Sunday, October 24, 2021

#JusticeForMoses Officer Wendy Davis Conspired with CVAR for the Abandonment Statute, THERE WAS NEVER Abandonment. Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann Conspires and Flat out LIES in a Court of Law stating that Michael Allmain NEVER tried to contact any of those people or agencies.

 Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann FLAT Out Lies to a Judge and Bears False Witness I say, in Stating Fraudulently that Michael Allmain Never Tried to Contact anyone therefore HE IS NOT GETTING HIS DOG BACK.

Michael Allmain Did Contact the Police, Wendy Davis and other, and the human society and prosecuting office

November 26th, 2020 Michael Allmain contacts the Human Society

Officer Wendy Davis Deposition, she admits she talked to own next day, but still tried to set him up for Abandonment 

November 24th 2020 Incident Report PROVING, not even 24 hours after the took Michael Allmain's Dog, he contacted that Exact Officer, yet she tried to set him up for Abandonment. 

December 1st 202 email to CVAR from Officer Wendy Davis, DOG IS NOT ABANDONED, Owner is Upset and wants him back, admits owner contacted her

December 6th 2020 Incident Report, Michael Allmain Calls police about his dog, they refer him back to Officer Wendy Davis (630). Here is that Incident Report Below December 6th 2020 

Also in Early December Contact was Made with Prosecuting Attorney Chris Ashcraft.  More of those eMails coming soon.

Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy