Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Prominent People SHUT UP and STOP Controlling the POLICE. Let them Do their JOB, Obey the Law and STOP Violating Peoples Rights BECAUSE you pressure them Too. JUST STOP.

  Port Townsend POLICE, Stop Breaking the LAW regarding the Homeless Community.

Even if the Local Prominent NINNY says to Break the Law and Violate the Constitutional Rights of those in your Community, YOU are Personally and Professionally Liable. YOU are, I Allege, Breaking the Law at your Non-Stop Criminally Trespassing the Homeless in the City of Port Townsend.

While Flat out Breaking the LAW I Allege, by NOT prosecuting the Actual Illegal Activity at the Port Townsend Fair Grounds, such as and Not Limited to Heroin Dealing, Meth Dealing, Gun Activity, Harassment, Violence, Drug Overdose, and Death. And I Allege, as a 20 years Broker Owner, that you are Breaking the Law and Violating the Constitutional Rights of the owners around the Fairgrounds by NOT protecting their rights and arresting Offenders.

While during that same time ARRESTING and Jailing people sleeping PEACEFULLY.  You are Breaking the LAW.  Please STOP.  Or Don't, Just Know you will be held Liable by a Higher Court System then Jefferson County Washington, Some Day Some Way.  You will be Sued by parties someday, and You will have a criminal investigation as I intend to file complaints every time this happens and NOT to local police that protect you but to the State Attorney, the FBI, Internal Affairs, Homeless Rights, Human Rights, Civil Rights, and others outside agencies.

It is NOT OK the way the Port Townsend Police handle the Homeless. The PT Police need to find a way to tell the Prominent People to SHUT UP and Let them Do their JOB, and protect our constitutional rights on ALL Sides of ALL proverbial Isles. 

Reverend Crystal Cox