Monday, August 29, 2022



In Port Townsend Washington there are Two Magic Words that Allow the Port Town Community at Large, the Port Townsend Government, the Port Townsend Legal System and individual Prominent People to violate our human rights, our constitutional rights, to make decisions in our community that affects us and discount us, To incite violence, be cruel, discriminate, ridicule us, bully us and use tax payer dollars on whatever dumb money pit they want. 

And when folks like the Port Townsend Free Press report on these stories, with documented Facts to click through and research to think for yourself, they/them in the hive mind of the PT Liberals instantly discount, ridicule, dismiss all this violence, terrorism and illegal activity BY LIBERALS with two magic words. 

A Liberal government aligned with a Liberal mob, a liberal PRIDE group, and a Liberal Terrorist Group, to silence those who have a different opinion, needs, vulnerabilities or views by violent force and to this day the Liberal community is blaming an 80 year old woman for WORDS in a Locker Room where she was naked, vulnerable and should have been respected as an elder of our community.  

WORDS are the issue when the character of the PRIDE, TRA, Antifa, and Port Townsend Government showed us loud and clear that Julie’ woman’s intuition was right on, as they beat us into a brick wall to silence us. They are clearly and blatantly a violent group. And the Liberals, even this morning, want them to have access to your bathroom where you are naked. And use 2 magic words to justify it all. 

400 of them pummeled 35 of us. Why not just let us speak and move on?

 They showed what energy wants to be in our naked space. NONE of the speeches were anti anything, nor hate, they violently attacked us and I share the TRUE first hand experience and data collecting of the Port Townsend Free Press who was there and one of the many attacked, I share this on the Port Townsend Community Page and they use two magic words to make it all go away in their hive mind, hypnotic, lack of humanity, cruel, heartless, lawless interpretation of what really happened to us. The 35 living breathing human beings were Liberals, No Parties, Conservatives, Women and Men. That Group of 35 was bi-partisan and your magic words are pure evil, inaccurate and useless. 

These two magic words make it so the Liberals do not have to do any critical thinking or independent research or thought on any of the issues, just two words and all is well.

I don’t share much on other Port Townsend Sites Online, as they ban me immediately. However today I shared the TRUE AND ACCURATE Libby Wennstrom article from the Port Townsend Free Press Called “City Officials Lead Hate Campaign Against Women" Posted by Ana Wolpin  |  Aug 25, 2022. And they said the Two Magic words and then actually said the end of the story. 

Those at the Port Townsend Community page, called it “misinformation” another magic word to not have to think for yourself or do any research but simply be in a hive mind trance while bad things are happening to other people. 

The hive Mind Liberals of PT have managed to disconnect the Julie Jaman YMCA issue with the violent mob, so odd, they don’t get that these are the very same people you are ok with in Julie’s changing room and around your naked children. WOW RIGHT.

The PTFP broke a world changing story. They are the Heroes in this story. They report on the truth in your town, with the documents of proof and the hive mind has two words to go into a hypnotic trance where they do not feel human emotion, where they do no research and cannot read basic documents of facts, where they are ok with violent opinions and views, and ok with violent trans community members violently forcing us to let them into our naked space. 

They are still at Julie about the Locker Room, and are in some sort of dystopian trance that the liberal mob who attacked us is even connected. It is clearer now more then ever that these Liberal TRA activists, these Liberal Pride Terrorists, these Liberal Anti-fa Terrorists SHOULD not be in our locker rooms or around children EVER for any reason. 

Oh the Two Magic Words in Case you need them to cover up any evil in your life, or in case you don’t want to think, feel or act are “RIGHT WING”