So, in Port Townsend minimum wage went up to 11$, they say. I went in to Elevated Ice Cream downtown, today, to get ice cream and the prices have went way way up.
I said, $8.87 for 2 scoops of ice cream, really? wow. She said well in the last election that minimum wage went up from 8 to 11 and so their prices went up across the board. So if you go somewhere often then prices up, well then you don't go and then do they stay in business, not sure. Same thing last week was 2-3$ cheaper, thats a HUGE percentage raise in price. Guess they want to punish the voters but how will they stay in business with such a hike in ice cream. You can get a whole pint for 3$ at the store, Which is twice as much or more then 2 scoops. I can get a pint of Organic for less then $6. How can people afford this?
I am not even sure that minimum wage is inacted yet until January. Hmmm..
Blog written upon the Knowledge and Belief of Investigative Blogger Reverend Crystal Cox, Bringing Back Goddess Church. Julie Jaman Press Conference, YMCA, News, Videos and Articles
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Monday, November 28, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
If you NEED Alcohol Every Day, you are an Alcoholic. If you drink the minute you get home and all the way to bed, you are dependent on Alcohol. You are an emotional, physical, and / or psychology Alcoholic.
If most or ALL of your leisure activities have alcohol. YOU are an Alcoholic. Your kids know this, your friends know this. So you get friends who drink like you so it looks "ok" and it "looks" NORMAL or even the thing to do. That's Bull. It is NOT Ok to Drink everyday, every night. Especially if you have kids. You think you don't change, but YOU DO. Your talk, your words, the rules, your walk, your tone. It ALL changes and you don't even know.
I have been around those who drink a minimum of 6 beers a day, or 4 glasses of wine a night. They think they are not alcoholics but they change when they drink. That's alcoholism. My dad would drink a gallon of whiskey sometimes in a few days. Then not drink for weeks or months. Some family would go through a gallon of whiskey every few days and never run out, even if food and milk ran out, the whiskey never did. And they think this is ok, this is good parenting. It is NOT. Nothing I can do but heal that in me from my childhood and the family that does it now, I can only walk away, say a pray and leave it to God.
If most or ALL of your leisure activities have alcohol. YOU are an Alcoholic. Your kids know this, your friends know this. So you get friends who drink like you so it looks "ok" and it "looks" NORMAL or even the thing to do. That's Bull. It is NOT Ok to Drink everyday, every night. Especially if you have kids. You think you don't change, but YOU DO. Your talk, your words, the rules, your walk, your tone. It ALL changes and you don't even know.
I have been around those who drink a minimum of 6 beers a day, or 4 glasses of wine a night. They think they are not alcoholics but they change when they drink. That's alcoholism. My dad would drink a gallon of whiskey sometimes in a few days. Then not drink for weeks or months. Some family would go through a gallon of whiskey every few days and never run out, even if food and milk ran out, the whiskey never did. And they think this is ok, this is good parenting. It is NOT. Nothing I can do but heal that in me from my childhood and the family that does it now, I can only walk away, say a pray and leave it to God.
Port Townsend has Ammonia in the Air PERIOD.
Port Townsend Paper is poisoning people, period. And they say oh the jobs. WR Grace did the same thing and my family suffered and suffers from Asbestos related lung disease, bone cancers and more. They worked at the plant, brought the poison home to their kids and all for MONEY, all to make a living. The kids were sick often, red under their eyes, but hey they have food, crappy food, food they are allergic too or can't eat but are forced to eat but oh well it's food.
It is not speculation, it is fact. I have read the documents that so many ignore. I would NEVER raise kids in that air, and I certainly would not work there and bring home toxins as my family did. And on top of that they chain smoked cigerettes because they were so stressed and that made their body and health problems worse and their kids. And well they were miserable so they drank whiskey all day every day. No matter the time of day they walked in, they drank. Then they say oh I can't afford better food, can't afford your sports shoes. And the cycle went on and on. So many of them passed away in pain, with oxygen tanks and worse. Most of us had or have heart issues from second hand smoke. Cars, furniture, clothes, hugs, and even to talk to them, we got second hand smoke and a lifetime of problems related to it.
I have interviewed many who left Port Townsend because their child's health was so bad, and they had chronic lung and sinus issues. Most ignore it and call it the smell of money. Money for WHO? Its survival for them, along with stress, bad food, whiskey, cigarettes and well they can pay the rent, but we live out their choices as their children. WR Grace in Libby Montana just as the Port Townsend Paper Mill, they did small things for the community and they provided jobs. They lied about KNOWN toxins just as the PT Paper Mill. Ignorance may be bliss to some, but for me I would never expose my children's lungs to such a life, or to alcoholism, cigarettes and food lacking nutrients. To me it a matter of priority, and I choose healthy air, not to be an alcoholic, not to smoke, and to eat whole foods, to create the money to eat whole good foods and not empty poison foods.
So many of my family members still do such. They eat cheap or free food. Food that is not good for them or their children and they whine about how they can't afford better. Yet they chain smoke and get a gallon of whiskey a week and seem to have plenty of money for that.
They don't play with their kids. Its all about football, cigs and whiskey. This is so rampant, and certainly not just in my family. However, it is NOT my life nor will it ever be. I vibrate much higher than that. Even in Poverty. With no money I still eat healthy, still don't drink or smoke. It's never been me. I don't understand those who drink and smoke all day every single day. WHY? Is their life that bad? Do they not think their kids know, worry about them, know they are alcoholics? Do they not know that they talk different to the kids and others after they drink. The rules change, the talk, the information. How can kids do what parents want if they are drunk all the time. Ya highly functioning alcoholics but non-the less Alchoholics. And so odd they think it's ok to drink whiskey as if it is milk and smell of smoke constantly, even with babies and young children around. Nothing I can do but pray for the children. Its not my choices that's for sure.
Anyway it is quite shocking to see family still turning to toxic jobs for survival, and making toxic choices right along with it. Instead of using that job to better their life, they continue drinking non-stop, smoking non-stop, eating food that they and their kids are actually allergic to and they don't know and well the cycle goes on. It's never been that way for me, even at homeless and poverty, I still never turned to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and if I had kids well I would not even have got to experience poverty or homeless but would have kept my businesses. So ya, I try not to judge, but it heavies my heart at times. Especially when I see family or talk to family in that same toxic cycle, blind alcoholics poisoning their children and those around them seemingly thinking we all don't know, or that its somehow ok.
The Port Townsend Paper Mill AIR is not ok. Ya Jobs, so what, there are jobs at Big Pharma, Oncologist Jobs, Mercenary Jobs, Spraying Pesticides, and many jobs that harm or kill people. You Choose to do them and support that or NOT. You have CHOICE every day.
Just because you make more money there, does not mean its best for your Family, nor Mother Earth and her animals and people.
