Friday, October 22, 2021

Michael Allmain Criminal Case: OFFICER Wendy Davis was NOT Authorized, I Allege, to issue a Criminal Citation to Michael Allmain in November of 2020, I Allege.

 Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis Set Up a Homeless Man to Steal his dog, and get him Criminal Charges. (Click Here and Decide if She was Authorized to Press Criminal Charges)

Take a Look at Chief of Police Michael Evans signing just what Officer Davis is allowed to Do and What she is NOT allowed to do. 

With this in Mind CASE Dismissed Right? 

NOPE they Set Michael Allmain up to have Criminal Charges, never own a dog again, neuter his dog and sell it.  Along with years of Massive Mental Anguish, Gas Lighting, Stalking, Life Endangerment and Harassing. AND a $25,000 Judgment against him. Next up Criminal Restitution.

I Allege that Officer Wendy Davis Never Had the Authority to take homeless man Michael Allmain’s Dog as Evidence in a Criminal Case as she was Designated by the Chief of Police that she, Officer Wendy Davis, does NOT “have the power of arrest or to issue criminal citations” Per the Chief of Police Document Linked Below from February of 2020, months before she arrested and issued a criminal citation in the Michael Allmain Case, November 23, 2020. YET these Monsters stole his emotional support dog FOREVER, and convicted him of Abuse and Neglect, and a $25,000 Lien. 

Direct Link to Document Above

Let's Take a Look at the Document. Keep in mind she was the Probable Cause Officer, that took Moses as Evidence in a Criminal Case against innocent man Michael Allmain and never gave him back. 

The Document linked below Dated February 10th 2020 says:

"The Community Services Officer is not authorized by this Commission to carry a firearm, nor shall the Community Services Officer have the power of arrest or to issue criminal citations. The Community Services Officer shall refer requests for arrest or criminal citations to the Chief of Police, his designee, or the Prosecuting Attorney."

So she set the Guy Up then referred it to the County for Prosecution, who as we know from Evidence was conspiring with CVAR per FOI emails between Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue and Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie, Click Here for a Reminder on that Evidence.

So after the "Criminal" referral the Corrupt Prosecutors took over, and they all kept in contact with CVAR and gave them legal advice the whole time. Click Here for Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie telling CVAR how to Get Michael Allmain for Good Next time and they do, conspiring with Officer Wendy Davis and Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann.

WOW Right? Her incident reports such as the once linked below says Closed by Arrest, her CRIMINAL probable cause is what took this guys dog FOREVER in a Criminal Case. 

Closed by Arrest

To Me this says Chief of Police Michael Evans is saying that Officer Wendy Davis is NOT authorized to press criminal charges, so why did she with Michal Allmain? Well she tried to set it up as an Abandonment Statute and Dog at Large, He Got Criminal Charges and can never own a dog again and lost his dog, her evidence FOREVER. So to make it legit you would have to conspire with a prosecuting attorney, lucky for them, ALL FOUR Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorneys conspired with CVAR as easily seen through FOI eMails, Click Here for a Few.

Posted here By Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light