Thursday, October 7, 2021

Jefferson County Prosecutor put in the Court Record that Michael Allmain is Indigent. Yet Michael Allmain was found GUILTY and can never Own a Dog Again nor Ever get his dog back, Court Said there was not a Record of Michael being Indigent.

 An indigent person is defined as extremely poor, lacking the basic resources of a normal life by definition. 

In a Court Hearing on 3-26-2021 Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Puts on the Court Record that Michael Allmain is indigent.

An indigent person is defined as extremely poor, lacking the basic resources.  ONE Clear Sign in COURT that a person is INDIGENT as a Matter of Record, in a Criminal Case, is they Have Public Attorney.

If Michael Allmain was NOT Indigent he would not have had Nat Jacobs as his Public Attorney, and perhaps never ever met him Right?  So, the VERY FACT that Michael Allmain has a PUBLIC ATTORNEY puts it on the Court Record that Michael Was Indigent. 

This Post is part of a series of Videos, Port Townsend Leader Articles and other Evidence that proves there was a Clear and Proven record in the court as a matter of law, that Micheal Allmain was Indigent. 

You may wonder why this is important? 

Well Michael Allmain can never own a dog again as of Oct 2021.  He owes CVAR $28,000. CVAR I allege, through their attorney Adam Karp STOLE Michael's Dog, his Best of Everything, His Peace of Mind, His PROPERTY, Moses through what I allege as Fraud on the Courts, with a premeditated lien on Michael's personal property, with this lien they sued Michael for vet bills they forced, and planned to place, proven over 2 years with CVAR's Facebook Threads. They executed on this alleged crime on October 1st 2021 through Judge Keith Harpers Court in Port Townsend Washington through a Declaratory Judgment in Civil Court of which Michael had no idea how to defend himself on and Adam Karp did not care about this Pro Se litigants confusion and in fact preyed on him. (those nasty emails coming soon)

You see after the City of Port Townsend Took Michael Allmain's dog for being "at large" then they drummed up Neglect and Abuse charges for an admitted skin condition and ear infection. They gave CVAR this man's best friend and private property, and put his life at risk for a skin condition and an ear infection? NOPE for a VENDETTA by a Rabid Vigilante Mob led by CVAR, a Local Animal Rescue Non-Profit. 

A Criminal Case ensued over nearly a year, a Civil Case followed. Like a ONE Two Punch, GUILTY than Ruled Against. WHAM !!

Michael Allmain was RULED GUILTY of Neglect and Abuse by Judge Mindy Walker, the reason apparently, was Michael is Guilty because he did not prove as a matter of record he was indigent

The Question immediately begs to be asked,
How did this Guy get an Attorney FOR FREE, Right?

The mere FACT that Attorney Nat Jacobs, as Michael's Court Appointed Attorney was in that court with Michael, PROVES Michael Allmain Indigent as a Matter of Law, in my Opinion.

Later when we look more at the Michael Allmain Criminal Case Docket, we will see more filings, I Believe as to when the Court Appointed Michael Allmain an Attorney and for What Legal Reason?

My guess is this same court appointed Nat Jacobs as Michael Allmain's Public attorney because he was "poor" "indigent" as a matter of record.  Let's Continue..

How did Michael Allmain Prove he was too poor to pay an attorney?

Is that on the record? (Better Be Right?)

Seems to me the court would have a record that Michael Allmain was Poor before they wasted precious Tax Payer Dollars to pay for him to have a FREE attorney. Yet then this same court renders a Guilty plea because Michael Allmain or his attorney Nat Jacobs did not prove he was indigent?  What?  Wouldn't that have had to be done to be appointed a costly public defender in the first place?

If you were to apply for a Public Defender in Port Townsend What would you need to do? Read Below to Understand that.

So I have not got this from the Docket Yet, but for now, I am Going to Go ahead and Assume that Michael Allmain Applied for a Public Attorney, and that to Get this Valuable Asset given to him for FREE, he had to apply and be approved, and then, as a matter of court record Michael Allmain would have to have a court DETERMINATION OF INDIGENCY, on the Docket right? And then have an attorney appointed to him, but only when he had a Judicial Ruling that he QUALIFIED for a Court Appointed Attorney BECAUSE he was Indigent. Right? You following all this? 

So If this Same Court RULED that Michael Allmain Was Indigent and therefore Qualified for a Public Attorney, as a Matter of Law, on the Court Record, then HOW in the WORLD can this Same Court around 8 months later deem Michael Allmain GUILTY because he did not Prove he was Indigent? Smells Fishy to Me and I Trust the the GUILTY will be held Accountable, the Evidence of What they did to this man is Clear to Me. 

