Tuesday, September 13, 2022

On Today's Episode of Former Prosecutor Julie St. Marie and the Superhero Stand up for Strangers Gal Reverend Crystal Cox, we See that Evil “minister” Crystal standing at the Gates of Heaven and oh Snap Julie and George have Slammed the Gates Shut. What will the Evil Vile Not a real Minister Do?

On Today’s Episode we see “Vile” “Evil” not really a Minister Reverend Crystal Cox standing at the Gates of Heaven, ONLY to Find out that Port Townsend Attorney Julie St. Marie and Yakima Attorney George have Slammed the Gates of Heaven Shut. And they know where the evil vile minister will end up in the Afterlife. Click Below for the PT Days of Our Lives Corruption Exposing Drama Series. “Julie and Crystal” “DARK and LIGHT”. Emails from Demons Today.

George Guards the Heavenly Gates

TODAY, Port Townsend Attorney Julie St. Marie and Attorney George Paul Trejo Jr.

Sent me “vile” “evil” hate eMail. (BOOM) They committed a Hate Crime it sure seems by attacking my church, my ministry and damning me to “judgment” and slammed doors at the gates of heaven. 

Ms. Cox:

I write you as requested in your YouTube post regarding Julie’s attempt to locate her precious poodle- Lola.  

I doubt you are an ordained minister given the vile,  evil comments spewed from your mouth. Moreover, the Gates of Heaven will most likely be slammed in your face for attempting to sit in judgment on others here on earth and your lies. Of course, a person need not be an ordained minister to know where you will end up in the afterlife

Please provide the church where you  became an ordained minister- I doubt it was anything more than a mere online church. 


George Paul Trejo Jr. 

Attorney at Law

“El Abogado Defensor”

For Transparency, I do not respond
Privately, to eMails such as this


SEE Jezebel Julie's Lovely Precious Dog Lola MATTERS. Jezebel Julie's Pain Matters. Michael Allmain's Pain and Suffering has no Value to Jezebel Julie.

As many of my Readers Know. Jefferson County then Prosecutor Julie St. Marie, conspired with Port Townsend Then Police Officer Wendy Davis and with Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue and her attorney Adam Karp, along with hundreds of Port Townsend Prominent People I Called the CVAR Lynch Mob, to STEAL a Homeless Man’s dog and set him up for Criminal Charges, nearly killed him, took his dog forever, denied him owning another dog and charged him for their corruption. It hurt Michael so bad he nearly lost his life.

Here is my Blog with the Chronology of the Michael Allmain Case

Clearly Showing eMails with Julie St. Marie, then Jefferson County Prosecutor conspiring with Center Valley Animal Rescue, Officer Wendy Davis, Sara Penhallegon and others to take this man’s dog, with total disregard for the life of the man. 


Michaels dog was off the lead for 45 minutes that fateful day, the last day he would ever touch, hug or see his beloved bestie Moses.  Prosecutor Julie St. Marie advised CVAR as FOI shows, and she went after this man, a stranger to me then, relentlessly for a dog off a leash for 45 minutes. You see Julie St. Marie, at the very time she is taking away Michael’s will to live and ruining his life in every way she can, well this Hypocritical Sociopathic Psycho Posts on NextDOOR about her missing Lola, he precious dog was missing hours, then days. And she went on and on of what it is like to be without her beloved, people chimed in to support her. Normally that is Awesome Right? However not this time, as by then they already had Michael’s Dog Moses for around 6 months, and her pain and suffering for 3 hours was too much to bear. The Thread shows she knew the pain of losing your bestie, yet she inflicted this on Michael FOREVER, knowing she was inflicting this pain and suffering at her own hands. Julie St. Marie advised CVAR and Sara Penhallegon , on Your Tax Dime, and participated in cruel, underhanded corruption and for What Glory? To Ruin Michael’s Life, Why? For What? To Ruin Denver’s Life and for what, a write up in the paper on what a great animal rights activist this Demon is?

Well that Hypocrisy on the NextDoor Page at the Same time she was lawlessly terrorizing Michael Allmain led me to post a short video of the post. The Video is linked below and is what Got My Vile Evil Expulsion from Heaven apparently.

October 21 2022


So anyway I poked some fun at the MONSTER Julie for OMG my dog is missing I am so sad, but not caring of the immense, life threatening pain that Michael Allmain was in. She wanted to find her dog, and she is not an abuser if her dog goes missing but if Michael’s dog goes missing for 45 minutes that is worth destroying him, charging him for destroying him, giving him criminal charges and taking away his dog forever, his VERY LIFE'S Breath at the time.

