Saturday, October 30, 2021

I AM NOT SURE WHO GOT TO JUDGE MINDY WALKER. I am Sure that you Cannot Legally Have a Public Attorney in Court Without a RULING of INDIGENCY.

How Can Judge Mindy Walker Render a Ruling that Michael Allmain is Not Indigent and the Affirmative Defense Does not Apply to Him, when she is Looking Right at Michael’s Attorney, that the County is Paying for as she RULED Michael Allmain Indigent, Financially Unable long ago. 

Who is Paying Michael’s Attorney Nat Jacobs in this Very Moment that she says Michael has not proven he is financially unable or indigent?  YOU Are Jefferson County.  You are paying Nat Jacobs because Michael proved he was unable and this VERY COURT, in this VERY Case RULED Michael H. Allmain Indigent. WOW Right. 

Clear Fraud on the Courts. Clear Blatant Corruption, and Why?  This Video takes a look at the Verdict again and the FORM that YOU would have to fill out in order for the court to rule you Indigent, Unable to Pay and Award you, Appoint You a Public Attorney. Something is Wrong Here Folks, HE can’t be Financially Unable and Financially Able at the same time and with a FREE ATTORNEY because he is Financially Unable.  

To Me there it is not plausible to say that Judge Mindy Walker erred in ruling that Michael Allmain was Financial Unable as she sits on the bench and says it directly to the attorney YOUR Paying for Jefferson County because she ruled Michael Allmain Indigent,and that attorney is still sitting right there in that very courtroom for that Ruling. Who Paid for Public Attorney Nat Jacobs to be in that Court Room that Day? If the public did then there was a ruling that Michael was unable to pay. And in this there had to be employment records, public assistance and more documents reviewed as that is in the application to get a Free Attorney, as seen in the video below.

This is Your Courts Jefferson County. Let’s Take a Deeper Look, Video Below.