Saturday, December 12, 2020

POSTED by Reverend Crystal Cox, in Support of Michael Allmain and his best friend, his dog MOSES. "The city took my service animal from me"

 Statement Michael Allmain posted on Port Townsend Community Facebook Page.

The city took my service animal from me , the community I used to call home and worked for lived in and respected over 15 years has failed me ,

I will hold everyone involved responsible from the infiltration of activists who would rather spend thousands keeping tabs on me and stressing me out to the point of considering suicide, then to be a caring community and put me to work , to the non licensed for domestic animals vet he should have not been sent to but the owner has wanted him for over a year and put her money to work to bully ,rob , and ruin my life , to the ones who ignored and avoided all contact with me for 2 weeks acting more like thieves then professionals, as well as the few (un mentioned) member's of law enforcement who gained my trust just to strip the only thing I had left right as the holidays were around the corner ,

I had no idea humanity could be so cold , my dog was taken care of never went without food or water and every instance the could bend the truth and deceive the higher ups they took but they arnt getting any consequences for psychotherapeutic invasion tactics forced on me and my service animal,  I will be a good boy and jump through the political hoops with there teams running the show but if that fails I am going to exercise my right to protest and go on a hunger strike until my companion is returned or until the inevitable occurs, 

I'm tired of being an escape goat for peoples fears and entitlement and without my dog and the way my community attacks me again and again I have no reason to stay around and watch humanity fail , to support me repost this as they will remove it knowing I'm telling truth and in the meantime while I await court I plan to go out of county and get a mental health assessment (Again ) and another IQ test to show I am 100 percent sane and have an IQ of over 180. I also posted this would happen many months ago and my concerns for the people-groups that were following me and plan to put a stop to it either with the truth or with my life I am not the only one who suffers from the hands of uptown thugs and won't rest until justice serves truth”

Michael Allmain also said this on the site today: 

“I did see that I belive my post was removed as was the post I sent to cvr's website after the accident of moses and my reunion that they took down saying it was to graphic though they had posted bloody pictures of him and those were not , they then infiltrated my life everyday after that intending to use psychotherapy practices to make me look insane and nearly succeeded until recently I went to get our home situated and someone trespassed in the yard he was staying and set him loose , he then went straight to the dog park to play and was apprehended, if my dog wasn't publicized and such an amazing and extremely well mannered disposition none of this would be happening but everyone wants my animal because I raised him well and spent years training him , 

I think his disposition alone reflects the truth in how he was cared for , but again people with money and entitlement judge me from there own delusional thoughts and fears and again we suffer at there hands because politics and wealth persuade many people over love compassion respect and truth , but no more this time I'm standing up for myself and my remaining family member and am going to put a stop to it one way or another its unfortunate we even have to 15 years ago when I moved here it was a much different place since then my entire family besides 3 have passed and the remaining are not with me and the support I get from the community is less then I would receive in a freaking prison, and it really makes life unpleasant every second of every day. 

I've never treated another human being wrong even if they deserved I've alway carried myself honesty and with empathy, CVR never once returned a call and wouldn't even give me his bill I had over 500 dollars from a go fund me page that I respectfully returned all the money to the donors without taking a penny , being homeless at the time I think that also speaks volumes about my character, but we look I've in a world that only wants to see drama in everything they do to avoid all there shortcomings rather then admitting the truth”

Posted by Reverend Crystal Cox, Goddess Church

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WA State Tax ID UBI# 603 388 411
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Port Townsend Community News. Port Townsend Homeless News. Port Townsend Dog Park. Port Townsend News. The City of Port Townsend.