Port Townsend Paper is poisoning people, period. And they say oh the jobs. WR Grace did the same thing and my family suffered and suffers from Asbestos related lung disease, bone cancers and more. They worked at the plant, brought the poison home to their kids and all for MONEY, all to make a living. The kids were sick often, red under their eyes, but hey they have food, crappy food, food they are allergic too or can't eat but are forced to eat but oh well it's food.
It is not speculation, it is fact. I have read the documents that so many ignore. I would NEVER raise kids in that air, and I certainly would not work there and bring home toxins as my family did. And on top of that they chain smoked cigerettes because they were so stressed and that made their body and health problems worse and their kids. And well they were miserable so they drank whiskey all day every day. No matter the time of day they walked in, they drank. Then they say oh I can't afford better food, can't afford your sports shoes. And the cycle went on and on. So many of them passed away in pain, with oxygen tanks and worse. Most of us had or have heart issues from second hand smoke. Cars, furniture, clothes, hugs, and even to talk to them, we got second hand smoke and a lifetime of problems related to it.
I have interviewed many who left Port Townsend because their child's health was so bad, and they had chronic lung and sinus issues. Most ignore it and call it the smell of money. Money for WHO? Its survival for them, along with stress, bad food, whiskey, cigarettes and well they can pay the rent, but we live out their choices as their children. WR Grace in Libby Montana just as the Port Townsend Paper Mill, they did small things for the community and they provided jobs. They lied about KNOWN toxins just as the PT Paper Mill. Ignorance may be bliss to some, but for me I would never expose my children's lungs to such a life, or to alcoholism, cigarettes and food lacking nutrients. To me it a matter of priority, and I choose healthy air, not to be an alcoholic, not to smoke, and to eat whole foods, to create the money to eat whole good foods and not empty poison foods.
So many of my family members still do such. They eat cheap or free food. Food that is not good for them or their children and they whine about how they can't afford better. Yet they chain smoke and get a gallon of whiskey a week and seem to have plenty of money for that.
They don't play with their kids. Its all about football, cigs and whiskey. This is so rampant, and certainly not just in my family. However, it is NOT my life nor will it ever be. I vibrate much higher than that. Even in Poverty. With no money I still eat healthy, still don't drink or smoke. It's never been me. I don't understand those who drink and smoke all day every single day. WHY? Is their life that bad? Do they not think their kids know, worry about them, know they are alcoholics? Do they not know that they talk different to the kids and others after they drink. The rules change, the talk, the information. How can kids do what parents want if they are drunk all the time. Ya highly functioning alcoholics but non-the less Alchoholics. And so odd they think it's ok to drink whiskey as if it is milk and smell of smoke constantly, even with babies and young children around. Nothing I can do but pray for the children. Its not my choices that's for sure.
Anyway it is quite shocking to see family still turning to toxic jobs for survival, and making toxic choices right along with it. Instead of using that job to better their life, they continue drinking non-stop, smoking non-stop, eating food that they and their kids are actually allergic to and they don't know and well the cycle goes on. It's never been that way for me, even at homeless and poverty, I still never turned to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and if I had kids well I would not even have got to experience poverty or homeless but would have kept my businesses. So ya, I try not to judge, but it heavies my heart at times. Especially when I see family or talk to family in that same toxic cycle, blind alcoholics poisoning their children and those around them seemingly thinking we all don't know, or that its somehow ok.
The Port Townsend Paper Mill AIR is not ok. Ya Jobs, so what, there are jobs at Big Pharma, Oncologist Jobs, Mercenary Jobs, Spraying Pesticides, and many jobs that harm or kill people. You Choose to do them and support that or NOT. You have CHOICE every day.
Just because you make more money there, does not mean its best for your Family, nor Mother Earth and her animals and people.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Mark Cole Upstage Complaint Against the City of Port Townsend
Upstage Complaint
David Peterson (DP hereon) and David Timmons, City Manager (CM hereon), and City
members violated City Ethics Code, City Personnel Policies, and Washington State
Ethics Code, in the least.
The complaint addresses present and former city members City Manager, David
Timmons (CM); City Engineer, David Peterson (DP); City Attorney, John Watts (JW);
Director of Public Works, Kenneth Clow (KC); Director of Community Services, Rick
Sepler (RS); Building Inspector, Michael Hoskins (MH); and City Councilors Catharine
Robinson, David King, Deborah Stinson, Kris Nelson, Mark Welch, Michelle Sandoval,
and Robert Gray.
Full Complaint Click Below
David Peterson; Ethics complaint filed against Port Townsend government; City Council to take up matter today
"PORT TOWNSEND — A former restaurateur has filed a complaint against the city of Port Townsend, alleging that city government violated its own code of ethics and did not follow procedures during an eviction process.
“Metaphorically, there is lead in Port Townsend waters,” said Mark Cole, who owned and operated the Upstage Restaurant and Bistro at 923 Washington St. from 2008 until it closed in 2013.
“This is about an abuse of power and city employees using the law for their own benefit. They lied to me and I don't want to see that happening anywhere else.”
In his complaint, Cole alleges that David Peterson — who in 2008 took ownership of the Terry Building, which housed Upstage — used his official position as city engineer for his own benefit, with the complicity of the city staff and the City Council.
“David Peterson, through his own actions and the actions and nonactions of the Building Department and the city manager secured special privileges and exemptions,” the complaint reads.
Cole said these violations include a lack of supervision, reduced requirements, protection from the disclosure of wrongful acts, and assistance in concealing wrongful acts.
In the ethics complaint, Cole states that Peterson received favored treatment from Timmons, by the Building Department, city employees, and potentially some City Council members.
He cites city code that reads that an employee should not benefit from any “action or non-action” due his position, and said that Peterson provided no written disclosures as to his personal involvement in the case and that city staff expedited the project's permit process.
“No official documents indicate any query of Dave Peterson,” the complaint reads. “[He] did benefit from the City actions or non-actions due his position.”
Peterson declined comment about the situation beyond an email saying “the facts will speak for themselves when this is taken up by the outside hearing officer.”
City Manager David Timmons had a nearly identical comment, saying “I will let the facts speak for themselves.”
Meeting today
The matter will be addressed at the next regular City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. today in chambers at historic City Hall, 540 Water St.
At that meeting, City Attorney Steve Gross will ask the council to appoint Seattle attorney Peter Eglick as the ethics hearing officer, which would be in effect from Wednesday through Dec. 31.
Cole previously filed a breach of contract action against Peterson that was mediated and settled with a $130,000 payment.
Cole owned and operated the Upstage as a 150-seat venue at the end of an alley, and it soon became a popular music venue.
The club was at the peak of its popularity in early 2013 when Peterson disclosed plans to upgrade the building by building a pizza restaurant on the building's first floor, directly above the Upstage, with plans to install a connected kitchen.
Cole closed the restaurant June 9, 2013 for an expected three-week upgrade.
