Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hundreds Upon Hundreds Repeating the LIE. One Man at the Center of the Storm Telling the TRUTH. How Does This Happen? Stay Tuned as over the next few months I Show You.

Hundreds Upon Hundreds Repeating the LIE.  One Man at the Center of the Storm Telling the TRUTH.  How Does This Happen? Stay Tuned as over the next few months, I Show You.

Allegations, Article Written upon the Knowledge and Belief of Reverend Crystal Cox, Port Townsend Pastor of Universal Church of Light, ALL FAITH CHURCH

Introduction to Reverend Crystal Cox’s Article Series taking a Deeper Look at What Happened in the City of Port Townsend v. Michael Allmain, Criminal Case, and the Resulting Civil Case(s).

Hundreds Upon Hundreds Repeating the LIE.  One Man at the Center of the Storm Telling the TRUTH.  How Does This Happen? 

Stay Tuned, as over the next few months I intend to Show You as clearly and detailed as I can what happened, who did what, and how this happened to Michael Allmain and can happen to anyone of you at any time. 

It would be hard to imagine that so very many people and branches of government would be maliciously lying and ONE MAN, a Port Townsend Homeless man telling the Truth, so I will paint you a picture of how that happened and who did what, at the end of this article series you will see how it happens. And at the end there will be an online book, a living document with videos, research links, case filings, emails, and lot’s of nifty evidence I have gathered to paint this picture.  There will also be a regular book regarding this story, and a push for Washington State to change laws regarding Emotional Support Animals and other aspects of case law involved in this case. 

After this I intend to file Human Rights Complaints, Bar Complaints, Non-Profit Complaints, Animal Abuse Complaints, Officer Complaints, Internal Affairs Complaints, FBI Complaints and complaints against the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County and all who I Allege are Co-Conspirators in this case. 

This is a Case of a Port Townsend Police Officer, I allege, maliciously, knowingly conspiring with local private citizens, government agencies, facebook groups, and a well known non-profit animal rescue center in Jefferson County Washington called Center Valley Animal Rescue (CVAR). As well as conspiring with Washington State animal attorney Adam P. Karp maliciously knowingly, and with full knowledge of the facts, set up a homeless man to STEAL his private property, his emotional support dog, his best friend and family, and did so with complete disregard for the life and family of Victim Michael Allmain.  And knowing full well what they were doing. (aKa Malicious Intent)

I intend to paint a picture of Selective Prosecution whereby County Attorney Kennedy knew the laws protected Michael Allmain and stated such in a past newspaper article. And maliciously selectively prosecuted him anyway.  I will paint a picture of a whole lot of powerful people in high up places, authorities and a vigilante lynch mob.

I will show the vile, violent, gang stalking, lynch mob, vigilante hatred toward this man, Michael Allmain in various aspects and evidence as well as what Jefferson County Prosecutors do to flat out lie in a court of law and set up their target, as well as vicious venomous comments in video transcripts to let you all know how Jefferson County REALLY feel about the Port Townsend homeless while they use us to get more money for them, use us for Land Grabs in the name of helping the homeless. 

You will see how Jefferson County witnesses were all Good Ol’ boys and ganged up against this one man to paint a false narrative that almost ended his life, of which they had total disregard. 

I will show you how these co-conspirators attempted to drive Michael Allmain to suicide and cause massive mental grief on Michael Allmain and members of his family. And paint a picture of their alleged liabilities. In hopes there are no further victims of these co-conspirators. 

We will explore the commercial property stolen aspect, the civil and criminal aspects of this case, and show you the extraordinaire way in which hundreds upon hundreds of people, private and professionals, members of law enforcement, Port Townsend City Employees, Jefferson County Prosecuting Office and more conspired against a lone homeless man.

As Michael Allmain purchased this dog, his private property, I allege they stole with malicious intent as to me evidence clearly shows. This wolf hybrid dog has value not only emotionally and as a family member but Michael paid $700 for him, raised him from a puppy, and has sold many puppies for $700 each, we will explore the idea that CVAR and co-conspirators stole this valuable commercial property and their alleged liability, and prevented the owner from his valuable breeding rights and the enjoyment of private property of which he purchased. 

I will show you an eyewitness account from that day at the dog park, and attempts to get the bodycam footage of Officer Wendy Davis’s conversations at the dog park regarding Michael Allmain’s private affairs, and who was this conversation with, who called in and reported Michael’s dog loose and did they set the dog loose or just happen to be at the dog park. How did private citizens know in less than 24 hours as to the whereabouts of this private property, while the Owner could not get an answer from any agency. 

You will see Officer Wendy Davis seemingly lie in court as to whether she spoke to Michael or not and you will be able to decide for yourself if all involved acted in integrity, ethical, moral, lawful and well we shall see. 

What role did Jefferson County Human Society Play in all this? We Shall See.

I still allege that Moses, Michael Allmain’s dog was let off his lead by one of the gang stalking lynch mob we see on a violent malicious vigilante blog post of Center Valley Animal Rescue of where Michael was threatened and I allege criminally defamed, all in which I intend to explore via this article series. And keeping in mind CVAR maliciously removed the owner, the victim’s side of the story from their non-profit facebook page. 

We will discuss an attempt to find the bodycam conversations between Michael Allmain and Officer Wendy Davis of which seem to be deliberately withheld at this time, so more on that later. I intend to inquire and file a complaint with internal affairs regarding this officer's stalking, harassing and co-conspiracy, maybe at that point we will be allowed the body cam data, stay tuned. 

This article series will examine what co-conspirators allegedly did, what possible criminal and civil codes or procedures were broken and by who. You can take a look and if it is all legal, ethical and according to procedure then it is, and well it will be for you too. 

There will be A Deeper Look at Center Valley Animal Rescue, CVAR, Publicly Notifying the Community at large, their members, employees and others via their Non-Profit Facebook Page that THEY will Pay All Vets and in a bait and switch action they later file a lien for over 20k of those same expenses they promised to pay and how they maliciously, premeditated, with intent, used this lien to steal this man's dog and continue to rip his heart out, nearly a year later and still not able to see his dog.

You will see a Facebook thread where attorney Adam P. Karp gave the Washington state Code / Law to be used, and see how they spent the next 2 years harassing, stalking, threatening and setup up Michael Allmain, with clear premeditated intent and I allege stole his private property with clear premeditated intent to do so as the CVAR Lynch Mob Vigilante Facebook Thread show. 

You will hear Prosecutor Kennedy in court admit that Moses still has the same skin issues and is now overweight at CVAR.  As you witness Jefferson County Prosecutor Kennedy berate, judge and spew violent vile words you will see the pure hatred for this sweet, smart, caring homeless man, and you will not understand why or how a community could be so vicious, so ruthless. 

I will explore the actions and liability of Sara Penhallegon, Center Valley Animal Rescue and others involved in this case, you can decide if it’s “All Good”.

These articles will be part of a Living Document / Book online with FOI information, Trial information, Documents, Lies, other case filings, and well all aspects of this case. And these articles will be used in future Complaints Reverend Crystal Cox intend to file with and not limited to:  Criminal Complaint from 3rd Party to WA State Attorney and Local Port Townsend Police, Internal Affairs, FBI Complaints, Non-Profit Complaints, Bar Complaints, Humane Society Complaints, CVAR Complaints, Ethics Complaints and More.  Stay Tuned. If you have a tip or witnessed any of this email me at 

Goal: Laws Changed, Homeless with Pets Protected, Emotional Support Animal Protection, Discrimination against poverty and homelessness, and a voice for the voiceless. The long term goal is to change all the aspects of society, law, Facebook lynch mobs and other factors that led to this case where parties suffered greatly at the hands of alleged co-conspirators. 

Also a WHY: I value this man’s life, he was a total stranger to me as I witnessed the TRUTH and saw clearly through the Co-Conspirators lies and well the Great Spirit works in mysterious ways, we will also discuss who am I in all this. 

