Thursday, September 23, 2021

Jefferson County Health, Today, Posted on Suicide awareness, meanwhile their mandates are making people Suicidal


" Why in the world do you think we believe that you care if we commit suicide, when you are forcing us to inject a man made drug that has a side affect of Death, from a Disease that has a very small percentage of killing anyone. You are mandating a drug that is causing ovary damage, harming young people for LIFE, and will affect us for the rest of our lives. Whether you admit to your “public” or not, we the people are seeing it in mass online through studies, peers, doctors, nurses, healers, statistics and more study from around the world daily. 

This mandated EVIL is an mRNA that is the first of it’s kind, being experimented on humans, of which is NOT OK, not moral or ethical in any way, it is inhumane at best, it is purposefully, knowingly sacrificial and you want us to prevent suicide, what a joke. You are All Demons and work for the Dark, clearly. This mandated evil is also a first of its kind in that it is a Genetically Modified, an engineered Vaccine put into our body, of which changes our blood and DNA, of which the Pharmaceutical companies, and their politician co-conspirators can then patent. Just as they did with GMO seeds.  You are withholding and demonizing EFFECTIVE KNOWN CURES (we end up healing our loved ones in secret with REAL plant and energy cures that actually work) and you do all this deliberately knowingly, and with intent, and to the Unjust enrichment of Pharma and many others, including yourself. This is not ok. So Please Do not try to tell us you care about our body, and state of mind. You do not care if we take a chance on Death, you hypocrites have proven this over and over.  Oh and P.S Cancer has Always been Curable, oh but you guys know that too, more knowingly demonic sacrifices. "

  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light