It never reopened, as Peterson began eviction proceedings against Cole, claiming Cole's neglect led to water damage and dry rot that became apparent when the floor was removed.
In his ethics complaint, Cole said Peterson fabricated this information and that he was not responsible for the damage.
Plans dropped
In the meantime, Peterson abandoned plans to build the restaurant as it would have required increasing the weight capacity of its floor, which is also the Upstage's ceiling.
This represented the second setback for Peterson, who planned a similar rehabilitation of the Undertown Cafe but found that it could not house a legal kitchen.
Cole filed the ethics complaint using records assembled in preparation for the breach of contract complaint.
The 58-page document of he complaint— viewable at — contains emails, court documents and planning documents annotated with Cole's comments.
The Upstage property has been vacant since its closing, while the building's upper floor now hosts a beauty salon and a tattoo parlor.
The timing for the ethics process is undetermined, according to city code.
Eglick, who in May determined that a three-part ethics complaint against Port Angeles City Attorney Bill Bloor over fluoridation of that city's water supply was without merit, will schedule hearing times, hear witnesses and determine the Port Townsend complaint's veracity.
Named in complaint
Current city employees named in the complaint are Peterson, Timmons, Director of Public Works Kenneth Clow and Building Inspector Michael Hoskins.
Past employees named are City Attorney John Watts and Director of Community Services Rick Sepler.
Current City Council members Mayor Deborah Stinson, Deputy Mayor Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval and Robert Gray are named along with past Mayor David King, past Deputy Mayor Kris Nelson and former member Mark Welch.
Regular procedure is for the council to receive and act on the ethics officer's recommendation, but the city does not have anyone in that position, requiring the hiring of outside council.
“Some of the council has been named [in the complaint], I've been named along with staff,” Timmons said.
“If it was just staff I would do the investigation, but because we've all been named we have to outsource it.”
On Friday, Timmons said he has not yet read the complaint and intended to do so sometime this week.
“It is what it is, and we need to find out what the attorney wants us to do,” he said.
“All of my actions are part of the record.”
Cole, now a Port Angeles resident, books acts at Studio Bob, an art gallery-event space in Port Angeles."
David Peterson City of Port Townsend Complaint
City of Port Townsend Ethics Complaint
Ethics Complaint Against David Peterson and the City of Port Townsend
David Peterson (DP hereon) and David Timmons, City Manager (CM hereon), and City
members violated City Ethics Code, City Personnel Policies, and Washington State
Ethics Code, in the least.
The complaint addresses present and former city members City Manager, David
Timmons (CM); City Engineer, David Peterson (DP); City Attorney, John Watts (JW);
Director of Public Works, Kenneth Clow (KC); Director of Community Services, Rick
Sepler (RS); Building Inspector, Michael Hoskins (MH); and City Councilors Catharine
Robinson, David King, Deborah Stinson, Kris Nelson, Mark Welch, Michelle Sandoval,
and Robert Gray.
“Metaphorically, there is lead in Port Townsend waters,” said Mark Cole, who owned and operated the Upstage Restaurant and Bistro at 923 Washington St. from 2008 until it closed in 2013.
“This is about an abuse of power and city employees using the law for their own benefit. They lied to me and I don't want to see that happening anywhere else.”
In his complaint, Cole alleges that David Peterson — who in 2008 took ownership of the Terry Building, which housed Upstage — used his official position as city engineer for his own benefit, with the complicity of the city staff and the City Council.
“David Peterson, through his own actions and the actions and nonactions of the Building Department and the city manager secured special privileges and exemptions,” the complaint reads.
Cole said these violations include a lack of supervision, reduced requirements, protection from the disclosure of wrongful acts, and assistance in concealing wrongful acts.
In the ethics complaint, Cole states that Peterson received favored treatment from Timmons, by the Building Department, city employees, and potentially some City Council members.
He cites city code that reads that an employee should not benefit from any “action or non-action” due his position, and said that Peterson provided no written disclosures as to his personal involvement in the case and that city staff expedited the project's permit process.
“No official documents indicate any query of Dave Peterson,” the complaint reads. “[He] did benefit from the City actions or non-actions due his position.”
Peterson declined comment about the situation beyond an email saying “the facts will speak for themselves when this is taken up by the outside hearing officer.”
City Manager David Timmons had a nearly identical comment, saying “I will let the facts speak for themselves.”
Meeting today
The matter will be addressed at the next regular City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. today in chambers at historic City Hall, 540 Water St.
At that meeting, City Attorney Steve Gross will ask the council to appoint Seattle attorney Peter Eglick as the ethics hearing officer, which would be in effect from Wednesday through Dec. 31.
Cole previously filed a breach of contract action against Peterson that was mediated and settled with a $130,000 payment.
Cole owned and operated the Upstage as a 150-seat venue at the end of an alley, and it soon became a popular music venue.
The club was at the peak of its popularity in early 2013 when Peterson disclosed plans to upgrade the building by building a pizza restaurant on the building's first floor, directly above the Upstage, with plans to install a connected kitchen.
Cole closed the restaurant June 9, 2013 for an expected three-week upgrade.
It never reopened, as Peterson began eviction proceedings against Cole, claiming Cole's neglect led to water damage and dry rot that became apparent when the floor was removed.
In his ethics complaint, Cole said Peterson fabricated this information and that he was not responsible for the damage.
Plans dropped
In the meantime, Peterson abandoned plans to build the restaurant as it would have required increasing the weight capacity of its floor, which is also the Upstage's ceiling.
This represented the second setback for Peterson, who planned a similar rehabilitation of the Undertown Cafe but found that it could not house a legal kitchen.
Cole filed the ethics complaint using records assembled in preparation for the breach of contract complaint.
The 58-page document of he complaint— viewable at — contains emails, court documents and planning documents annotated with Cole's comments.
The Upstage property has been vacant since its closing, while the building's upper floor now hosts a beauty salon and a tattoo parlor.
The timing for the ethics process is undetermined, according to city code.
Eglick, who in May determined that a three-part ethics complaint against Port Angeles City Attorney Bill Bloor over fluoridation of that city's water supply was without merit, will schedule hearing times, hear witnesses and determine the Port Townsend complaint's veracity.
Named in complaint
Current city employees named in the complaint are Peterson, Timmons, Director of Public Works Kenneth Clow and Building Inspector Michael Hoskins.
Past employees named are City Attorney John Watts and Director of Community Services Rick Sepler.
Current City Council members Mayor Deborah Stinson, Deputy Mayor Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval and Robert Gray are named along with past Mayor David King, past Deputy Mayor Kris Nelson and former member Mark Welch.
Regular procedure is for the council to receive and act on the ethics officer's recommendation, but the city does not have anyone in that position, requiring the hiring of outside council.
“Some of the council has been named [in the complaint], I've been named along with staff,” Timmons said.
“If it was just staff I would do the investigation, but because we've all been named we have to outsource it.”
