Wednesday, October 20, 2021

David Willhoite Tried over and over to get help and protection from OlyCap, from the Port Townsend Police, they Did NOTHING as Far as I am Aware of.

 David Willhoite Telling the Port Townsend Police What Happened to Him at the Port Townsend Homeless Shelter.  (NOT a Safe or Healthy Place, in my experience and interviews over 7 years)

Port Townsend Homeless News.  There was/is massive discrimination at the Port Townsend Homeless Shelter I witnessed it over and over.   David Willhoite, a Gay Homeless man living at the OlyCap Shelter at the VFW in Port Townsend was discriminated against daily, he was harassed and threatened and NO ONE LISTENED To Him.  


Michael Case, Bryan Nash.  Michael Don, Robert Kline. ONE Story of the Rampant Abuse at the Port Townsend Homeless Shelter.  This man was abused there over and over and the Port Townsend Police did nothing and the harassment and discrimination against this Gay Homeless Man continued. OlyCap employees are minimum wage employees what can they do? When I was there, they can do nothing but break up fights. There was violence, loud noises all night, constant light, no privacy and massive discrimination and emotional torment. This is  David Willhoite, Telling the Port Townsend Police his story YET AGAIN.  The Homelss Shelter is NOT equipped to handle the people there and they decline over years and years, as they survive yes, but get deeper and deeper into mental frustration, driven by the system them keeps them in it, and does NOT HELP them to Get Out of It. They use the Homeless for their Financial Gain and either can't or won't actually help them to move on independently. 

The links below lead to pictures of the paperwork David Willhoite filed with the Port Townsend Police.