What was Worth this Beautiful Family?

Seems to me like somebody is in Trouble Here Right? But Who?

Well they have a well oiled Monsters Among Us Machine, and YES I will file complaints with all agencies against all parties. However for now I want the Public of Port Townsend to understand what happened here, as YOU could be their Next Target. 

To me there is Fraud on the Courts and Abuse of Process in the least, Either Way. If Michael Allmain had no Affidavit of Indigence on the Docket than he should not have legally been allowed an attorney, so if that's the case, WOW Right, who is on the hook for those attorney fees?  And if Michael Allmain had an Affidavit of Indigence, that qualified him for a Court Appointed Attorney, then how in the WORLD was he found GUILTY because he had not proven as a matter of court record that he was Indigent?

Sounds a Little Like a ... Kangaroo Court to Me

Kind of Makes Your Head Spin Don't It?


Was There a Court Ruling That was a Determination of Indigency in this Case or Not?

Let’s Take a Look at Washington Law Regarding 

Determination of indigency

RCW 10.101.020: Determination of indigency—Provisional ... › rcw

(1) A determination of indigency shall be made for all persons wishing the appointment of counsel in criminal, juvenile, involuntary commitment, ...

RCW 10.101.020

Determination of indigency

Research Link for Ya’LL

RCW 10.101.020

Determination of indigency. Provisional appointment. Promissory note.

(1) A determination of indigency shall be made for all persons wishing the appointment of counsel in criminal, juvenile, involuntary commitment, and dependency cases, and any other case where the right to counsel attaches. The court or its designee shall determine whether the person is indigent pursuant to the standards set forth in this chapter.

(2) In making the determination of indigency, the court shall also consider the anticipated length and complexity of the proceedings and the usual and customary charges of an attorney in the community for rendering services, and any other circumstances presented to the court which are relevant to the issue of indigency. The appointment of counsel shall not be denied to the person because the person's friends or relatives, other than a spouse who was not the victim of any offense or offenses allegedly committed by the person, have resources adequate to retain counsel, or because the person has posted or is capable of posting bond.

(3) The determination of indigency shall be made upon the defendant's initial contact with the court or at the earliest time circumstances permit. The court or its designee shall keep a written record of the determination of indigency. Any information given by the accused under this section or sections shall be confidential and shall not be available for use by the prosecution in the pending case.

(4) If a determination of eligibility cannot be made before the time when the first services are to be rendered, the court shall appoint an attorney on a provisional basis. If the court subsequently determines that the person receiving the services is ineligible, the court shall notify the person of the termination of services, subject to court-ordered reinstatement.

(5) All persons determined to be indigent and able to contribute, shall be required to execute a promissory note at the time counsel is appointed. The person shall be informed whether payment shall be made in the form of a lump sum payment or periodic payments. The payment and payment schedule must be set forth in writing. The person receiving the appointment of counsel shall also sign an affidavit swearing under penalty of perjury that all income and assets reported are complete and accurate. In addition, the person must swear in the affidavit to immediately report any change in financial status to the court.

(6) The office or individual charged by the court to make the determination of indigency shall provide a written report and opinion as to indigency on a form prescribed by the office of public defense, based on information obtained from the defendant and subject to verification. The form shall include information necessary to provide a basis for making a determination with respect to indigency as provided by this chapter. "

[ 1997 c 41 § 5; 1989 c 409 § 3.]

Seems to me Either Way the Court Messed this up, AS A MATTER OF RECORD, 
As a Matter of Law. 

So who is accountable for this man’s life, his suffering, his mental anguish, his life endangerment? His loss of his best friend FOREVER and Insult to Massive Injury, ALONG with that, clear to me, Lawless Verdict, Michael Allmain can NEVER own a DOG Again EVER

What a Bunch of Monsters eH?

All whipped up into a LIFE THREATENING, Torturing Lynch Mob Frenzy by a Local Non-Profit.  Lessons to Be Learned here Jefferson County Washington.

Surely No Matter which way you look at the information on this post, the Judge, in my Opinion Dunn "Screwed the Pooch" as they say.

In case my Reader is unfamiliar with the term "Screwed the Pooch" it means:   "to commit an egregious blunder".

Who is Liable for this Malicious Chaos?

More on this Story at 



Michael Allmain Case Rumble


Posted HERE by Reverend Crystal Cox, ALL Faith Church, Universal Church of Light Port Townsend Washington.