On Friday, Timmons said he has not yet read the complaint and intended to do so sometime this week.
“It is what it is, and we need to find out what the attorney wants us to do,” he said.
“All of my actions are part of the record.”
Cole, now a Port Angeles resident, books acts at Studio Bob, an art gallery-event space in Port Angeles."
David Peterson City of Port Townsend Complaint
City of Port Townsend Ethics Complaint
Ethics Complaint Against David Peterson and the City of Port Townsend
Upstage Complaint
David Peterson (DP hereon) and David Timmons, City Manager (CM hereon), and City
members violated City Ethics Code, City Personnel Policies, and Washington State
Ethics Code, in the least.
The complaint addresses present and former city members City Manager, David
Timmons (CM); City Engineer, David Peterson (DP); City Attorney, John Watts (JW);
Director of Public Works, Kenneth Clow (KC); Director of Community Services, Rick
Sepler (RS); Building Inspector, Michael Hoskins (MH); and City Councilors Catharine
Robinson, David King, Deborah Stinson, Kris Nelson, Mark Welch, Michelle Sandoval,
and Robert Gray.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
CCK.N. Crown Holdings Inc. Port Townsend Mill Civil Rights Lawsuit - Port Townsend Paper Mill Civil Rights Lawsuit. Terrell Marshall Law Group.
To Contact Terrell Marshall Law Group
My name is Crystal L. Cox, I am an Investigative Blogger, a Victims Rights Advocate, and an advocate of your RIGHT to Breath Clean Air and Enjoy your own property and life.
I am NOT in any way affiliated with Terrell Marshall Law Group. I am not involved in this case. I have left Port Townsend Air as it is to harsh for me, to poisonous, to invasive. I am an advocate for the rights of Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Soil and AGAINST Corruption Period.
my email is
Email me your story and I will post it on my sites. Send documents for posting. If you send any medical documents make sure they are your own and understand HIPAA laws so you don't violate anyone's rights in that areal.
eMail me if you think I may have documents, resources, links or stories that would help you to SUE the PORT Townsend Paper Mill, Crown Holdings Inc. ( CCK.N ). You have Rights. But you must claim them.
Stand UP for Your RIGHT. Now is TIME.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
O'Neill Louchard of Port Townsend Asks Who Are You Protecting in regard to the navy's proposal to conduct electronic warfare in the Olympic National Forest.
Who are you protecting with your LOUD Toxic Planes, Jets and War Machines?
Who are you PROTECTING with your invasive Energy Warfare Machines?
Seems that the Answer Was, we are Just OBEYING... WOW..
"U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Navy face off with the public in a lively meeting in Port Angeles, WA about the navy's proposal to conduct electronic warfare in the Olympic National Forest. 11-7-2014"
Protect Olympic Peninsula 13 from RainDagger Productions on Vimeo.
#PortTownsendNews #PortTownsendAir #PortTownsend #ProtectOlympicPeninsula
Who are you protecting with your LOUD Toxic Planes, Jets and War Machines?
Who are you PROTECTING with your invasive Energy Warfare Machines?
Seems that the Answer Was, we are Just OBEYING... WOW..
"U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Navy face off with the public in a lively meeting in Port Angeles, WA about the navy's proposal to conduct electronic warfare in the Olympic National Forest. 11-7-2014"
Protect Olympic Peninsula
Protect Olympic Peninsula 13 from RainDagger Productions on Vimeo.
#PortTownsendNews #PortTownsendAir #PortTownsend #ProtectOlympicPeninsula
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
You don't NEED a JOB, you NEED Money. They get FREE MONEY. You Get Poison. Port Townsend SMELL. Port Townsend Paper Mill. Crown Paper
A while back I saw a Guy, can't remember his name, he was speaking at a Port Townsend Commissioner meeting, one of the things he talked about was the money he had got via grants for the Port Townsend Paper Mill.
FIND out how much MONEY they have got in Block Grants or any kind of grant or FREE MONEY program. Why not give that directly to the people instead of poisoning everyone and calling it a JOB.
Find Out who is really getting MONEY from all this. Demand that Jefferson County tell you EVERY detail about what they do to GIVE to the Billionaires that own the Port Townsend Paper Mill. Demand to know what the Port Townsend Paper Mill gave and GIVES to Jefferson County Health for their SILENCE and aiding and abetting the poisoning of you and your children.
Why does the Washington Department of Ecology and the EPA protect the Port Townsend Paper MILL? It is way more then the Jobs. The money spent on corruption, pay offs, grants could go directly to the people instead of creating a JOB that is poisoning 12 MILLION gallons of fresh pure mountain water EVERY DAY. Then taking that toxic acidic water and putting it into the Port Townsend Bay and polluting the entire body of water it filters out into.
THIS IS NOT OK. You don't need a JOB, you need MONEY. They get MONEY from your GOVERNMENT and then create toxic jobs to keep you busy and your head in the sand.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The Port Townsend Paper Mill is VIOLATING your Right to Breath Clean Air. You have a Civil Right to CLEAN Air, Clean Water, Clean Soil. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is Poisoning you and the Port Townsend City and Jefferson County Commissioners are LYING to YOU.
I have said for years SUE the Port Townsend Paper Mill. The Department of Ecology, AND the Town of Port Townsend as well as Jefferson County and the commissioners personally. AND Jefferson County Health Care who gets all kinds of hush money from the Port Townsend Paper Mill. And the Crown Paper Group Inc. of Atlanta who now owns Port Townsend Paper, naming them makes the case Diversity, another words FEDERAL and more Visibility.
I was going to file action a few years ago pro se as there are legal rights. However, the Town of Port Townsend, the County and the Lack of People willing to stand up to them outweighed the quality of the air and water, they simply did not care or felt helpless in it.
So I simple moved out of the town so I could breath and so I could stop chest pain, ear pain, breathing issues, heart palpitations and more.
SO Yes, this Letter Below from Terrell Marshall Law Group that many are Getting about SUING. Now is the TIME Folks. You have a Legal and Civil RIGHT to Clean Air, Clean Soil, Clean Water and to the TRUTH. The town, county, the Department of Ecology, the EPA, ORCAA, and more are flat out LYING to you and you have thus far taken it, now is your time to FIGHT BACK. Contact the Attorneys listed Below and SIGN UP TO FIGHT BACK.
The Clean Air Act and many other Laws and Constitutional Rights are on your SIDE. However, you need to be willing to STAND UP and Fight Back.
Isn't your Quality of Life Worth it.
I have said for years SUE the Port Townsend Paper Mill. The Department of Ecology, AND the Town of Port Townsend as well as Jefferson County and the commissioners personally. AND Jefferson County Health Care who gets all kinds of hush money from the Port Townsend Paper Mill. And the Crown Paper Group Inc. of Atlanta who now owns Port Townsend Paper, naming them makes the case Diversity, another words FEDERAL and more Visibility.
