Sunday, August 28, 2022

 "City Officials Lead Hate Campaign Against Women"

Posted by Ana Wolpin | Aug 25, 2022

"Like so much of the trans movement, inversions of reality abound. Terms like “discrimination” have been expropriated by those doing the real discriminating onto those being discriminated against. “Exclusionary” and “radical” are likewise inverted, projected onto women simply asking for basic rights when those doing the projecting are the actual radical extremists.

As noted in my previous article, in early August, city leaders betrayed public trust and hammered a wedge unlike any I’ve ever seen in Port Townsend."

"Mayor Fabor began the charge. But it was city councilor Libby Wennstrom who really fanned the flames, inciting Facebook followers to “show up” to confront the newly-dubbed “trans-haters” at the pool."

"In another post, Wennstrom promised she’d be there, too. The prompts found their mark. According to reports, attacks from counter-protestors at the pool were aggressive and full of rancor, shouting down and name-calling a small group of predominantly elderly women who’d hoped to have a conversation.

But that was just a warm up. Wennstrom has now ramped up her hate campaign, escalating the attack with a prominent new Facebook post in which she “updated her cover photo” to a threat against all TERFs:"

"Many Free Press readers have shared their distress over the dangerous divide being witnessed. The threat of being ostracized and even fear for their personal safety if they speak out has led many to request anonymity:

“I was there, witnessed and experienced the aggression from what seemed to be out-of-town rent-a-thugs. But there were also locals I knew and recognized dressed in antifa garb, with earpieces, standing to left side of the Cotton Building, watching like spiders. It was creepy and disturbing. As was the robotically-chanting mob. I haven’t felt a part of this place since the start of Covid. But Monday was a full-on rupture.”


“I saw four women in the speakers area pushed to the ground! I didn’t understand why a perimeter wasn’t set up so the crazed hooligans couldn’t interfere and hurt others. Surely the City and police knew this was going to be contentious or they would not have closed part of the street… Obviously, the City wanted to use this situation to bully by proxy, to crush free speech and compromise democracy.”


“I can’t imagine wanting to live here after experiencing the obvious set-up and abandonment of local elderly residents. The sight of a Port Townsend Police vehicle or a Pride flag makes my blood run cold. This was pre-meditated assault on law abiding residents.”


“Had I not witnessed firsthand what transpired, I would never have believed it possible. The behavior of the trans-rights activists — in the name of “love” and “tolerance” — astounded and sickened me… What I witnessed on Monday evening shook me to the core. The videos I’ve watched do not adequately convey the feeling of being there.”


“I also attended with the intent to observe and came away deeply troubled and sickened by the hatred and rage, violence and mob mentality expressed by my community. I don’t care where these people came from – the TRAs – if paid or invited to agitate. It’s still this community that supported the message of hate and violence under the guise of love and diversity. I don’t know where we go from here. It doesn’t seem that dialogue is possible. Or that truth matters.”

Click Below for Full Article from the Port Townsend Free Press who FIRST broke this story to the World.