Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Reverend Crystal Cox shares Panic Attack after 2nd Trip out in Public after Port Townsend Lynching

 Today, August 23, 2022 was My Second Trip Out in Public since our Lynching at the #LetJulieSwim Press Conference Monday August 15th, 2022.  I had a dentist appointment and had a massive panic attack, shook, threw up and had to leave. When I got home I made this video, it is intense so .. Some of the topics are Anti-Fa, Port Townsend City Council, Demons, and some more Reverend Crystal Cox Ramble. I shared part of my first time out, the video was about my reaction to Jennifer Thomas Assault. I am finding that many women and some men are having major trauma responses to what happened to us, and so I share mine in hopes to relieve others who may feel the same so they know they are not alone. 


#PToneNightStand #ReverendCrystalCox #PortTownsend #PortTownsendLynching