I was going to file action a few years ago pro se as there are legal rights. However, the Town of Port Townsend, the County and the Lack of People willing to stand up to them outweighed the quality of the air and water, they simply did not care or felt helpless in it.
So I simple moved out of the town so I could breath and so I could stop chest pain, ear pain, breathing issues, heart palpitations and more.
SO Yes, this Letter Below from Terrell Marshall Law Group that many are Getting about SUING. Now is the TIME Folks. You have a Legal and Civil RIGHT to Clean Air, Clean Soil, Clean Water and to the TRUTH. The town, county, the Department of Ecology, the EPA, ORCAA, and more are flat out LYING to you and you have thus far taken it, now is your time to FIGHT BACK. Contact the Attorneys listed Below and SIGN UP TO FIGHT BACK.
The Clean Air Act and many other Laws and Constitutional Rights are on your SIDE. However, you need to be willing to STAND UP and Fight Back.
Isn't your Quality of Life Worth it.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Port Townsend, Jefferson County Washington, Don't you CARE about your Drinking Water? Your Air Quality? Your Soil? Nestle was going to Bottle 1000 Gallons a Day, and they have been STOPPED. The Port Townsend Paper Mill USES, Pollutes, OVER 10 MILLION Gallons a Day of Fresh Pure Drinking Water, Spring Water, Creek Water. And you DO NOTHING to STOP Them. WHY?
Hood River County in Oregon Voted to BAN Nestle from bottling 1000 gallons of their fresh, clean, pure water a day. Yet the Port Townsend Paper Mill takes 11 MILLION gallons of fresh, clean, pure water a day and pollutes it then puts it in the Port Townsend Bay and the Locals DO NOTHING. They call it the Smell of Money.
Links to the Story
Hood River County Voters Approve Water Bottling Ban
Voters pass measure to keep Nestle out of Cascade Locks
Hood River County Voters Approve Water Bottling Ban
Yet they are NOT an example of New Economy, Clean Economy. Instead Port Townsend is an Example of a City Council and County Commissioners protecting the minority in favor of the profits of Big Corporations.
Bottling the Water would be better than what Port Townsend Paper is doing. They are POISONING over 10 MILLION Gallons of Fresh, Clean, Spring Water a Day and they call it the Economy.
The City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Washington PUT the interest and profit of BIG Corporations above the interest of Port Townsend, and of Washington State as well as other areas the water, air and soil affect.
Crown Paper is led by a group of high-level executives who formerly made up the corporate leadership of a global paper company called Smurfit-Stone and its successor company RockTenn.
Crown Paper Group and Crown Corrugated are NOT more important than Clean Fresh Water, Air and Soil. Yet Jefferson County Washington Makes them the MOST Important thing as the put PROFIT before People.
Port Townsend is said to be this cool, healthy, organic hippie place. However, the hippies and those who are into organics and clean air are NOT in CONTROL. Corporation MONEY and Greed is in control, and the people stand by and do NOTHING.
Jefferson County Washington could STOP this madness but they don't. Payoffs, Corruption, Big Money and more are important and your fresh water, clean air and clean soil is NOT.
Less then 300 People are Employed by Port Townsend Paper. The Population of Jefferson County is
30,000. Why is 1% of the populations jobs worth more then the other 99%'s jobs, health, life, quality of life, drinking water, clean air, clean soil and more important than the quality of water that goes into Port Townsend Bay and puget sound?
The MONEY is going to Hedge Funds, Greedy Corporations and NOT to the Benefit of the Majority of Jefferson County. It is about Choice, Priorities and Stand up for What is Right.
Hood River County way to go, they stopped 1000 Gallons a Day of being taken by Greed. Jefferson County Washington promotes, stands up for, backs, and aids and abets the use and pollution of 11 MILLION gallons a day of Drinking Water by the Port Townsend Paper Mill. And the People do nothing, as they seem to be helpless.
For More Information
Port Townsend Paper, #PortTownsendPaper, #PortTownsendSmell, #PortTownsend, #JeffersonCounty #CleanAir #CleanEconomy #NewEconomy #JeffersonCountyHealth #PortTownsendCommissers
Links to the Story
Hood River County Voters Approve Water Bottling Ban
Voters pass measure to keep Nestle out of Cascade Locks
Hood River County Voters Approve Water Bottling Ban
Port Townsend seems like such a progressive town.
Yet they are NOT an example of New Economy, Clean Economy. Instead Port Townsend is an Example of a City Council and County Commissioners protecting the minority in favor of the profits of Big Corporations.

Bottling the Water would be better than what Port Townsend Paper is doing. They are POISONING over 10 MILLION Gallons of Fresh, Clean, Spring Water a Day and they call it the Economy.
The City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Washington PUT the interest and profit of BIG Corporations above the interest of Port Townsend, and of Washington State as well as other areas the water, air and soil affect.
Crown Paper is led by a group of high-level executives who formerly made up the corporate leadership of a global paper company called Smurfit-Stone and its successor company RockTenn.
Crown Paper Group and Crown Corrugated are NOT more important than Clean Fresh Water, Air and Soil. Yet Jefferson County Washington Makes them the MOST Important thing as the put PROFIT before People.
Port Townsend is said to be this cool, healthy, organic hippie place. However, the hippies and those who are into organics and clean air are NOT in CONTROL. Corporation MONEY and Greed is in control, and the people stand by and do NOTHING.
Jefferson County Washington could STOP this madness but they don't. Payoffs, Corruption, Big Money and more are important and your fresh water, clean air and clean soil is NOT.
Less then 300 People are Employed by Port Townsend Paper. The Population of Jefferson County is
30,000. Why is 1% of the populations jobs worth more then the other 99%'s jobs, health, life, quality of life, drinking water, clean air, clean soil and more important than the quality of water that goes into Port Townsend Bay and puget sound?
The MONEY is going to Hedge Funds, Greedy Corporations and NOT to the Benefit of the Majority of Jefferson County. It is about Choice, Priorities and Stand up for What is Right.
Hood River County way to go, they stopped 1000 Gallons a Day of being taken by Greed. Jefferson County Washington promotes, stands up for, backs, and aids and abets the use and pollution of 11 MILLION gallons a day of Drinking Water by the Port Townsend Paper Mill. And the People do nothing, as they seem to be helpless.
For More Information
Port Townsend Paper, #PortTownsendPaper, #PortTownsendSmell, #PortTownsend, #JeffersonCounty #CleanAir #CleanEconomy #NewEconomy #JeffersonCountyHealth #PortTownsendCommissers
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Jefferson County Washington puts PROFIT before People as they support an Industry that Pollutes the Air, Water and Soil of Port Townsend. Crown Paper is led by a group of high-level executives who formerly made up the corporate leadership of a global paper company called Smurfit-Stone and its successor company RockTenn.
