Friday, November 18, 2022

Port Townsend Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom Paints the VICTIMS out as Domestic Terrorists. 400 of them attacked us and we are the Violent Ones somehow.

Port Townsend Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom found humor in our Attack. 400 violent people attacked us, and she calls us the domestic terrorists.  Antifa, TRA and PRIDE attacked us, they are the violent domestic terrorists as a matter of law, yet Libby claims we are the issue. It is Clear who the Violent People are.  

They Cry Wolf, they act they need protection, We were actually assaulted, harassed and threatened. We had actual violence put upon on us, and not just words, we had no protective detail, no police protection at a permitted event, as the City of Port Townsend told the police to protect them and not us. And as the City aligned with, incited and supported antifa, violent extremist domestic terrorists. 

FOI eMail, Check it Out. 

"From: Libby Wennstrom

To: Frances

Subject: Re: your use of social media (chickens and TERFS)

Date: Friday, September 2, 2022 11:19:28 AM

I’ve never said anything remotely like “all TERFS leave the city”

I did share widely circulated a sticker image that someone else had created showing the Tsunami logo in pink, and the text “TERFS Out”

While the sticker design was intended to be a pun on “Surf& Turf” and bringing some humor to the idea that the “tide was turning” on hurtful stereotypes about Transgender people, I understand that some have tried to cast this as my “beliefs that TERFs should be “driven out” of “my” town. In hindsight, it wasn’t helpful to share it and created more upset and more extreme behavior.

Let me state this clearly: people are entitled to their opinions, however bigoted or hurtful I personally may find those opinions. The line where that stops for me is where that “opinion”

denies someone else’s right to exist and live their life safely.

Having an opinion that black people are inferior and are all criminals is protected free speech.

Lynching them, harassing their children, or sending them threats is a crime.

Having a opinion that women aren’t suited to elected leadership is protected free speech.

Keeping them from voting or holding office or intimidating them from running out of fear for their personal safety isn’t an opinion, it’s harassment.

Similarly, having an opinion that transgender women are only pretending to be women in order to prey on unsuspecting women in locker rooms is an opinion. Screaming at transgender women and asking questions about their genitals is harassment. There’s a line there.

I am taking a hard line about this issue precisely because I see firsthand the harm it is causing.

A 19 year old is having to quit her job, drop out of school, and leave her community and family in order to not have to live in fear of actual, credible death threats.

Dozens of parents were without childcare for more than a week because the Y was closed because of threats against the facility and staff, out of concern for children’s safety. Nobody wants an Oklahoma City bombing situation.

The Y aquatics director is receiving photos of her children with “they’re next” and has had to buy body armor and always travel with a protective detail.

The city offices were basically unable to function normally for days because all phone lines were jammed. Totally random city employees were being literally screamed at. The person who answers the phone for the water department does not deserve obscene verbal abuse.

Police overtime budget is in overdrive - this series of events will cost the city thousands of dollars that won’t go to other programs

Council Emails are so jammed we’re missing important actual messages while receiving hundreds of abusive, threatening and obscene emails. Our City voicemails have been unusable for over a month now.

This really isn’t anything to do with women’s safety, or bathrooms, or differences of opinion.

This is domestic terrorism, and it’s happening right here.


Link to Full eMail from Port Townsend Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom.