Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Officer Marc Titterness Port Townsend Police. Misogynistic Narcissist I Allege.

 Officer Marc Titterness Port Townsend Washington, former candidate for sheriff in Clallam County messages an assault victim 2 days after our beat down by hundreds in a mob in Port Townsend that happened while he was on duty and did NOTHING to separate the groups. 

Where did all those Felony Assault Charges Go from the #LetJulieSwim Press Conference in Port Townsend Washington August 15th 2022? Is assaulting an Officer Legal in PT? Or just when it comes to protecting MEN that beat up Port Townsend Elderly, Women and Lesbians?

Officer Marc Titterness is sorry if we “felt” unsupported, what a condescending asshat, we were attacked, silenced, intimidated, bullied and abused on your watch. Did ya Notice? 

2 days later, hey it’s all good now let’s talk about me? What an insensitive unconstitutional Narcissist? 

Let’s Take a Look at some Public Records. 