"Crown Paper Group has promoted Colin Fernie to president of Port Townsend Paper and Crown Corrugated.
With the promotion, Fernie adds responsibility for the Port Townsend mill and retains responsibility for the Crown Packaging and Boxmaster plants in Vancouver, British Columbia, and distribution centers in Kelowna, British Columbia, and Calgary, Alberta.
Fernie is expected to be frequently in Port Townsend initially, then monthly, according to spokesman Alan Ulman. Fernie is not replacing anyone, and this is a promotion for him.
Carr Tyndall remains general manager of the Port Townsend mill, Ulman said.
“We hired Colin in May 2015 knowing his record of building high performing packaging businesses, and confident he would do the same with Crown Corrugated,” Crown Paper CEO Steve Klinger said in a May 17 press release.
“In the year since, we made significant strategic investments in Crown Corrugated. Colin leveraged the investments and led Crown Corrugated to improved performance, benefitting our customers and owners. At the same time, we have made significant, strategic investments in Port Townsend Paper, which is executing a plan to become a high performing mill. Colin’s charge is to lead Port Townsend Paper and Crown Corrugated to accelerate progress across the board.”
Asked what accelerated progress referred to, Ulman told the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader that the mill is switching to compressed natural gas, has added pollution control system and is making infrastructure improvements.
“Port Townsend Paper is the primary supplier to Crown Corrugated and Montebello Container, our corrugated sheet producer in Southern California, so high performance at any of the operations benefits all of the operations. We also made significant strategic investments in Montebello, and the Montebello team is building a strong packaging business by leveraging these investments and implementing our ‘Manufacturing Excellence’ strategy,” said Klinger.
Anthony Salcido continues as president of Montebello Container, reporting to the Crown Paper Group.
Crown Paper Group is a holding company for investments in the paper and packaging industries."
Source and Full Article
DO YOUR HOMEWORK. The jobs of the Port Townsend Paper Mill are NOT worth the Harm. The fine particles you are breathing are HARMING you. Look at documents, studies, reports and DO NOT believe those policing themselves or the county protecting them. The PT Paper Mill Jobs are around 1% of Jefferson County, there are about 330 jobs or so. There are way more people, thousands and thousands in Port Townsend doing things that are not POISONING the air, water and soil.
The Long term VALUE they speak of is for THEIR stocks and Profit and not for your health or quality of life. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is poisoning the Air, Water and Soil of Port Townsend. Don't believe me or anyone, do your homework, read the reports of what goes into the SLUDGE and where it goes, what is in the air REALLY, what is going into the Port Townsend Bay. Greed and Profit Before People is Not what Port Townsend is About.
With the promotion, Fernie adds responsibility for the Port Townsend mill and retains responsibility for the Crown Packaging and Boxmaster plants in Vancouver, British Columbia, and distribution centers in Kelowna, British Columbia, and Calgary, Alberta.
Fernie is expected to be frequently in Port Townsend initially, then monthly, according to spokesman Alan Ulman. Fernie is not replacing anyone, and this is a promotion for him.
Carr Tyndall remains general manager of the Port Townsend mill, Ulman said.
“We hired Colin in May 2015 knowing his record of building high performing packaging businesses, and confident he would do the same with Crown Corrugated,” Crown Paper CEO Steve Klinger said in a May 17 press release.
“In the year since, we made significant strategic investments in Crown Corrugated. Colin leveraged the investments and led Crown Corrugated to improved performance, benefitting our customers and owners. At the same time, we have made significant, strategic investments in Port Townsend Paper, which is executing a plan to become a high performing mill. Colin’s charge is to lead Port Townsend Paper and Crown Corrugated to accelerate progress across the board.”
Asked what accelerated progress referred to, Ulman told the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader that the mill is switching to compressed natural gas, has added pollution control system and is making infrastructure improvements.
“Port Townsend Paper is the primary supplier to Crown Corrugated and Montebello Container, our corrugated sheet producer in Southern California, so high performance at any of the operations benefits all of the operations. We also made significant strategic investments in Montebello, and the Montebello team is building a strong packaging business by leveraging these investments and implementing our ‘Manufacturing Excellence’ strategy,” said Klinger.
Anthony Salcido continues as president of Montebello Container, reporting to the Crown Paper Group.
Crown Paper Group is a holding company for investments in the paper and packaging industries."
Source and Full Article
DO YOUR HOMEWORK. The jobs of the Port Townsend Paper Mill are NOT worth the Harm. The fine particles you are breathing are HARMING you. Look at documents, studies, reports and DO NOT believe those policing themselves or the county protecting them. The PT Paper Mill Jobs are around 1% of Jefferson County, there are about 330 jobs or so. There are way more people, thousands and thousands in Port Townsend doing things that are not POISONING the air, water and soil.
The Long term VALUE they speak of is for THEIR stocks and Profit and not for your health or quality of life. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is poisoning the Air, Water and Soil of Port Townsend. Don't believe me or anyone, do your homework, read the reports of what goes into the SLUDGE and where it goes, what is in the air REALLY, what is going into the Port Townsend Bay. Greed and Profit Before People is Not what Port Townsend is About.
Jefferson County public records case hits state Supreme Court. Mike Belenski says county gave inadequate response to request.
"A Jefferson County man is awaiting a decision after arguing his Public Records Act (PRA) case against the county May 12 in front of the state Supreme Court.
Mike Belenski, 59, is best known for his prolific history of requesting public records, suing elected and public officials, and getting under the skin of the county's civil deputy prosecutor, David Alvarez.
Alvarez also appeared in court May 12, but he let Olympia-based attorney Jeffrey Myers of Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich argue on behalf of the county.
Joining Belenski as a friend of the court, and making closing arguments, was Michele Earl-Hubbard of the Allied Law Group, representing individual newspapers around the state as well as the Coalition for Open Government, Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, of which the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader is a member.
“This is really the first time in the 16 years I've been here that the county has been in front of the state Supreme Court for a civil case,” Alvarez said. “It's very rare.”
At issue in this case is a request Belenski, who lives in the Mats Mats area north of Port Ludlow, made in September 2010 for Internet access logs – or metadata about the websites county employees visit while on the job – from the prior eight months.
Nine years earlier, then-Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag wrote a letter to the county, in part acknowledging a concern of Belenski's that county employees had violated county policy by listening to Seattle Mariners baseball games online.
Through an earlier records request, Belenski found a memo from then-Central Services director Gary Rowe asking department heads to ensure employees don't listen to games online because it was bogging down the system, writing: “We would all be pretty embarrassed if information about Internet usage were published in the local newspaper.”
The fact that employees had been visiting adult sites, gambling sites, fortune-telling sites, sports sites, celebrity fan sites, as well as a gore fetish site, eventually did make the newspaper in March 2005.
Days after filing his 2010 request, the county responded to Belenski, advising it had “no responsive records.”