Center Valley Animal Rescue, CVAR, is a Washington State Non-Profit. We will explore what duties they may or may not owe the public, if they were properly licensed to treat Moses, if all the procedures were followed correctly and this ongoing saga of CVAR’s relentless rabid revenge for years against this man for hearsay, and NO proof of deliberate neglect or abuse. 

We will explore how the Jefferson County Sheriff's office acted in all this, as they took Moses to an unlicensed at the time, Emergency care facility, and other possible code violations.

I Allege that CVAR had and has no legally justified right to have stolen and held hostage, Michael Allmain's dog Moses, his best friend, his personal property. 

I intend to show the public how these things work, and to examine the importance of emotional support animals not only to homeless individuals but to all. 


Written upon the Knowledge and Belief of Reverend Crystal Cox.


/s/Reverend Crystal Cox


All Faith, All Denomination, Inter-Faith

Monday, September 27, 2021

A Voice of Reason in Port Townsend, YAY. This is so Beautiful, as we are being segregated, demonized, bullied, harassed, THIS A Beacon of Light and HOPE, and AWESOME INFORMTION


THANK YOU Ana Wolpin.  You have Restored My Hope and Love for Port Townsend. 

Below is an Article by Ana Wolpin, of the Port Townsend Free Press, a Voice of Reason, Fact, information and a Call out for Intellectual Humility for ALL.

'For nearly a year, the Leader, the Peninsula Daily News and other local media outlets have been censoring all voices challenging the official Covid narrative (see my February article “Of Covid Testing, “Misinformation” and Censorship”).

Then, on August 24, 2021 the Leader went a step further. Our local newspaper not only shut out civil, open discussion, it promoted demonization of and outright discrimination against the county residents it has been censoring:

“These dolts should be considered pariahs because of ignorance and intransigence. They should not work in offices or schools, should not be allowed in public places without proof of vaccination… Why is it taking so long to completely shut these knuckle-draggers out of civilized society?”

Thanks, Spreadnecks, for our COVID miseries”—an admitted “rant” from columnist Bill Mann—was riddled with name-calling and inflammatory hate speech. With no science to support what is now a political narrative to demonize the healthy unvaccinated (see Stephen Schumacher’s letter below), Mann declared the “anti-vaxxers” in our community the enemy, a scourge responsible for the “miseries” that have befallen the good and righteous vaccinated.

In response, at least six people sent letters to the editor (LTEs) that we are aware of. They are printed below. None of their letters appeared in the September 1st edition of the Leader. However a concerned letter from Stacey McCarthy was published.

“This kind of talk is what incites violence…
You have an opportunity to create a space for meaningful
dialogue at a time when it is desperately needed.
Instead you choose name calling…”

Rather than embrace that opportunity for meaningful dialogue, the name-calling continued. The following week the Leader again chose to withhold all six letters below. Instead five letters were published on September 8th cheerleading Mann’s vile diatribe and calling for everyone to get the shots.

A health professional whose letter was not printed called the paper to inquire about being censored. Publisher Donna Etchey assured him that the Leader prints all the LTEs they receive, a patent lie. His and the other letters continued to be withheld from publication in the weeks that followed. In their place, the paper ran more “just get the vax” letters.

“Bill Mann is to be commended” began one of the opening salvos, calling those who refuse the injection “a real threat to society,” like “say, mass shooters.” Another writer provoked, “The time has come to make some hard decisions about what to do with these people.”

Is the newspaper’s management proud to be egging on this vigilante mentality?

The Leader couldn’t be a more blatant propaganda rag for pharma’s narrative that we must have never-ending shots in every arm on the planet or we’ll never be safe. Get your injection is the message in every opinion piece, every cartoon, every news story, every letter about Covid it publishes.

The unvaxxed are “endangering the lives of others” say these misinformed writers. No matter that even the CDC says the vaccinated spread Covid as much or more than the unvaxxed. Or that the estimated 80-100 million Covid-recovered Americans who are unvaccinated have far more robust and durable protection against future infection than the vaxxed.

