Friday, March 24, 2023

NOT Ok and NO I will Not SHUT Up, Bullies

 What the Port Townsend Government, City Council, County Commissioners, Olympic Pride, Quimper Church, and the PT Chief of Police has done through their violent reaction, discrimination, prejudice, inequality public attack on an 80 year old woman, with no dignity or respect for all, no investigation of facts before working up the public: and what they have done to violently suppress the voice of women, lesbians and the men supporting them at Amy Sousa’s press conference has created a dangerous divide among the public, the police and the local government. A divide so wide that we as lesbians, as women in Port Townsend are in danger every day as I, we see these same people in public, they are still attacking us online and the City, the County, the Chief of Police still seems to side with the Violent Mob.

Many say I am creating the divide by exposing what THEY actually did, however, my reporting is important, like it or not. Transparency is Important. Do with it what you wish. But you will NOT hide what happened in the streets of this beautiful sacred town I love. I did not create their violent behavior and it is not my job to be quiet so that the abusers can keep abusing. IT really happened, and Your denial will NOT change that. 

I will continue to paint a picture of massive Hate Crimes incited by the Local Government, covered up by the County Government, the Mayors law firm getting the FELONY Assaults to Go Away. I am a Victims Advocate, I care about the Soul of the World. And your bullying will not silence me. It is NOT ok what this town did to a long time elder, a local feminist, lesbians, visitors, woman and men at Amy Sousa’s #LetJulieSwim Press Conference. 

All should have the right to Speak on anything, and not be attacked, especially in a town that touts itself as such do gooders.  So message me, bully me, threaten me, I do not care. I do not fear death, I have Faith over Fear.  I work for the Great Spirit and I will continue to expose all the dirty deeds of Port Townsend interwoven hate groups prejudicing, bullying, discriminating, silencing and beating up those whom they disagree with. These violent activists do not want equality, acceptance or love. They want dominance. 

Does it make sense to try and convince a group to love you by beating them up, bullying and silencing them in the street? Does it make sense that the local government and Chief of Police encourage, incite and protect their actions?

I specifically say Chief of Police and not Police. As after attending those 2 events last summer, and watching massive amounts of officer cam footage. I believe the Port Townsend Police and the Jefferson County Police to be good men and good at their job for the most part. However there are a few that play prejudice and politics, but most of them are Good Men doing a Good Job and they are made out to be constitutional rights violating cowards. Thing is they tried to do their job, that is easy to see and per City Manager John Mauro’s direction and the action of Police Chief Olson (who had no officer cam on), PT police were made to watch us burn per se, be beat up, pummelled and our constitutional and human rights, our dignity be stripped away right there on Port Townsend Bay. This is not a third world country where there are dictators stoning women for who they love or not covering their face but WOW Port Townsend sure acts like it. 

So stay Tuned, I Will Expose them ALL. What you do with the Truth is Between You and Your God. 

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

   All Faith Church

   Port Townsend