Sunday, March 28, 2021

November 24th 2020 Humane Society for Jefferson County Releases Moses to CVAR. Was it ALL by the Book, As a Matter of Law? YOU DECIDE.

Was there ANY Missteps in the Protocol of How this case happened? You Decide

The Link below is the Documents that Transferred Michael Allmain's PROPERTY, his Emotional Support Dog, his family to CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue.

Was the Animal At Large Laws / Codes Followed?

Were they required to Keep Moses longer at the Human Society as a Matter of Law? Stray Stay Laws?

Can they claim you or your dog have a "history" because of a past accident and use that to transfer your animal at large (your private property) to another town in the same county? to a non-profit ? AS A MATTER OF LAW? even if you were not convicted of such in the past? (keep in mind these are criminal cases)

And can they by law keep your PROPERTY, 4 months and counting now and place a lien on the property they took for services they forced on you by taking your private property, with proven prior malicious intent, by placing a premeditated lien. As shown at this thread below.

a Few Screen Shots of the Premeditated Plan to place a future lien to STEAL private property, I Allege.

Full CVAR Facebook Thread, MINUS the side of the victim, the side of the guy they are maliciously discriminating against, violent threats, breaking law threats, lying that dog is dead threats and painting a false "history" of Michael Allmain and his dog Moses. 

CVAR seems to have deleted Michael Allmain (the property owner) side of the story, as did the Port Townsend Community Facebook page so here is the side of the Lynch mob and a few compassionate critical thinkers.

Click Below for Playlist of My Commentary
regarding the malicious thread. 

Was it Lawful to NOT tell the Owner of the dog, the property where it/he was located? A homeless man they all knew, as admitted by saying history, as well as lot's of other evidence proving the City of Port Townsend and the County knew exactly how to contact, find this man.

Was it Lawful to Deny the Owner ANY information on where his property was, where his family, his Emotional support dog was?

Was it lawful for the Humane Society for Jefferson County to give out information on Moses's location and treatment to other members of the community? or anyone?

Was it lawful to use a "history" against this man, and take his personal property to a location of which he is given no information on where his property is? NO VISITATIONS? 

The "history" the Humane Society refers to in the Letter does not exist as a matter of law, in my opinion, it only exists in hearsay.  

Yes Mike Allmain's dog had an accident, that was 2 years ago. That SHOULD not be used in a case of animal at large, and called "history" and if it can, as a matter of law then any of you that have a dog that has ever had an accident of any kind then that is "HISTORY", unadjudicated history and can and will be used against you to 'steal" (I allege) your property, keep your emotional support dog and with NO information to you regarding where your family member your private personal property is. 

AND with NO Legal REMEDY TO GET YOUR PROPERTY BACK. Moses was transferred from the City of Port Townsend to a Non-Profit in Quilcene, WA (same county) within 24 hours, was this lawful?  There was NO REMEDY Given for the Property Owner to retrieve his property, his Emotional Support Dog, until 3 months later, as of which so much time passed that Center Valley Animal Rescue racked up over $11,000 in bills, of which at that point they could place a lien and keep the property forever, and with prior intent proven to do this exact thing to steal, take this property, this particular homeless man's dog

Officer Wendy Davis Legal Remedy Notice 3 MONTHS into IT.

Was it Lawful to provide a REMEDY to retrieve the property, the emotional support dog 3 months later? The law, as stated in the Remedy Letter above that the REMEDY has to be provided within a "feasible" amount of time, is Feasible a legal term?  Does 3 months, and after a $11k Vet Bill racks up, seem FEASIBLE as a matter of Law?

Is it Lawful to then finally give this Remedy, state the EXACT Total Amount to be paid to redeem your PRIVATE PROPERTY, YOUR Emotional Support Dog, and then when you meet their REMEDY Demands, they change the TOTAL and add more to the REMEDY? Was this lawful?  IF SO, YOU ARE NEXT. 

Unadjudicated means it was not found to be true in a court of law, yet they are using the prior accident as history as if a court found it true, and that is not what happened. The History allegation is painting Michael Allmain in false light (another allegation I will point out in a criminal complaint), this false light defamation, affected Michael in his animal at large case, A CRIMINAL CASE. 

Was all this by the book folks? Was it lawful? If you feel it was, then it had better apply to everyone, past and future, any dog for any reason in Jefferson County. 

ONLY a Lynch Mob I call them, a group of local individuals, government agencies, non-profits and attorneys say there is a history of neglect, NOT TRUE as a matter of law, right?

So if your dog has an accident, and years later they find your dog at large, got off the leash somehow for ANY reason then they can transfer it from the Humane Society for Jefferson County to a non-profit, give you no information and keep your dog for 4 months and charge you huge fees to get your dog, your property, your life back. All because of "history" that was "hearsay"?

IF YOU FIND ALL THIS LAWFUL. OK FINE. THEN IT NOW APPLIES TO EVERY PERSON IN JEFFERSON COUNTY.  Every Dog at large, of which I see weekly. Every Household, Every camper, tourist, homeless person, and well it SHOULD and WILL apply Equally to ALL.  Unless of course this is simply a matter of Discrimination against this ONE Port Townsend Homeless Man.

Click Below to Read the Communications that Released MOSES, Michael Allmain's Private Property and Support dog from the City of Port Townsend, from the County Humane Society and to a local private non-profit called Center Valley Animal Rescue.

Below is My Commentary on the Humane Society Letter and Communication with Officer Wendy Davis

AS I POST THIS, Today is March 28th, 2021, CVAR still has Michael Allmains PROPERTY.  Jefferson County, via Prosecutor Melissa Pleimain is still pursing criminal charges against Michael and has dug in and stated in court that they do not want Michael to have his dog, they judge he can't take care of Moses. As far as I see it they have all violated Civil and Criminal Laws, we shall continue to report on every aspect the best we can.  If you have a Tip, eMail me at 

More on this Story At 

Officer Wendy Davis, PTPD, Jason Greenspane, Garin Williams Paul Becker, Port Townsend Animal Control Case, Humane Society for Jefferson County, Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann, Prosecutor Kennedy, Michael Allmain Criminal Case, Vigilante Justice, Attorney Adam Karp, Center Valley Animal Rescue, City of Port Townsend, Prosecutor Chris Ashcraft, Port Townsend Homeless, Port Townsend Emotional Support Animals, Port Townsend Police Harassment, Port Townsend Discrimination Case.