When history is written, it will likely be these Covid-recovered unvaxxed who are the true heroes in this saga. In the face of this leaky vaccine, those who developed natural immunity after contracting the virus may be our only hope for ever achieving herd immunity. But forget balanced journalism; the Leader will not allow these truths to see print, bent only on pressuring, cajoling and coercing more people to get injected with a dangerous, failed experimental product wreaking havoc around the world.

Freedom of speech is a thing of the past in Jefferson County. In a month of newspapers since Mann’s incendiary diatribe was printed, except for the initial token letter calling for meaningful dialogue in our community, not a single letter has been published that represents the 50% of Americans who see through this divisive fear narrative based on lies.

Who are these despicable “spreadnecks” – the “boneheads” that Mann and others would like to see purged from (im)polite society? According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, the highest proportion of “vaccine hesitant”—23.9%—hold PhDs. Nearly 74% of those refusing have at least some college education."


Full Article and Source

Posted here by

Reverend Crystal Cox
ALL Faith Church
Universal Church of Light (Goddess Church)

Friday, September 24, 2021

Michael Allmain Story Continues, Stay Tuned to See how the Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorneys really act. Kennedy, a Demon in my Book, Melissa Pleimann a lying evil minion demon, more to come

 Hello All, any interested in the ongoing information regarding the City of Port Townsend against then Homeless Man Michael Allmain, where by they set him up, stole his dog, and well lot’s of ugly, creepy things, well here is a link to my blog, however I am working on a document with the Chronology, and how this all came about to the best of what I know, and when done I will be filing Human Rights Complaints, Bar Complaints, Non-Profit Complaints, Animal Abuse Complaints, Officer Complaints, and complaints against the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson county and their EVIL prosecuting attorneys and lot’s More, as well as reporting on the other upcoming civil case where they are all SUED.

This will most likely be the most transparent court case Jefferson County Washington has ever had, Stay Tuned for all that, as it folds out over time. The Point: To Do the Right Thing. To Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. TO See Something Say Something, to get BETTER laws and response to homeless individuals with dogs, and to advocate for the rights of homeless people and others for Emotional Support Dogs. Stay Tuned, over the next few months, those involved will all be exposed, win lose or draw, well there will at the very least be Transparency.  Oh and Got a Tip or Saw Michael and Moses, email me anything at , Keep in mind if your email is nasty or threatening I will report you to the police, as well as post your email.  - Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light (Goddess Church) 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

We just want what is best for you. NO THANK YOU DEMON.

 Our Governor really thinks he owns my body, your body, your child's body and that he gets to say BY MANDATE, BY LAW, what will be a loss in my life and is acting as my God and Creator, Inslee - YOU DON'T GET TO  "WANT ME TO NOT LOSE MY LIFE"  OVER THIS ONE THING.  My Body is sacred. It is My Life.  You don't get to force your belief on my body nor say what will lose my life, it is my life NOT YOURS. 

When a Governor or health board, a doctor, the FDA, AMA, CDC or anyone really says they don’t want you to lose your life. We believe this to be insincere, as it is my life, my choice and nothing to do with them. How Condescending to suggest you know more about me and when my life may end then me and my God. You don’t get to protect me for me, from me, and there is no sincerity in the governments of man to say this, while they are clearly selective as to what they allegedly, forcefully, violently “worry” about for our best interest.

Jefferson County Health, Today, Posted on Suicide awareness, meanwhile their mandates are making people Suicidal


" Why in the world do you think we believe that you care if we commit suicide, when you are forcing us to inject a man made drug that has a side affect of Death, from a Disease that has a very small percentage of killing anyone. You are mandating a drug that is causing ovary damage, harming young people for LIFE, and will affect us for the rest of our lives. Whether you admit to your “public” or not, we the people are seeing it in mass online through studies, peers, doctors, nurses, healers, statistics and more study from around the world daily. 

