Friday, September 24, 2021

Michael Allmain Story Continues, Stay Tuned to See how the Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorneys really act. Kennedy, a Demon in my Book, Melissa Pleimann a lying evil minion demon, more to come

 Hello All, any interested in the ongoing information regarding the City of Port Townsend against then Homeless Man Michael Allmain, where by they set him up, stole his dog, and well lot’s of ugly, creepy things, well here is a link to my blog, however I am working on a document with the Chronology, and how this all came about to the best of what I know, and when done I will be filing Human Rights Complaints, Bar Complaints, Non-Profit Complaints, Animal Abuse Complaints, Officer Complaints, and complaints against the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson county and their EVIL prosecuting attorneys and lot’s More, as well as reporting on the other upcoming civil case where they are all SUED.

This will most likely be the most transparent court case Jefferson County Washington has ever had, Stay Tuned for all that, as it folds out over time. The Point: To Do the Right Thing. To Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. TO See Something Say Something, to get BETTER laws and response to homeless individuals with dogs, and to advocate for the rights of homeless people and others for Emotional Support Dogs. Stay Tuned, over the next few months, those involved will all be exposed, win lose or draw, well there will at the very least be Transparency.  Oh and Got a Tip or Saw Michael and Moses, email me anything at , Keep in mind if your email is nasty or threatening I will report you to the police, as well as post your email.  - Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light (Goddess Church)