Thursday, March 30, 2023

Port Townsend Washington Police Chief DENIES Equal Access To Government Process, Discriminates against Women, Elders and Lesbians. Port Townsend Police Give Police Escort to Trans Activists and Deny Equal Protection Under the Law to Women, Lesbians and Elders in our Community.

The Port Townsend Police Chief has Committed Hate Crimes in Prejudicing and Endangering Women, Lesbians, Elders and Denying Equal Rights to Port Townsend Citizens. 

Why did the Chief of Police Thomas Olson and City Manager John Mauro Prejudice so many in Our Community and especially Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa, and those of us who spoke at Amy's Press Conference? 

Why did Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship get special treatment and the rest of us bullied, prejudiced, discriminated against, beaten, Free Speech rights denied, Dignity and Safety Denied? 

Why did Chief of Police Tom Olson allow Hate Crimes committed against us, while he protected the City to seriously discriminate against so many community members while exalting special rights for one individual, Beah Ohlgren?  

Here is an Email from Port Townsend Police Officer Thomas Olson to City Manager John Mauro, 3 days before multiple Hate Crimes were committed against Women, Lesbians and Elders in the streets below this Proclamation Presentation. 

The eMail clearly shows that Chief Olson premeditated allowing us to be bullied, harassed, discriminated against and to deny us basic rights, human rights, civil rights and equal protection under the law. 

One PARTY, Group had police protection promised in advance and police escort and the others got beat in the streets while the Port Townsend Police Watched, Then we got gaslighted and bullied afterward by the City Council, Mayor, Chief of Police and thousands of community members online and in person in the streets, stores and parks. 

Why NOT Give Equal Protection Under the Law?

Radical Violent Trans Rights activists Given Police Escort to have a voice at a city council meeting of which the rest of us were denied due process and equal rights under law and equal access to our Government Process?



Subject: Proclamation presentation

Date: Friday, August 12, 2022 5:17:16 PM


I talked to Beau today and he said that you would be presenting him with the proclamation at the city council meeting. Would you like me to make arrangements so he and his entire group can be at the city Council meeting? If so, I can make arrangements to bring them in through the back door. This would be helpful in keeping the two groups separated prior to the council meeting.


Thomas Olson

Chief of Police

Port Townsend Police Department

Click Below for Original Public Record Email