This mandated EVIL is an mRNA that is the first of it’s kind, being experimented on humans, of which is NOT OK, not moral or ethical in any way, it is inhumane at best, it is purposefully, knowingly sacrificial and you want us to prevent suicide, what a joke. You are All Demons and work for the Dark, clearly. This mandated evil is also a first of its kind in that it is a Genetically Modified, an engineered Vaccine put into our body, of which changes our blood and DNA, of which the Pharmaceutical companies, and their politician co-conspirators can then patent. Just as they did with GMO seeds.  You are withholding and demonizing EFFECTIVE KNOWN CURES (we end up healing our loved ones in secret with REAL plant and energy cures that actually work) and you do all this deliberately knowingly, and with intent, and to the Unjust enrichment of Pharma and many others, including yourself. This is not ok. So Please Do not try to tell us you care about our body, and state of mind. You do not care if we take a chance on Death, you hypocrites have proven this over and over.  Oh and P.S Cancer has Always been Curable, oh but you guys know that too, more knowingly demonic sacrifices. "

  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Komo News Spreading Fear and LIES. Evil Misleading LIES. Oh and Check out the Comments.

 IS JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH BEHIND THESE LIES? The majority was vaccinated, why so much fear and LIES.  Unvaccinated “linked” to vaccinated’s covid death.  Demons, ALL of YOU.  The Vaccine is killing people world wide. Ask your friends, family and connected parties, massive damage is happening. Try Reading and Study without the your favorite political mumbo jumbo, try researching the science and data yourself and not listen 

To an unelected health board dictator. Do Your Own Homework.

Article on Komo Site Here

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Port Townsend, Jefferson County Public Health Washington, Clallam County Health Mandates: Reverend Crystal Cox of Universal Church of Light Port Townsend, Washington, responds to Naysayers on the Jefferson County Health Port Townsend Facebook Page regarding the Covid Vaccine Dictatorship.

 Is Reverend Crystal Cox Dangerous? How about some Intellectual Humility.

I want to share a conversation on my local health board page, as I feel it is important. 

I am not looking for anyone to agree with me, that matters not, as I know my truth, and I help thousands, believe or not, that is between you and your God, your own conscience and your own research that you are personally comfortable with as a sovereign individual.  

However, those questioning my motives and saying I am gullible and following fake science, and that I am a danger, well I KNOW my Truth, and so it is up to you to know yours, I don’t speak for you and am simply providing information to ponder and further study, the discernment of that information is clearly up to the individual.  However, in that it is not your right or job to force that truth on anyway, force me to UNKNOW what I Know,  it is simply information,, take it or leave it. How is information dangerous if you are certain of your truth, and certain of the information your favorite doctor or politician gives you?

I do not work for man (mankind) nor submit my will or truth to governing bodies of mankind. I strive to be Christ-like and to actually inform and heal people WITH KNOWN CURES, in accordance with living God Law.  However over decades I have read thousands of studies and helped thousands more to heal with plant cures, energy cures, frequency cures, psychic and quantum healing, faith healing and more, even after the doctors of mankind told them nothing could be done and to go home and make yourself comfortable and they lived a decade longer and still going. 

Not my business what you do with your health and your body, until you force it on me, on my congregation members, on pastors within my church at their jobs, then it becomes my business to that degree and I speak out, for me not for you. Take it or Leave it. 

I have also exposed corruption for decades and been round and round with the FDA as they shut down blogs, and raided labs and tormented healers and herbalists who were actually providing cures.   Cancer is Curable and always has been. Believe it, don’t, that is on you. Still the Cures remain and millions use them.  

I do not support the unjust enrichment of pharmaceutical companies and it is not ok, to me, that there is a side effect of Death, to me that is knowingly maliciously harming the public and to the unjust enrichment of Big Pharma and their investors and their government co-conspirators. 

I moved to PT in 2012 and reported on what I believed to be payoffs and corruption within the Jefferson County Health Board in connection with their known lies of the carbon, the toxic poison coming from the mill, reported on that years ago. The Jefferson County Health Board is a PUPPET for the Agenda of the Dark Evil Overlords of which has NOTHING to do with actual cures, healing, compassion, information and REAL SCIENCE, oh and not to mention quantum physics. 

I don’t need a person in a white coat to tell me what they “think” when I have spent decades actually healing people and studying real data from across multiple realms with actual intellectual humility of which doctors in general do not seem to have. And when I have spoken with Jesus myself and channeled information for decades, I have remote viewed so much and have had supernatural experiences for decades of which I won’t pretend did not happen to make you more comfortable.   I know death and do not fear it. My body is a sacred temple of the divine and not owned by the corrupt twisted dark controlling governments of man.  I trust the power of the Living God and not the agenda of the government overlords of mankind. 

You cannot convince me that I have not seen what I actually have seen and personally experienced, nor studied and know what I actually know. Though it may bring you great comfort to some to assume me ignorant, that is simply not the case. 

My mission is not of man but of the Living God and your opinion of me, your gaslighting me does not actually change what I have truly experienced over decades, and I believe lifetimes. 

SO MANY PEOPLE ARE Gaslighting US in mass, when so many are speaking out about actual horrific experiences, including Eric Clapton, they disassociate and IGNORE the information, I don’t and so they bully me trying to “Convince” me to unsee what I saw, Unknow what I know, so they are more comfortable. 

Anyway here is the comment to me today on the Jefferson County Health Facebook Page. I am sure many feel the same, hence me giving my two cents per se, take it or leave it right, you don’t have to read any of my posts. 

“you are one dangerous individual. Your psychic goddess status does not make you an expert on infectious diseases and your search for confirmation bias makes you an easy target for these bullshit websites and pseudoscience crap that you persist in posting!”


“Thank You, Blessings to You. I have been healing people for over 30 years and am a multi generational psychic healer, i have studied alternative medicine, energy medicine, plant medicine for over 30 years, I have helped hundreds personally to cure themselves of cancer, of which has always been curable, I have groups of over 12, 000 people in my church congregation, with side effect stories from real people daily around the world.  I know how reality is created, I have had visions and spoke to spirit, to God, Goddess Jesus and more for decades. 

 My mission is altruistic and  I ABSOLUTELY KNOW and I don't listen to doctors nor immunologists, I actually study thousands of documents and seminars of the actual science and not what their agenda says, if I am dangerous, it is only to the greedy evil demonic pharma companies and the non elected health board dictators and not to the sovereign individual who does their own research. say what you will, I have witnessed it in mass over decades, believe what you want, won't change that people are suffering and dying from IT, you choose and create your own reality.  I am dangerous to your way of thinking because I truly am educated on IT.  I won’t pretend to UNKNOW for your comfort level. Intellectual Humility is important. Try being open to other information than the corrupt FDA, CDC, WHO, AMA, Pharma Companies. Goddess Bless You and Yours.

You're the easy target, I have dedicated my life to these studies. Your assumptions of my life, my studies, my knowing, my background are not my truth, nor an accurate portrayal of me.  There are millions of documents online, yeah I study, I Discern, if it makes you feel better to think me as gullible and easily brainwashed have at it.  As for Me and about me I KNOW FOR SURE.  If my words don't resonate with you, ignore them. A little research on your own, a little intellectual humility and you would see the truth in my words. One day you might.  Peace and Love to You and Yours.”

Also I spoke of the Ivermectin information as pseudoscience, and stated that it is Nobel prize winning research over decades. It’s origins with Moderna and Japanese soil are fascinating, I don’t personally advocate Ivermectin I simply share information, as for me I would rather take a natural form of Ivermectin such as Black Walnut Extract.  I have studied a lot on it. Do your own homework folks, make sure you are thinking for yourself. I do not need anyone to agree with me on anything. I stand strong and true in myself and in my connection to spirit, to the divine, to the Goddess, Mother God, Father God, Jesus and the Living God. 

Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light