Tuesday, October 12, 2021

eMails between Co-Conspirators in the Michael Allmain Case (FOI eMail Vid 2) Port Townsend Cop sets up a Homeless Man for a Crime and Steals His Emotional Support Dog FOREVER. And Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Giving Play by Play Legal Advice to CVAR

 Freedom of Information Emails Michael Allmain Case 2

February 2020 Co-Conspirator Prosecuting Attorney Julie St Marie GIVES you a Play by Play on how to do this sort of thing, and Seeming Giving Center Valley Animal Rescue Legal Advice on Taxpayers Time. 

1. Prosecuting Attorney Julie St Marie Says NO PROOF Dog was drug, may not play well in court. SEE they KNEW he did not drag his dog and they maliciously criminally defamed this man to their own unjust enrichment and with MALICE, with intent.  Meaning they knew they were lying as these FOI eMails Prove. 

Also Check out the Video Below for more Documentations of CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue KNOWINGLY defaming Michael regarding dragging when they knew his Dog Moses Jumped. 


2. The Cause of Injury Could NOT be CONFIRMED. 


Malicious Intent


3.  They Admit that Michael phoned Moses Missing into the Sherriff as Missing, yet that first time the Sheriffs Office Conspired with Sara Penhallegon, CVAR to Keep the Dog's Owner from HIM. The INNOCENT Loving Alpha Dog Owner. Meanwhile they let strangers to Moses visit daily. SICK SICK Demons.  They held his dog hostage the first time for 3 weeks and tried to keep Moses then but Hero in that part of the story, Paul Becker of the Humane Society Jefferson County, a Private non-profit that was legally contracted to have Moses and NOT CVAR, well he intervened or Moses would have stayed with the Demonic Captors at that time Forever. They were so mad they NEVER stopped conspired to get this man's dog, as FOI eMails Clearly Prove. 

Let's Continue with Chat about the eMails in the Video Above.  

Julie St. Marie Continues in saying that Michael demonstrated ability to pay by having a GoFund me Page. And proved not ABANDONED by his Posting On Facebook looking for MOSES - his DOG who was Never Ever EVER Abandoned. They LIED. They are Criminals, the Evidence is MASSIVE. 

Your Taxing Dollar Paying County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie to Plan a Legal Strategy Against Michael Allmain, an innocent man whose dog was life or death. 

OH and the FOI above has Prosecuting Attorney Chris Ashcraft.

They are ALL IN ON IT. 

Sick and Twisted Indeed. 



Here are More FOI eMail Vid (1)


Posted Here by 
Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light