Wednesday, November 16, 2022

NO BEN THOMAS IT WAS NOT A CULTURE WAR. IT WAS PROTECTING WOMEN TO SPEAK, of which You, the City Council and the Port Townsend Police Refused to Do. You have no idea what September 3rd was really about. We have a Right to Speak. Those men protected us to Speak, it was not a Culture War.


We have a Right to NOT Be Assaulted when we Speak.

"From: Ben Thomas

To: Grace Rosen

Subject: Re: Fair for All

Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022 5:02:10 PM


Thank you for the perspective on this Saturday and the thoughts on what leadership would be

useful from the council at this point. I agree that if I, or another councilor, were to step up,

others might follow or feel more free to communicate what they believe. We've been quiet in

part since we haven't had time to meet beyond that meeting on the 15th. Perhaps we are too

reticent about stepping forward as individuals. I'm pondering this. Being new to the role, I'm

leery of getting over my skis. But there is a vacuum of leadership on this, so I think we should

step forward. I'm still chewing on the best way to do this at the moment.

As far as Saturday goes, I'm happy if Proud Boy and Antifa-types would have their LARP-ing

culture war somewhere else. I'm not interested in what either of those groups have to say. I

hope people stay home for that event.

I did read the PTFP article on the parent from Port Angeles. Julie had told me that story three

weeks ago, so I knew it was coming.

The best time for me to meet might be Monday at 4pm, which would be right after I finish my

FAIR orientation Zoom call. It might be useful to talk after that. I plan to be down at City Hall at

the time, if you'd like to meet there. But if that time doesn't work, Sunday at 2pm could work.

I could meet you near your place of work, or anywhere you'd like.

I have a couple questions from your email signature: what are the Jefferson County Freedom

Alliance and the Forgive Now Foundation? They both sound interesting.


Port Townsend City Council, position 1

250 Madison Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368

(360) 531-2211 (mobile)

"Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes,

but is a reward in itself." –Simone de Beauvoir"

From: Grace Rosen <>

Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 10:03 AM

To: Ben Thomas <>

Subject: Re: Fair for All

Great Ben,

I look forward to having a conversation with you.

Received an email from the Oregon chapter of FAIR encouraging me to communicate with

them in response to my email to Reid of the FAIR legal team that interviewed Julie asking if

he knew of a Washington FAIR group. Will follow up on email later today,

Are you aware of what’s planned for this Sat. 9/3 3-5 pm?

Robert Zerfing, a concerned conservative father who videotaped the entire 8/15 incident,

coming up from Portland, Oregon as well as the Proud Boys group.

We don’t think there’s any connection between the two because Robert contacted Amy

Sousa & Julie Jaman who declined to participate after all the aggressive behaviors of the

blended sexual identity protestors and the lack of police protection of women's bodies,

personal space, private property, speech or the peace during the city permitted press release

that took place on 8/15.

Jule was contacted by Robert Z. (see above paragraph reference) who videotaped the entire

confrontational behavior of the aggressive protestors who prevented Julie from speaking at her

press release. He's planning on coming up here on Saturday and invited Amy Sousa and Julie

to join him. I spoke over the phone with Julie on Tuesday this week and she clarified no

affiliation nor participation with Robert nor the Sept. 3 protest plans.

Many of the women who were present at the August 15th event do not feel safe after nonlocal

professional protestors' aggressive and intimidating behaviors prevented Julie from

speaking at her own press conference. Some women said some of the men were armed.

Women in our Jefferson County Freedom Alliance group as well as community supporters

of Julie are not participating in the September 3 Proud Boys demonstration nor protest.

We have concerns about escalating sensationalism & violence. Could be more online

rhetoric or become a reality.

A local man saw a circle of men on lawn chairs meeting at Pope Park. Someone local saw FBI people on the ferry, we are concerned about guns, weapons, fires, breaking of glass. Several of us from Jefferson County Freedom Alliance are alerting restaurants & shop owners on Water St tomorrow & Friday afternoons. Encouraging them to be aware and stay alert to what feels in their best business interest during 3 to 5 pm this Saturday, September 3rd.

I am also putting together a survey for our community to express their concerns,

suggestions and support for mediating and resolving this local justified concern for children's

and women's protection and privacy in public places such as the women's dressing and

showering room in the local YMCA. And, the YMCA held accountable for their

administrative decisions and unwillingness to discuss or negotiate with YMCA members' valid

concerns in more than just our YMCA.