“When they say no responsive records, it means [there are] no records,” Belenski told the court's nine justices May 12, pointing out that the county offered no further explanation. “The county has repeated hard drive failures; They could have reconfigured their software, which they've done; They could have had a massive hard drive failure. Give a person some kind of a reason.”
In March 2011, Alvarez told Belenski he did not receive the logs because “we don't use them for anything so we don't have to keep them,” suggesting they did not exist.
Following a subsequent request in November 2011 for that year's logs, Belenski was told a catastrophic hard drive failure had wiped out nearly all of them.
In January 2012, Belenski attended a county meeting where he asked then-Information Services Manager David Shambley why he hadn't received any records. Shambley told him an employee “decided that you didn't have the software to look at them,” confirming the existence of the records.
In August 2012, Belenski filed another records request, this time learning that one day after he submitted his 2010 request, the same Information Services employee wrote an email to Alvarez acknowledging the existence of the records but expressing concern about Belenski's ability to read the logs without generating “a human readable” report.
On Nov. 19, 2012, nearly 26 months after making his 2010 request, Belenski filed suit against the county in Clallam County Superior Court. The county won on summary judgement, arguing it did not provide the logs because it decided they were not public records.
On appeal, the logs were found to be public records, but the court still dismissed Belenski's claim because not only had the PRA's one-year statute of limitations to bring a lawsuit expired, but so too had a generic two-year statute usually applied when no other is provided.
The question before the state Supreme Court: Which statute applies in Belenski's case? The court's answer will apply to all such cases statewide.
“We’ll be making a rule that applies to all requesters, not just to this one requester,” Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud said.
Belenski, along with Earl-Hubbard, argued the generic two-year statute of limitations does not apply to PRA cases as the PRA is already equipped with such a statute.
“The two-year statute of limitations can never apply in a PRA case because it is a gap filler and the PRA has a statute of limitations: it is the one-year," Earl-Hubbard said.
Under PRA, a requester may file suit within one year of an agency's claim of an exemption or its last production of a record on an installment basis.
“When I ended up filing the lawsuit, it still hadn't started to run because I hadn't gotten the exemption log or the records,” Belenski told the court, adding that he could not be expected to bring suit sooner as he did not yet know whether the records he requested even existed.
“The agency is the one that has all the knowledge about the records," he said. "You're requiring the requester to be a mind reader. If you go to court, you need proof, and if somebody tells you ‘no responsive records,’ how do you know there actually are records?”
Myers, arguing on behalf of the county, said it would be “an absurd consequence” to conclude the statute of limitations can only be triggered by one of the two prescribed agency responses, thus potentially allowing a requester to sue many years later upon discovering the agency failed to produce a record.
“There are lots of other kinds of public records responses,” Myers said. “I think it’s an absurd consequence to say that [the start of the statute] jumps around depending on how the agency chooses to respond. What if it was a single record, and it wasn’t done in installments? I think you have to clarify that. You could also read it to say the last production of a record is also the date that you determined there are no records to produce.”
Myers said generally a statute of limitations begins to run when a person has the right to sue and, in this case, he said Belenski had the right to sue when the county made its initial response.
“So you're recognizing somebody might be forced to bring a lawsuit while they're still negotiating back and forth with the county?” asked Justice Debra L. Stephens.
“I think that is a possibility,” Myers said.
“Wouldn’t that tell all requesters: ‘Always sue; As soon as you get that, always sue, just in case?” Justice McCloud asked.
“I think that is one strategy people might use,” Myers said.
Earl-Hubbard said the PRA ensures the public's right to inspect public records and entitles requesters to an adequate response. Without an adequate response, she said, the requester does not know whether they have cause to sue.
“You said in numerous cases that the failure to give an adequate withholding explanation is a violation of the adequate response because the person doesn’t know what they’ve been denied,” she said. “If we’d been here on Wade’s Eastside Gun Shop involving lead contamination of people and we’d been told there’s no responsive records, I would have thought that meant there was not a lead contamination investigation by L&I of this particular place. In 20 years of seeing PRA denials that say that, I think it means there are no records.”
Earl-Hubbard said Myers' assertion that a requester should be prepared to sue within a year of receiving an initial response puts too much of the onus on the requester.
“You do not want to cut short this idea of negotiation, you don’t want to force people into court and then try to discover and negotiate later,” she said. “Yes, a person might be able to sue if they think the response is inadequate, but that puts a burden on our courts we don’t want to impose and puts a requirement on a requester that the law doesn’t allow.”
Earl-Hubbard said the county should have told Belenski in the first place why it would not provide the records.
“They knew they had records, they decided they weren’t public records and they could have, in their explanation, at least said that and then he would have had a choice: Do I go to court? Do I question this? Do I fight with them?”
When Belenski made his 2010 request, the county's software was, by default, retaining the last 13 months of logs, automatically deleting the oldest day of logs with each new day.
The county stopped retaining records of employee computer use all together in January 2015, Alvarez said.
“Because of the potential cost to the county of having to maintain those records and redact for exemptions, we were forced to turn those things off so they wouldn't become a potential liability,” county Administrator Philip Morley said, noting that a single day of logs amounted to 2.7 million Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. “The primary reason is to be able to take out internal IP addresses so we don't compromise the security of the county network.”
The county still has the ability to turn on the log-retaining function, Morley said, but instead it relies on employees and department managers to monitor each other and report concerns for follow up.
“We try to minimize the risk of misuse by turning off access to a number of inappropriate sites,” he said. “But there is always the possibility that an employee could misuse something.”
"A Jefferson County man is awaiting a decision after arguing his Public Records Act (PRA) case against the county May 12 in front of the state Supreme Court.
Mike Belenski, 59, is best known for his prolific history of requesting public records, suing elected and public officials, and getting under the skin of the county's civil deputy prosecutor, David Alvarez.
Alvarez also appeared in court May 12, but he let Olympia-based attorney Jeffrey Myers of Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich argue on behalf of the county.
Joining Belenski as a friend of the court, and making closing arguments, was Michele Earl-Hubbard of the Allied Law Group, representing individual newspapers around the state as well as the Coalition for Open Government, Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, of which the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader is a member.
“This is really the first time in the 16 years I've been here that the county has been in front of the state Supreme Court for a civil case,” Alvarez said. “It's very rare.”
At issue in this case is a request Belenski, who lives in the Mats Mats area north of Port Ludlow, made in September 2010 for Internet access logs – or metadata about the websites county employees visit while on the job – from the prior eight months.
Nine years earlier, then-Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag wrote a letter to the county, in part acknowledging a concern of Belenski's that county employees had violated county policy by listening to Seattle Mariners baseball games online.
Through an earlier records request, Belenski found a memo from then-Central Services director Gary Rowe asking department heads to ensure employees don't listen to games online because it was bogging down the system, writing: “We would all be pretty embarrassed if information about Internet usage were published in the local newspaper.”
