Thursday, September 23, 2021

We just want what is best for you. NO THANK YOU DEMON.

 Our Governor really thinks he owns my body, your body, your child's body and that he gets to say BY MANDATE, BY LAW, what will be a loss in my life and is acting as my God and Creator, Inslee - YOU DON'T GET TO  "WANT ME TO NOT LOSE MY LIFE"  OVER THIS ONE THING.  My Body is sacred. It is My Life.  You don't get to force your belief on my body nor say what will lose my life, it is my life NOT YOURS. 

When a Governor or health board, a doctor, the FDA, AMA, CDC or anyone really says they don’t want you to lose your life. We believe this to be insincere, as it is my life, my choice and nothing to do with them. How Condescending to suggest you know more about me and when my life may end then me and my God. You don’t get to protect me for me, from me, and there is no sincerity in the governments of man to say this, while they are clearly selective as to what they allegedly, forcefully, violently “worry” about for our best interest.