Ben, did you see this article on Free PT Press on YMCA in Port Angeles, etc.?

to-child-porn-and-sexual-misconduct-against-women-and-girls/ May fan the fires of

all concerned fathers/parents in Oregon and Washington.

Contributing more constructive action and community communication about equal and

fair solutions from the PT City Council could help. I encourage you to announce a willingness

of the City Council to mediate with Julie Jaman and our local YMCA.

Your leadership in the City Council could encourage additional city council members to

commit to resolve our common concerns for fairness, justice and pro human rights for all

before it escalates into more confusion and violent factions that could further harm our town.

Thank you for reading, and I trust we will find some time to talk. I will be downtown

Friday afternoon around 2 pm.

I am working on Saturday until 5 pm. and have some time after 2 pm on Sunday. Please let me

know possible timing for you.


Grace Rosen, M.C., M.Ed.

Forgive Now Foundation

Jefferson County Freedom Alliance

On Aug 31, 2022, at 10:45 AM, Ben Thomas <> wrote:

After I got your and Sol's emails I also signed up for FAIR (I thought I had before,

but evidently hadn't). I'd be very up for joining a local group if you start one. It

would be nice to have something established that could react quicker to issues

like this more quickly. I feel we were unprepared as a community, especially at

the City level.

I agree that this needn't be political. My only concern with FAIR is the potential

for backlash due to their generally "anti-woke" philosophy. I imagine that some

key people that should be at the table might find issue with that. These are

strange times, ideologically. But I'm happy to hear that they have reached out to


I just got your phone message. I'll be back tomorrow and would be happy to talk

in person this weekend or Monday.


Port Townsend City Council, position 1

250 Madison Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368

(360) 531-2211 (mobile)

"Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt

complexes, but is a reward in itself." –Simone de Beauvoir

From: Grace Rosen <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 7:42 PM

To: Ben Thomas <>

Subject: Re: Fair for All

Dear Ben,

I was very happy to receive your email this morning.

Thought Sol and I were talking this evening together and then sending you a

response from us both.

However, she just let me know she already sent you an email earlier today.

It is my understanding that Julie Jaman was contacted by the Fair for All


They contacted her after Julie's story became national and international news on

many media sites.

Rebel News, Canadian interview with Julie and petition that has been signed by

close to 9000 people so far.

Here are those respective links if you haven't seen them:

I spoke with Julie today and she confirmed:

1. Three different people in the FAIR organization interviewed her.

2. All three mentioned they would review what she shared and then get back with

her about proceeding with a mediation.

3. It's possible in their deliberation, someone may have contacted city council,

however we have no information about this.

4. Julie confirmed with me today she is waiting to hear back from FAIR and that

she's definitely willing to participate in a mediation

with City Council, YMCA and herself.

5. A local survey is being designed and going out soon to all residents of Port

Townsend to see what the community public consensus is concerning supporting

a community mediation.

6. I went on Fair for All website today and pledged, looked into forming a local


Julie gave me an email contact to email requesting information if we already

have a local group in Jefferson County and if not, I am planning to start one with

absolutely no political agenda, this isn't about politics, it's about standing for all

humans' rights and taking a pro-human position for all of humanity.

In Laughter, Light & Love~

Grace Rosen, M.C.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 8:26 AM Ben Thomas <> wrote:

Grace and Sol,

Hello, I'm writing on behalf of myself as an individual City Councilor, not for the

City Council as a whole. I hope you don't mind me writing you both together,

but since you both wrote to the City Council to recommend doing some conflict

resolution with Fair for All, I'm making the assumption you may already know

each other. If I read your emails correctly, you both suggest that Fair for All may

have reached out to the City about this. I haven't been aware of this, but would

like to find out more.

I happen to be a fan of Fair for All and many of the folks on their board of

directors, but I can imagine that some would assess it, fairly or not, to be a

group with a political agenda. That said, I'd at least like to hear more about this


I'm personally in favor a community dialogue. It's going to be really tricky to pull

off. I've been talking to people individually and trying to get a sense of how to

do it. I would like to push for doing something like this, but I need some more

perspective before I do. I'm open to hearing what you both have to suggest.

Thank you for taking an interest in keeping the community together on this.

This is certainly not something to be swept under the rug.

Ben Thomas

Port Townsend City Council, position 1

250 Madison Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368

Source FOI eMail