So I posted a video online of the NextDoor Post and the Hypocrisy of it all, along with comments on Lola, Julies dog having teeth pain and that is not a Crime, while they take Michaels bestie forever and it is a crime if his dog needs teeth work.  

 The Corrupt Prosecutor Julie St. Marie Violated a Court Order to Return Michael’s Dog Moses, yet she is Above the Law, as are the others who knew there was a Court Order, such as City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Officer Wendy Davis, Sara Penhallegon, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputies, the PT Police Department and Chief, Prosecutor James Kennedy and Prosecutor Chris Ashcraft.

Recent FOI after waiting 10 months that includes the City Attorney KNOWING there was a Court Order to Return Michaels PROPERTY, his LIFE, his Dog to Him and they all defied it.


It is all in FOI emails, they KNEW that a Court of Law ordered Michael Allmain's LIFE, his personal property, his life saving best friend, his dog MOSES was ordered by the court to be returned to him, yet they defied a court order and charged Michael for keeping his dog illegally ($26,000), and set him up for Criminal Charges. He got a Guilty Ruling because the Court Said Michael was not indigent, yet gave him years worth of attorneys FREE because he was indigent. 

 I Did All I could to Get Michael Justice, but the Band of Demons United. I even filed Bar Complaints on them all and this Judicial Complaint to Try and Get Michael his dog back.

Click to Read Judge Mindy Walker Complaint


Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy ADMITS that the Court, a Judge in a Criminal Case RELEASED the Evidence, Moses, Michael Allmain’s Dog, on 3-12-2021.

Click Below to Read Details



Recent FOI Released after 11 months showing that the Port Townsend City Attorney Heidi Greenwood also KNEW for Sure that The Court Had Ordered that Michael Allmains Personal Property, his Emotional Support Dog, his Best Friend and Entire Life be returned to him per COURT ORDERED and they all Defied this Court Order. Click Below for Details



Julie St. Marie Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney, on Paid Time by YOU, is Advising CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon on how to Steal other People's property and Set them up for a CRIME she Clearly KNOWS he is not Guilty of. Click Below for FOI https://porttownsendnews.blogspot.com/2021/10/julie-st-marie-jefferson-county.html

Prosecutor James Kennedy Flat Out Lies, Check the Chronology, the Emails Clearly Contradict what he says at a Trial to STEAL

a Homeless Man's Dog.

Sara did participate in Stalking, Setting Up, Lying about Michael Allmain and

she did this to her own unjust enrichment.

 "And what the City, at least, recalls hearing in

evidence was that she expressed interest in helping

investigate animal cruelty cases -- not that any of that

pertained to Mr. Allmain. The City does not recall

Mr. Allmain’s name coming up at all -- or Moses’s with her

interest and willingness to assist and investigate in animal

cruelty cases."

Click Below to Read Full Trial Transcript, Page 374 is Above LIE, as Sara's emails with Officer Wendy Davis do say she will help make a case SPECIFICALLY against Michael Allmain. 


CLICK Below for Videos ON the Michael Allmain Case including Trial Transcript Videos


SOME More Research on Jezebel Julie St. Marie and the Michael Allmain Case

https://PortTownsendNews.blogspot.com/search?q=Julie https://JulieStMarie.blogspot.com/

Jule St. Marie and the Jefferson County and City of Port Townsend Band of Demons really did do bad, horrible, Evil, corrupt things to Michael Allmain and Denver Shoop and it really is NOT OK.

I have Tried to Get Michael Allmain an attorney, as he has a VERY good Civil Case Against the Following Professionally and Personally:  Jefferson County Sheriff and Deputies, Jefferson County Prosecutors Melissa Pleimann, James Kennedy, Julie St. Marie and Chris Ashcraft, Officer Wendy Davis professionally and personally, Port Townsend Police several officers personal and professionally. So if you are will to SUE them all and take Michael’s case, email me at ReverendCrystalCox@gMail.com

These People RUIN Lives, drive people to suicide, get people criminal charges, take away their best friends, and ruin them, and then ‘Cry Wolf’, pun intended, when someone exposes what they actually did. These Prominent People of Port Townsend run the town and they don’t care who suffers at there Dark Demonic Lawless, Evil, Corrupt, heartless, cruel, criminal behavior.

Yakima Attorney Who Emailed me the 

News today of Me Not Getting into Heaven

PDF of Todays Email Notifying Me of Being to darn Evil, Vile and not a Real Minister to Get into Heaven. From George and a BOOM and a Prayer from Jezebel Julie. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VFmSDQ7UYJ7iPIwTsi239Y09PjBV6Q5a/view?usp=sharing