Tuesday, August 30, 2022

WHITE SUPREMECY RHETORIC Coming from White Liberal Men in Port Townsend. They are crying out that Conservatives, Patriots are WHITE SUPREMISTS and somehow blaming them for what LIBERAL WHITE MEN DID TO US..

 From my Personal Experience as an Eye Witness, and easily seen in all footage of the Event. 

It is not about Party to Me, it is About Sovereign Individuals, about TRUTH and no Hive Mind General Statements.

It is about individual accountability and actions and not some idea of a Group of people with a blanket set of values, morals, perceptions and life experiences.

It is Easy to Blame White Supremacy, and then you can look at groups of people and label them as somehow less then you. And deflect the facts of the matter, and Deny the horror of what others experienced, otherwise known as Gaslighting.

Folks there is no way to spin this to Justify what a WHITE Liberal Mob did to those woman no matter what topic they had a Free Speech Right to talk about. Blame "Right Wing" Blame "Patriots" that were not there, Call my posts divisive and wrong, it won't change what happened. At some point you will have to Accept what this angry WHITE Liberal Mob did to elderly men and women in your community and that is not justifiable with any argument, spin or deflection. It is NOT OK, no matter how many other Groups you Blame.

Unhealed Trauma, Triggers and Programs and Blaming People or Groups that DID NOT ATTACK Us, out of your own Fear, Insecurity and unhealed Wounds is not going to change what those 35 people actually truly experience at the hands of an angry, violent, hateful mob in Port Townsend Washington.

There was NO White Supremacists at Amy Sousa's Press Conference. The Angry Liberal White People are the Ones Who attacked Us.
Liberal WHITE Pride Members, Liberal WHITE Trans Activists, Liberal WHITE Antifa, and a Liberal WHITE Government, along with Liberal WHITE Local Women.

ALL of us were attacked by a WHITE Liberal Lynch Mob. We are ALL Divine Sovereign Individuals, and Independent Thinkers were were not that night nor at any point in time a Hive Mind, a Group or Particular Label of Any Sort.

What each Victim of that Angry WHITE Violent Liberal MOB does to heal from that night, to protest, speak out, to write songs or poetry, write books, blog, sing, dance or whatever they independently choose to do to express their grief, their sadness, their rage, there helplessness is nothing to do with White Supremacy or any one Group. And is their individual sovereign, constitutional, free speech human and civil right.

Make sure you are thinking for yourself.

We had a Powerful Black Woman Speaker at Amy Sousa's Press Conference, One that Fought back against CRT in her children's school. And WHITE Men and WHITE Women in Port Townsend Attacked her and 34 middle aged to elderly people at a Press Conference that were simply making a statement for the record for a local city council decision that effected us, our community.

Crying out White Supremacy out of Fear is inaccurate at best. Again we were ATTACKED AND ASSAULTED by a White Liberal MOB. They attacked us and a Black Woman Speaker.

At some point you Liberal Men throwing these tantrums will have to face what Patriot actually means and conservative means and discern, look at people individually for their individual actions and not simply blanket terms to cause a mass panic based on a delusion.

If you are So Happy and Proud of the Event of that Night, and as many of you have said the Good People of Port Townsend did what was right, then just enjoy your Victory, you taught us a lesson indeed. Move on, no need to keep raging against us, You WON. We have already been punished for speaking in support of our personal sovereign beliefs. Why keep at us?

Anyway, the Latest Magic Words to Cover up the Evil Dark Demonic Sins of Liberal WHITE Pride Members, Liberal WHITE Trans Activists, Liberal WHITE Antifa, and a Liberal WHITE Government, along with Liberal WHITE Local Women is simply the Magic Words "White Supremacist" they are the Bad Guys Now.

Peace and LOVE to you All

~Reverend Crystal Cox