Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Julie St. Marie Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney, on Paid Time by YOU, is Advising CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon on how to Steal other People's property and Set them up for a CRIME she Clearly KNOWS he is not Guilty of.

   Port Townsend Washington COP, Wendy Davis, Sets up a Homeless Guy and Steals His Emotional Support Dog. Clear Evidence of Co-Conspirators among the Jefferson County Government and a long established Local Non Profit Center Valley Animal Rescue. 

Co-Conspirator Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Carefully Analyzing likelihood of Success of the DEVIOUS PLAN to STEAL a Homeless Man's Dog and Set him up for a CRIME.

SELECTIVE PROSECUTION is a CRIME Julie St. Marie, as is Abuse of Process, Theft, Life Endangerment, Criminal Defamation and Fraud on the Courts.  ALL that LAW Stuff COMING Later.  For Now Let's See What CVAR Sara's Response is.

Tuesday, February 4th 2020 11PM from Sara Penhallegon CVAR to Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie.

How Do I Do Better At Setting this Guy up to my Own Enrichment, oh and for others too?  

So Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue asks HOW CAN I Make a Better Case to Get this Guy Next time and other's like him? (Well I Summarize, you can read it for yourself in the email above).  

BELOW, on Taxpayer Time, Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie ANSWERS the Above, (LEGAL ADVICE?). 

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie gives CVAR Sara a Detailed way to get this guy next time, as we see below. 

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie clearly states all the reasons they can't get Michael Allmain yet, but here is a plan for later.

THESE are the Monsters Among Us. 

Total Disregard for the MAN, just want the DOG at all Cost to the Owner and to their UNJUST ENRICHMENT. 

They know Michael is innocent, they still pursue the plan, this is February of 2020, 9 months before they finally executed their plan to set Michael up for an Abandoned Dog Statute of which NEVER Happened.  

Keep in mind these guys had MALICE, as they KNEW what they posted and claimed bout Michael Allmain was not true (a Falsehood). This email thread is further proof that there was no Evidence Michael Drug Moses, and that is because he didn't.

Also Check out the post below regarding May 11, 2019 when CVAR Sara posted publicly on her CVAR FB page that Moses jumped, then went on to criminally Defame Michael Allmain and cause him severe deliberate Mental Anguish by inciting a violent dangerous lynch mob against him claiming he did drag the dog. 

Posted Here by 
Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light

More on this Story at :

Michael Allmain Case







Michael Allmain Case Rumble
