Saturday, October 1, 2022

Piper Corbett of Propolis Port Townsend is the Queen of what is "Unacceptable" in our her Town. Piper Corbett and her Hate Group are the only ones who should be allowed to instill fear or have concerns. Arianna Patterson likens us to the KKK.

 a Comment from the City of Port Townsend Announcement about the Stand for Decency Rally on September 3rd 2022 by Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative, one of us attacked at the Julie Jaman Press Conference as the City of Port Townsend incited the Violence, Condoned and Praised it. 

Piper Corbett Says the City of Port Townsend should not be advised of "potential violence". So Funny, our Group was NOT Violent.  The Group, I mean Lynch Mob that Piper was with on August 15th 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference was Violent. It was and is the City of Port Townsend itself and those Governing Port Townsend (ya know the Ruling Class and their Hate Gang) that were the Violent Party. Yet they warned that we were coming back to town with protection so we could actually speak, and that was violent to them. 

Propolis Piper Corbett says there is no place to allow a hate group. However, there was plenty of room for a 400 member Hate Group to attack us in a 20-30 person group of mostly elders, of which Piper was part of.  The Hate Is Obvious, so why do so many believe that Hate is Love and Support? Must be something in the water that the Port Townsend Prominent People are Drinking. 

Piper says our Permit should be Revoked, see only Piper and her Hate Group are allowed, they were not even permitted, and yet mobbed us and that is all Legit.

Piper does not want people to "feel" "fear". First of all if they "feel" fear it is because of Flat Out Lies of who the Bad Guys were/are and secondly, it is fine if we feel terror and fear, if we are traumatized and bullied, injured and oppressed and they gaslight us after, no problem. See we are not human, we have no fear or feelings unless we believe the exact same as the Port Townsend Hate Group that Lynched us and continues to daily. 

It is pretty outrageous what is "acceptable" and what is "unacceptable" to Piper Corbett of Port Townsend. 

I agree, however, the City should NOT have Put us in this Position but non the less the City of Port Townsend did, along with the incited hate from the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, Olympic Pride, and the raging rabid Port Townsend Straight Liberals who attacked us, and continue to bully, invalidate, gaslight, and incite violence against us daily online. 

Arianna Patterson likens us to the KKK.  WoW right?  

They attack us we come back to stand up for ourselves and we are the KKK. They are the Hateful People, Clear and Obvious, yet we are painted out at the violent party, the KKK?  

Twisted Indeed.