, public masturbation and beastiality. In one tweet, he refers to himself as a “pervert,” saying he is “legally-required, as a politician, to be absolutely filthy.” In another tweet, he endorses the views of Vaush, an American YouTuber notorious for anti-semetic views who advocates for the legalization of child sexual abuse images. 

Since the Let Julie Swim event, multiple supporters, including Julie Jaman, have filed assault reports and plan to pursue legal action against The City of Port Townsend and the Port Townsend Police Department. RevFoxx’s next speakers event will be held in Pittsburgh on September 4, 2022. Location TBD.

Live stream footage of the protest can be found here:  https://youtu.be/5_6fUjDd4bk 

And here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0ZZOf464IU 

We also offer on request digital download access to photographs and pre-clipped video footage of event speakers, protestors, counter-protestors and multiple assaults.


For more information about the event, or to arrange interviews with Julie Jaman or Amy Sousa, please contact:

Amy E. Sousa


@KnownHeretic on Twitter, Youtube, & Instagram"

