Sunday, March 14, 2021

Center Valley Animal Rescue, I ALLEGE, based on my personal knowledge, belief and experience has committed Civil and Criminal Intent to steal a man's property, to defame and slander a man, and create a vicious violent lynch mob based on hearsay, of which caused REAL Damage to Real People.

I, Reverend Crystal Cox, ALLEGE (in my opinion and experience) that  Center Valley Animal Rescue, Private Individuals, the Jefferson County Human Society, Officer Wendy Davis, the City of Port Townsend, Chris Ashcraft and Melissa Pleimann of the Jefferson County Prosecutors office, possibly individual police and or sheriffs, and other John and Jane Doe's were involved in a Criminal and Civil Conspiracy to steal the private property of Michael Allman, as proven in the video thread and PDF below, to me INTENT is Clear. 

PDF of 253 comments on CVAR Facebook Page. ALL of Michael's Side has been deleted.

The crime, in my opinion, is the premeditated crime to steal a man's personal private property, with premeditated INTENT. 

Hearsay Mob Mentality Lynch Mob

The civil case here, I allege, is the conspiring of all  parties TO THE ENRICHMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND THE UNJUST ENRICHMENT OF CENTER VALLEY ANIMAL RESCUE. And with malicious intent, as there was pre-meditation as proven by the videos and pdf in this blog post. And that this action caused massive life threatening hardship to Michael Allmain and his child, as I can prove. 

Keep in mind that the PDF and Video Commentary are from a blog post on  Center Valley Animal Rescue from May of 2019, and comments of how to place a lien on Michael Allmain's property (his dog) those comments are around a year old. 

THEN in November of 2020 someone let Michael's dog Moses off his lead from a yard in the City of Port Townsend, the police were called, the Dog, Moses was taken to the Jefferson County Human Society, then, Moses was taken to  Center Valley Animal Rescue.  

The Officer and others involved knew whose dog Moses was, they had malicious intent, I Allege. They deliberate kept the dog away, and I believe violated Michael Allmain's rights at every level of the process. 

Michael has tried since Nov. to locate his dog, his family Moses, and was ignored, they kept his dog from him, now we know Moses was at  Center Valley Animal Rescue, the issue? Sounds like teeth and skin condition.   Center Valley Animal Rescue has placed an approx. $11,000 lean on Michael Allmains "property" his dog Moses, this on top of the City of Port Townsend saying Michael can get Moses if he pays $2500, all this in the full blog post linked below. 

The PDF and Video of the Facebook Page Thread from 
 Center Valley Animal Rescuea Jefferson County Non-Profit Facebook Page

shows that all parties planned a lien on this man's property and to violate his rights, for quite some time. 

They are shown to maliciously, violently slander Michael Allmain and incite a lynch mob based on hearsay, while at the same time (shown in the Thread) ignoring first hand accounts.  This thread shows that, to them, Michael Allmain was GUILTY before proven INNOCENT, to them Michael is a POS and Scum, a Bastard and other evil violent words and threats.  All based on hearsay. 

Also on this Facebook thread, the private, personal information of Michael Allmain was given to the public at large with no regard for privacy rights, by who? Was it the Jefferson County Humane Society, Officer Wendy Davis, the Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann,  Center Valley Animal Rescue ? Is there a HIPPAA Violation? What rights does Michael and other homeless men or women have in these clearly violent discrimination issues?

Why was Michael Allmain's Property, his Family, his Dog Moses at  Center Valley Animal Rescue

What is the relationship between Jefferson County, the City of Port Townsend and  Center Valley Animal Rescue?  Jefferson County Deputy Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann and all parties?

Have a Tip Regarding anything on this Page? email me at .  I will post what you send at my discretion and if you send hate I will post that as well. 

VIDEO Playlist: Center Valley Animal Rescue Thread May 2019 INTENT to Place Lien Against Michael Allmain’s Property. Commentary Playlist by Reverend Crystal Cox, Goddess Church Port Townsend. Center Valley Animal Rescue Thread from May of 2019 Proving Intent to Place a Lien Against Michael Allmain’s ‘

Property’, his Dog, Moses. A few Photos of the Thread on this

Exact Topic.  


Center Valley Animal Rescue followed through on this intent nearly 2 years later (now).  MARCH 2021.  I ALLEGE Criminal Theft with premeditated intent and massive Civil rights violations. STAY TUNED this STORY WILL GET VERY BIG once I have All my Homework done.

Reverend Crystal Cox, Goddess Church Port Townsend Blog Post with Full Story 

If you have Questions or a Tip, eMail me 
