Thursday, November 3, 2022

Port Townsend City Manager Immediately Takes side of YMCA with NO Investigation what so ever. YMCA Julie Jaman Banned. City of Port Townsend does NO Investigation.

 Port Townsend's VERY well Paid City Manager "terrified" at this issue? Why? Lawsuits? Well the City of Port Townsend did NOTHING to investigate this matter and clearly the YMCA did not follow their own protocols. The Bad Guy here is and has always been the YMCA Management. 



Subject: trespassed individual from YMCA/MV Pool

Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 2:34:33 PM

Hi All

I wanted to make sure we’re all in the loop re: an issue that just came my way via YMCA CEO Wendy Bart. Apparently an individual was trespassed at the pool for verbally abusing a YMCA staff member there at the locker room this week. Spotty details and a call back to Wendy for more info, but I she noted in a brief message that her staff member, a trans person who identifies as female, was given a barrage of terrible accusations and insults (I can provide examples – really hard to type them) and had to be asked to leave the facility and not to return. This person was identified as Julie Jaman.

Chief, making sure you and your team are across it. Looping Heidi in as I do when things terrify me and Steve from a MV Pool/facility perspective and given the nexus with other City-related issues and behavior.

I want to respect the sensitive nature of this but also to ensure we do the right thing and back the Y’s decision (which I believe they are allowed to make given our operations agreement).



Source FOI eMail