Friday, March 31, 2023

Port Townsend Assault of Police Officer. Officer CHOOSES to NOT Be a VICTIM. No Prosecution. #LetWomenSpeak Port Townsend Press Conference by Amy Sousa @KnownHeretic


Man Assaults Port Townsend Police Officer, Lot's of Witnesses. Officers talk about it on Officer Cam. Many Incident Reports State that he Assaulted an Officer, and interfere with an Arrest. Yet the Port Townsend Police did NOTHING to Prosecute. Why? It is reported that Officer Kamil Sharif, the Officer Assaulted, told one of the Victims from that night, that HE Chooses to NOT Be a Victim .

First of All you CANNOT Choose to Not be a Victim in this instance, that is condescending and gaslighting to all of us victims from Felony Hate Crime Assaults that night.  Under WA Law if a Crime is Committed you cannot choose to not be a Victim. One of our Assault Victims from that night was assaulted in Tacoma as well and the Tacoma Police sent a later telling her that she is a victim and there was a crime committed, it is in video, and whether she wants to prosecute or not as the victim of that crime, the City will continue with charges. Here in Port Townsend it is all about protecting those who committed Hate Crimes and Protecting those who interfere with an Officer in the Line of Duty, Purely to Protect Local Politics. 

Here is a Video with a bit of the Footage from the Amy Sousa Press Conference August 15th 2022 where Ryan S. Harris committed Felony Assault 3, apparently legal in Port Townsend Washington 

Port Townsend Police are Witnesses to a Felony 3 Assault Crime in Port Townsend that endangered the Public, and "CHOOSE" not to Prosecute.  Here are the Police giving their Eyewitness Statement