Tuesday, March 28, 2023

 OFFICER MARC TITTERNESS Port Townsend, Jefferson County Washington, ABUSIVE Gaslighting MESSAGES to Victim of Port Townsend Hate Crime VICTIM 2 DAYS AFTER OUR ATTACK. He flat out lies and is clearly CONDESCENDING, ALL ABOUT HIS OWN POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS. 

Conversation between Port Townsend Officer Titterness, who was one of the PT Police at #LetJulieSwim Press Conference by Amy Sousa August 15th 2022, and one of the Victims shut down that night.

He clearly admits the Police knew the mob had Batons, Knives and Guns. yet they did NOTHING to separate the Groups. And City Council gaslighted us and said antifa did not exist. Chief Olson said we exaggerated. All the Makings of a stereotypical Domestic Violence scene. 

This would not have happened at any other Port Townsend Event, so why us? Why Women, Lesbians and the men who supported us? Human Rights Violations Galor in Port Townsend. Click below to Read Public Records communication by Misogynistic Narcissist Port Townsend Police Officer who watched our Free Speech rights shut down, our bodes get mashed, things ripped off us, pride flags smothering us, and flat out Hate Crimes committed right in front of them. 

#HateCrimes #HumanRights #FreeSpeech #PortTownsend #LetWomenSpeak

Click the Link Below for Full Conversation
