Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Below is a Video Showing that Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann Flat Out Maliciously lied in court to a Judge, I ALLEGE, to criminally defame Michael Allmain and maliciously harm him, and conspire with other to steal his personal property, and family, his Wolf Hybrid Dog Moses.

Jefferson County Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann deliberately, knowingly, maliciously LIED in a Court of Law as she Claimed that Michael Allmain made no attempt to get his dog and therefore time has run out so Center Valley Animal Rescue get's to keep the dog, the County keeps the dog, and they all do as they please with a private party's, private property, his family member his dog Moses. 

The Judge seemed to be reminding her that she did not represent CVAR, and she herself stated that CVAR had no representation there on that day.

HOWEVER, they did have an $11,000 lien in the way of Michael getting his dog back, all so convoluted, at best, Criminal I Allege, as they deliberately and maliciously, knowingly with premeditated intent set Michael up to lose his dog, otherwise known as to heartlessly, ruthlessly, maliciously steal a man's property and put him under massive extreme mental torment with total disregard for his life in any way.

The video below shows two emails that I ALLEGE prove Jefferson County Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann deliberately, knowingly, maliciously LIED and with intent to deliberately knowingly harm Michael Allmain.

There will be other communications discussed, uncovered and reported on coming soon. 

Plus he contacted the Port Townsend police over and over and was directed to Officer Wendy Davis who IGNORED him and I allege violated his rights further.  

Lets Take a Look.


I ALLEGE that Jefferson County Washington Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann has Prejudiced Defendant Michael Allmain as a matter of law.

Meaning, she, they, are using evidence, implications and hearsay from a prior case (WITH NO CONVICTION) as a “weapon”, as evidence or implied evidence to prejudice a defendant in a current criminal case, 2 years later, of which he has paid severe consequences and is looking at even more severe actions against him by these same people, government entities, and a local non-profit.

I Allege that the City of Port Townsend and Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann have Prejudiced Defendant Michael Allmain as a matter of LAW.

As they are clearly using evidence, hearsay, and information from a past event of which Michael Allmain was NOT convicted, as Evidence against him in a current case for an animal at large, with a chronic ear and skin issue as he has explained over and over.

However, as you see on the CVAR Facebook thread I showed, they have NO interest in the Owner, Michael’s side. He spent hours answering every allegation and CVAR simply deleted his side of the story, his defense, his truth.  

When you use evidence from a prior offense of which there was no conviction, it is my understanding, that this “prejudices” the defendant in the new case as a matter of law.

Thoughts on Michael Allmain Evidentiary Hearing and Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann saying how LUCKY Michael is because CVAR has healed Moses and now he don't have to. 

Story of How the City of Port Townsend Took a Homeless Man's Dog, and seems like some sort of racket (CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT THE CRIME OF THEFT I ALLEGE), to extort the homeless FOR the unjust enrichment of Center Valley Animal Rescue seemingly in civil conspiracy with, the Prominent People, the Do Gooders, The City of Port Townsend, and Jefferson County, private parties and government agencies.

Full Story at Link Below
Post Written on the Knowledge, Belief, and Experience of Reverend Crystal Cox.