Thursday, October 21, 2021

I BELIEVE Jefferson County Washington, Deputy Brian Peterson bears False Witness, Commits Fraud on the Court, and Violates Michael Allmain's Rights to Due Process. What Do You Think?

 On April 13th, 2019, Michael Allmain’s Dog Moses fell out of his truck, and was missing. Michael searched for Moses and did not find him.  Michael placed ads on Facebook looking for his dog and he contacted the Jefferson County Sheriff.  

On April 20th, 2019, a Good Samaritan found Moses, wounded, and hungry after being lost for a week, and they called the Jefferson County Sheriff. (911)

Officer Brian Peterson and Officer Kevin Denney picked up Moses and Officer Denney took Moses to CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue who was NOT licensed to take in Emergency animals, nor are they a licensed Vet. A Licensed Vet was open at the Time. 

CVAR kept Moses and refused to let his owner see him. After 3 weeks, Paul Becker of the Human Society Jefferson County had Officer Brian Peterson bring Moses to the Humane Society. As this was the LAW, and MOSES should NOT have been at CVAR ever. 

This made CVAR Sara mad, and she complained to the Jefferson County Commissioners, she worked up the community to complain to the commissioners, and the humane society. (CLICK Here for That)

She incited a lynch mob on her Facebook page and when the owner told his side of the story, CVAR deleted it, as did the Port Townsend Community page when anyone stuck up for Moses Owner Michael Allmain(CLICK Here for That)

Michael Allmain was stalked, threatened and his life was in danger by constant stalking and threats from the CVAR Facebook Group (Lynch Mob)

I allege these two officers are liable for taking Moses to CVAR, he should have never been there.  If Moses was never taken to CVAR none of the following 3 year attacks on Moses Owner Michael Allmain would have happened. 

Below we discuss a Police Report by Deputy Kevin Denney of the Jefferson County Sheriff, this is for the Prosecuting Office. 

"dog brought in by Jefferson county sheriff's department, deputy Kevin Denney on 4/20/2019 case number 19-3761"

4/20/2019 is a Saturday. Deputy Kevin Denney took Michael Allmain’s Dog to Center Valley Animal Rescue, and NOT a Licensed VET, nor a Licensed Emergency Vet Hospital, of which was Open. 

Again Sara Penhallegon, at the time was NOT a licensed vet nor had a licensed facility for this situation. 

 With this, note that the Jefferson County Humane Society had a contract with the county and the city to take in strays, Paul Becker complained about Sara Penhallegon at CVAR for practicing without a license, and for treating Moses Cruelly. 

Click here for a bit more on that.

For this post what I want to bring your Attention to is Center Valley Animal Rescue’s letter says that this deputy brought the dog in 4/20/2019


Below We See a NOTICE OF IMPOUND From Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson, I Claim he is Bearing False Witness in a Criminal Investigation, as the Report Above sent to the prosecutors officer from Deputy Kevin Denney states that Deputy Peterson told Deputy Denney to contact Michael Allmain on 4-25-2019, as he had become away Michael was the Owner. YET on the NOTICE OF IMPOUND,  That Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson had Michael Allmain Sign on 4-20-2019, the same day that Deputy Kevin Denney took Moses to CVAR.  I have verified with Michael Allmain that it is his signature on this Fraudulent Document Below, of which Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson had Michael sign and gave as evidence in a Criminal Investigation. 

“Note: In accordance with Jefferson County Code 6.07.210 and 6.07.220 this document shall serve as notice that the above described animal has been impounded and is being held at the Humane Society of Jefferson county 112 critter Lane Port Townsend Washington phone 360-385-3292. 

You have 5 days from the date of this notice to redeem your animal or they could be subjected to forfeiture. Additional time may be granted if necessary at the discretion of the sheriff. You may be subject to a kenneling fee of for each day your animal is in the care of the shelter.”

On 4-25- 2019 officer Kevin Denney wrote a report routing on it in other words it goes to the county prosecutor for charging animal abuse in the first. 

4-25-19 narrative, Police Report To Prosecutors about Events. 

According to the Police Report Above, Officer Kevin Denney picked up Michael Allmain’s Dog Moses on 4/20/19.  Click Below to Read

4-21/19 CVAR Write Up. Moses is at CVAR.

On 4-25-2019 according to the same narrative above, police report. Officer Kevin Denney says in this report that "Deputy Peterson was able to determine the owner of the dog was Michael Allmain. He requested I contact Allmain on 4/25/2019”

Keep in mind folks what we just said above. On 4/20/19 is when deputy Peterson went to the home in Port Hadlock where the dog had been reported and picked the dog up he took it immediately to center valley animal rescue and NOT to the Jefferson County Humane Society, yet they had the OWNER sign a document that said his dog was at the Human Society and he could get his dog within 5 days, yet CVAR kept Moses for weeks and never planned to let go of him, I Allege this was ILLEGAL. 

This same police report says that on the morning of 4/25/2019 "I met with Allmain who advised he had owned the dog, Moses for several years.”

The reporting officer in this report is Kevin Denny and the approving supervisor is Ben Stamper dated 4/25/2019

The report above says that deputy Peterson found out that Michael Allman was the owner on 4/25/2019 and told deputy Kevin Denny, yet we see in the NOTICE OF IMPOUND dated 4-20-2019 that Officer Peterson, met with Michael Allmain on the very day that he took Michael's dog Moses to center valley animal rescue, as per the Date on the Notice of Animal Impound. 


We know this because officer Peterson had Michael Allmain sign an impound notice, on 4-20-2019 as seen below Michael Allmain signed that his dog was being impounded, and check out the law that it says

Dated that same day, impound notice

B Peterson #53


“Note: In accordance with Jefferson County Code 6.07.210 and 6.07.220 this document shall serve as notice that the above described animal has been impounded and is being held at the Humane Society of Jefferson county 112 critter Lane Port Townsend Washington phone 360-385-3292. You have 5 days from the date of this notice to redeem your animal or they could be subjected to forfeiture. Additional time may be granted if necessary at the discretion of the sheriff. You may be subject to a kenneling fee of for each day your animal is in the care of the shelter.”

This Cop Flat Out LIED, Committed Fraud I Allege and caused irreparable damage, long term mental anguish, theft of property,

Michael Allmain was told by a Sheriff’s Deputy that his dog was impounded at the Jefferson County Humane Society (Paul Becker, Director). This Deputy Peterson committed Fraud, I Allege, as he flat out lied to Michael Allmain as to the whereabouts of his PROPERTY.  

Moses, Michael’s Dog was Taken to CVAR on 4-20-2019, and NOT to a VET for Emergency Care and NOT to the Humane Society of Jefferson County.  To me this is a clear violation of Michael Allmains Rights. 
For 3 Weeks CVAR kept Moses Hostage and racked up outrageous Bills that the County would later pay. Including thousands in pain killers as their treatment’s were so harsh according to the Becker Complaint and noted remarks by Ellen Heinemann of HSJC, 

Link to video
JCHS Claims that JCHS and CVAR had to Sedate Where when with his Human They Did not.

They stressed the dog so bad it needed sedated, and refused owner to even say hello, comfort OR see his dog, his property. 

Posted Here By Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church Of Light