Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Title of this Post is "the Elephant in the Room"

 So ya See, Local Port Townsend Advocate for Victims of Sexual Violence and one of the folks originally involved in Dove House, she is 80, her name is Julie Jaman, and it seems she has Harrassed some children in the women’s restroom in Port Townsend Washington, you may have heard of the #LetJulieSwim Women's Rights, Now Global Viral Civil Rights Movement Press Conference held by Amy Sousa on Monday August 15th 2022. Ya see this Ol’ Gal apparently, as the legend goes, she yelled or said PENIS really LOUD and OMFG there were kids around and our Local Town Council Member Libby Wennstrum says that is the ONLY harassment that went on that fateful day that sparked the Port Townsend Suffragettes Movement.

So ummm… hmmmm, the Elephant in the Room would then be the ACTUAL PENIS RIGHT? So a Real Penis in the childrens area is NOT harassing in any way, and if you say so, you are a Mentally Ill, Bigoted TERF Fascist, Homophobic, Transphobic NON Human. Yet the Actual Penis was in that very same room. So the WORDS are the CRIME? Perhaps it is a Mass Delusion or something in the water at the City Council Meetings.

Click below for a Video Clip of this Crime of Harassment for Saying the Word PENIS around Children.