Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Nearly the Entire Port Townsend Police Force Made the Port Townsend City Council "Feel Safe". Oh the Ironic Hypocrisy.

I SAY The Port Townsend City Council are Dangerous Drama Queens

Want to KNOW who Gets to Feel Safe and who gets to be Protected by Armed Police when they don’t feel safe? Oh, and on Your Dime Taxpayers of Jefferson County Washington.

Well not the Lesbians of Port Townsend, not the Strait Woman, not Woman in general, not children and not PT men.

YEP you guessed it, the Town Council felt unsafe and so they got to have boundaries, armed guards, and so much FEELING SAFE.

Oh the Irony, and in a Meeting where they are denying Women that same equal right to be safe, feel safe or have equal protection rights.

Arrogant Out of Touch Elite Politicians of Port Townsend Washington. 

The Women speaking up to feel safe, to be safe are not the aggressors. The Trans Women and supporters are the ones who are being verbally abusive, threatening, name calling and aggressive. And the YMCA calls this being “supportive” and the Y thanks them.

I Fear the aggression of the Trans Women who are clearly stronger than me, as they are the ones acting with violent words, threats and aggressions. If we “born as women” feel “UNSAFE” for ANY reason we are the bigots, the transphobes, the haters. We are bullied, threatened, banned, discriminated against, unheard, discounted, gaslighted, called names and outcast.

We are not the ones emitting violent words and actions. We are only asking for Equal rights of Safety and Protection. We are told to sit down and shut up. We are banned. We are Gaslighted and called Crazy. We are outcast from the sanctity of “women’s rights''.

I FEAR the Port Townsend Government and PT Police as I saw first hand how they discriminate against people, make up evidence, to target who they don’t like, respect or value and how they set up a man, lied about him and nearly drove him to suicide for their own egos. No Compassion, No Honor, No Dignity and the LAW did not matter they broke the Law, they are above the Law.

A governing body such as this and police force answering to them is what I FEAR. As they can set me up for criminal charges, endanger my life, abuse me, taunt me, bully me at any given moment for any reason. They are above the Law. It is THEM I FEAR.  

Live in a Vehicle in Port Townsend they bully and harass you at their whim, they threaten to take your home if you speak out about them. They don’t care how much anxiety, stress or suicidal thoughts it causes. Yes against Washington State Law. But when it comes to who they want to discriminate against, bully or set up the WA State law is irrelevant. 

The truth or law does not matter in Port Townsend Government or Law Enforcement. What matters is what they “believe” what and who “they” value.

Many of the Port Townsend Police Force want to uphold the Law, but “woke” politics prevents them. They answer to the EVIL Mayor and the Demonic Politicians around him. 

The Jefferson County Law Enforcement cater to the City of Port Townsend Politics and will ticket us, threaten to take our vehicles, set us up for crimes, fine us, steal our emotional support animals and do as they please at any moment. Causing massive PTSD wondering when it will happen next.

The City of Port Townsend will allow a police officer to set up a homeless man, and nearly kill him with weaponizing law enforcement, county prosecutors, the county sheriff, county deputies, and any other resource, as well as spent massive money all to NOT be WRONG, and to get their man (targeted individual whomever it may be that day).

Little Video of Port Townsend Free Press Post on this hypocrisy, as the Port Townsend City Councils NEEDS to “feel safe” and the get to.