Sunday, October 17, 2021

Michael Allmain Criminal Case Port Townsend. April 28th 2021, Trial Confirmation Hearing, Michael's Public Attorney Nat Jacobs, asks the Court Yet Again to Preserve the Evidence. The Evidence is the DOG Moses as this same Court has Ruled Over and Over.

 In this Hearing we see, YET AGAIN, Judge Mindy Walker RULE that Moses is Evidence and she GRANTS the Order that Evidence, MOSES, be Preserved.  Another Words Not Adopted Out, NOT Neutered, NOT destroyed. 

Prosecuting Attorney, Julie St. Marie, CONSPIRED with Center Valley Animal Rescue, Sara Penhallegon and their Attorney Adam P. Karp, to STEAL Moses, and they did so for 2 years prior, non-stop, as emails prove.

4-28-2021 Hearing with Commentary By Reverend Crystal Cox

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Jefferson County Port Townsend Washington, legally advising, Sara Penhallegon, the Director of CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue, to PLACE A LIEN on a Man's Private Property, his Emotional Support Animal, his Family.  I Allege, this is Abuse of Process, Fraud on the Courts, Selective Prosecution, Criminal Defamation, Painting in False Light, THEFT, Deliberate Knowing Cause of Massive Mental Anguish, Bait and Switch, Conspiracy for Financial Gain, RICO Pattern and History Criminal and Civil. Life Endangerment and FRAUD. oh and Don't Forget Lying under Oath to a Judge.  

MAY 20th, 2019 eMail from Julie St. Marie to CVAR, Sara Penhallegon. 

BELOW YOU SEE YOUR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY JEFFERSON COUNTY,  eMailing and Clearly giving legal advice to CVAR yet again, and COPYING Adam P. Karp, the same attorney that conspired to place the lien years prior to doing so. This is From May 30th 2019.  So, Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie flat out LIES in court over and over of her relationship with CVAR. She is clearly a Co-Conspirator in a CRIME, as far as it looks to ME.  

Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Conspired with Center Valley Animal Rescue, CVAR, Sara Penhallegon and their Attorney Adam P. Karp, to Set Michael Allmain up for a FUTURE Premeditated LIEN to Steal His Personal Property, His Emotional Support Dog, Moses.  Below is eMails between Julie St. Marie, CVAR and Adam P. Karp, Proving They Premeditated the CRIME, I Allege, of stealing a man's valuable Wolf Hybrid, of whom each puppy can sell for $800 to $2000, and he has had 7 to a batch. And of which was his Emotional Support Animal, his family.

Michael Allmain had Moses for his entire life up until these Co-Conspirators destroyed his family and nearly destroyed Michael.  And to the Unjust Enrichment of CVAR, Adam Karp and Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie, and YOU the Tax Payer are paying for it ALL.  Below are Photos Proving the long term conspiring with CVAR and Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie.

Animal Attorney Adam Karp of Bellingham Washington Joins the Discussion about a Lien against MOSES to Steal him in the Future through a Lien in the Civil Courts and Adam P. Karp give them the Statute to Go On.  YOU See Above in an Email from Jefferson County Prosecutor Julie St. Marie that she copies Adam Karp.  Jefferson County Prosecutor Julie St. Marie is clearly advising CVAR on the Lien and on their Complaint that Paul Becker Filed. WOW and on your Tax Dollars.  TO Me it is Clear that  Jefferson County Prosecutor Julie St. Marie is acting as an attorney to CVAR and giving CVAR legal advise, of which hurts others in the community.

Linda Vinkenes

Denise Halverson Leonard
Anna Maria Wolf

Marya Noyes

Below are a Few more Screen Shots of the Premeditated Plan to place a future lien to STEAL private property, I Allege, From the CVAR Facebook Page of May 2019.

Full CVAR Facebook Thread, MINUS the side of the victim, the side of the guy they are maliciously discriminating against, violent threats, breaking law threats, lying that dog is dead threats and painting a false "history" of Michael Allmain and his dog Moses. I allege is criminal defamation and life endangerment. 

CVAR deleted Michael Allmain (the property owner) side of the story, as did the Port Townsend Community Facebook page so here is the side of the Lynch mob and a few compassionate critical thinkers.

Center Valley Animal Rescue Lynch Mob Thread, CVAR I allege premeditating to STEAL a homeless man's dog. YOU Decide for yourself.

Below is my, Reverend Crystal Cox, Commentary on the CVAR Facebook Thread. A 6 part video series I recorded March 13th, 2021.
Part ONE

Part TWO

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

More On this Topic at Link Below

Posted by Reverend Crystal Cox Universal Church of Light