Sunday, March 21, 2021

Michael and Moses Case: Let's Talk TIMELINES, Legal Letters and Remedies.

 A Bit on Timeline, Civil and Criminal Conspiracy I Allege.

On the Evening of November 23rd, 2020 Moses, Michael Allmain's Dog, his PROPERTY, goes missing.

Michael Contacts the Jefferson Humane Society by phone and the police immediately, he is led to Officer Wendy Davis who allegedly ignores him.

November 24, 2020 by NOON private citizen Michelle Sanchez gets information from the Jefferson County Humane Society that Moses is at CVAR, and Posts on Facebook as seen in screen shot below. So the very next morning after Moses goes missing and his owner is frantically looking, even though ALL parties knew who the owner was, this woman knows?  How did this woman know that quick that someone else's private property was missing? And how did she get information of where that stolen property was, where his emotional support dog, his property was?

On November 26, 2020 Defendant Michael Allmain emails the Jefferson County Humane Society, “the Pound” as private citizen Michelle Sanchez calls it in her post at NOON the day after the property, the dog Moses goes missing, and “the Pound” who gave her private confidential information, REFUSED that information to the Property Owner, Michael’s family member, his emotional support dog Moses. 

Michael continues to contact everyone and anyone, he posts on community pages, he calls the police and everyone he can and is ignored. Others contact the county attorney on his behalf and they are shut down. Meanwhile the public, lynch mob I call them, gets information from government officials and a non-profit about his private property, his confidential information.

December 16th 2020 Michael has email correspondence with County Attorney Chris Ashcraft, he is told he can’t talk to him because a criminal case has been filed.  So WHOSE responsibility was it to notify the OWNER as per this leader article they admit they have to.

Michael Continues to beg, plead and search for months. 

Then on FRIDAY February 19th, 2021 Port Townsend City Officer Wendy Davis mails Defendant Michael Allmain a Legal Remedy to redeem his PROPERTY, his Dog Moses.  The law in the letter says it is supposed to be sent in a “feasible” amount of time, I guess that means months and 15k later, tee hee.  Anyway, 3 MONTHS in a letter is mailed to notify the property owner the LEGAL Remedy, as a matter of law to redeem his property. 

On SATURDAY February 20th, 2021 Michael Allmain gets the Legal Remedy Letter. (Click Below to Read) and he emails it to me, Reverend Crystal Cox, I get the letter on that same date of February 20th, 2021.  

Legal Remedy Letter 

On SUNDAY February 21th, 2021 I, Reverend Crystal Cox uploaded a video reading the letter and posted a copy on my blog.  Click Below to watch

On MONDAY February 22, 2021, MIRACULOUSLY, homeless man, Michael has someone offer to loan him the Legal Remedy stated in a legal notice, the $2556 in order to redeem his property, his family, his Dog Moses.  Michael contacts his court appointed criminal attorney, who then contacts Officer Wendy Davis and tells her that his client has the money ( ya know the LEGAL REMEDY can be fulfilled per LAW) and she allegedly acted surprised, I allege she did not think there was anyway for this homeless guy to come up with the $2556, so they would keep the dog and the issue would simply go away.  So she allegedly said something like, well, I am not sure I will have to check with CVAR and see if they have a lien or any expenses.  Ok So NOW the “Legal Remedy” has changed?  IS THIS LAWFUL?  Is this how it works for everyone, or just for us homeless folks?  

Ok so that phone call with Michael’s attorney and Officer Wendy Davis letting her know he has the remedy where we can pay and where is the dog, oh and MICHAEL did not know where MOSES was until that moment when Officer Wendy Davis said she would have to see if CVAR has a lien.  Though so many other people, Not the Owner, knew all along. 

LATER THAT SAME DAY.  On MONDAY February 22, 2021, WOW, Magically CVAR did have a Lien, well I allege they had one on the standby in case they needed it to ensure they keep the dog while they set the own up for criminal abuse and neglect charges and steal his personal property, harass and torment him.  THE LIEN HAS THAT EXACT DATE OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021.

Here is the Later that Same Day Lien (after 3 months)

Here is my Commentary on the Lien

So after 3 months Defendant Michael Allmain is given a Legal Remedy by the City of Port Townsend, and when he meets this Legal Remedy (by Statute, as a Matter of LAW), the City of Port Townsend Officer in charge contacts CVAR and gets them to enact their pre-meditated lien to keep the stolen property, I ALLEGE.

Full Story at