The fact that employees had been visiting adult sites, gambling sites, fortune-telling sites, sports sites, celebrity fan sites, as well as a gore fetish site, eventually did make the newspaper in March 2005.
Days after filing his 2010 request, the county responded to Belenski, advising it had “no responsive records.”
“When they say no responsive records, it means [there are] no records,” Belenski told the court's nine justices May 12, pointing out that the county offered no further explanation. “The county has repeated hard drive failures; They could have reconfigured their software, which they've done; They could have had a massive hard drive failure. Give a person some kind of a reason.”
In March 2011, Alvarez told Belenski he did not receive the logs because “we don't use them for anything so we don't have to keep them,” suggesting they did not exist.
Following a subsequent request in November 2011 for that year's logs, Belenski was told a catastrophic hard drive failure had wiped out nearly all of them.
In January 2012, Belenski attended a county meeting where he asked then-Information Services Manager David Shambley why he hadn't received any records. Shambley told him an employee “decided that you didn't have the software to look at them,” confirming the existence of the records.
In August 2012, Belenski filed another records request, this time learning that one day after he submitted his 2010 request, the same Information Services employee wrote an email to Alvarez acknowledging the existence of the records but expressing concern about Belenski's ability to read the logs without generating “a human readable” report.
On Nov. 19, 2012, nearly 26 months after making his 2010 request, Belenski filed suit against the county in Clallam County Superior Court. The county won on summary judgement, arguing it did not provide the logs because it decided they were not public records.
On appeal, the logs were found to be public records, but the court still dismissed Belenski's claim because not only had the PRA's one-year statute of limitations to bring a lawsuit expired, but so too had a generic two-year statute usually applied when no other is provided.
The question before the state Supreme Court: Which statute applies in Belenski's case? The court's answer will apply to all such cases statewide.
“We’ll be making a rule that applies to all requesters, not just to this one requester,” Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud said.
Belenski, along with Earl-Hubbard, argued the generic two-year statute of limitations does not apply to PRA cases as the PRA is already equipped with such a statute.
“The two-year statute of limitations can never apply in a PRA case because it is a gap filler and the PRA has a statute of limitations: it is the one-year," Earl-Hubbard said.
Under PRA, a requester may file suit within one year of an agency's claim of an exemption or its last production of a record on an installment basis.
“When I ended up filing the lawsuit, it still hadn't started to run because I hadn't gotten the exemption log or the records,” Belenski told the court, adding that he could not be expected to bring suit sooner as he did not yet know whether the records he requested even existed.
“The agency is the one that has all the knowledge about the records," he said. "You're requiring the requester to be a mind reader. If you go to court, you need proof, and if somebody tells you ‘no responsive records,’ how do you know there actually are records?”
Myers, arguing on behalf of the county, said it would be “an absurd consequence” to conclude the statute of limitations can only be triggered by one of the two prescribed agency responses, thus potentially allowing a requester to sue many years later upon discovering the agency failed to produce a record.
“There are lots of other kinds of public records responses,” Myers said. “I think it’s an absurd consequence to say that [the start of the statute] jumps around depending on how the agency chooses to respond. What if it was a single record, and it wasn’t done in installments? I think you have to clarify that. You could also read it to say the last production of a record is also the date that you determined there are no records to produce.”
Myers said generally a statute of limitations begins to run when a person has the right to sue and, in this case, he said Belenski had the right to sue when the county made its initial response.
“So you're recognizing somebody might be forced to bring a lawsuit while they're still negotiating back and forth with the county?” asked Justice Debra L. Stephens.
“I think that is a possibility,” Myers said.
“Wouldn’t that tell all requesters: ‘Always sue; As soon as you get that, always sue, just in case?” Justice McCloud asked.
“I think that is one strategy people might use,” Myers said.
Earl-Hubbard said the PRA ensures the public's right to inspect public records and entitles requesters to an adequate response. Without an adequate response, she said, the requester does not know whether they have cause to sue.
“You said in numerous cases that the failure to give an adequate withholding explanation is a violation of the adequate response because the person doesn’t know what they’ve been denied,” she said. “If we’d been here on Wade’s Eastside Gun Shop involving lead contamination of people and we’d been told there’s no responsive records, I would have thought that meant there was not a lead contamination investigation by L&I of this particular place. In 20 years of seeing PRA denials that say that, I think it means there are no records.”
Earl-Hubbard said Myers' assertion that a requester should be prepared to sue within a year of receiving an initial response puts too much of the onus on the requester.
“You do not want to cut short this idea of negotiation, you don’t want to force people into court and then try to discover and negotiate later,” she said. “Yes, a person might be able to sue if they think the response is inadequate, but that puts a burden on our courts we don’t want to impose and puts a requirement on a requester that the law doesn’t allow.”
Earl-Hubbard said the county should have told Belenski in the first place why it would not provide the records.
“They knew they had records, they decided they weren’t public records and they could have, in their explanation, at least said that and then he would have had a choice: Do I go to court? Do I question this? Do I fight with them?”
When Belenski made his 2010 request, the county's software was, by default, retaining the last 13 months of logs, automatically deleting the oldest day of logs with each new day.
The county stopped retaining records of employee computer use all together in January 2015, Alvarez said.
“Because of the potential cost to the county of having to maintain those records and redact for exemptions, we were forced to turn those things off so they wouldn't become a potential liability,” county Administrator Philip Morley said, noting that a single day of logs amounted to 2.7 million Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. “The primary reason is to be able to take out internal IP addresses so we don't compromise the security of the county network.”
The county still has the ability to turn on the log-retaining function, Morley said, but instead it relies on employees and department managers to monitor each other and report concerns for follow up.
“We try to minimize the risk of misuse by turning off access to a number of inappropriate sites,” he said. “But there is always the possibility that an employee could misuse something.”
love this Comment on the Article; "Simon J. May 18, 2016 11:38am
If they need any witnesses, I have asked the county for public records of which many have been ignored or refused, and this has been going on for decades. Maybe we should write a book 'The secrets of Jefferson County.'"
I want to request ALL emails, or phone correspondence with County Commissioners, City Officials, County Officials and the Port Townsend Paper Mill. Soon SOON.
Mike Belenski, 59, is best known for his prolific history of requesting public records, suing elected and public officials, and getting under the skin of the county's civil deputy prosecutor, David Alvarez.
Alvarez also appeared in court May 12, but he let Olympia-based attorney Jeffrey Myers of Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich argue on behalf of the county.
Joining Belenski as a friend of the court, and making closing arguments, was Michele Earl-Hubbard of the Allied Law Group, representing individual newspapers around the state as well as the Coalition for Open Government, Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, of which the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader is a member.
“This is really the first time in the 16 years I've been here that the county has been in front of the state Supreme Court for a civil case,” Alvarez said. “It's very rare.”
At issue in this case is a request Belenski, who lives in the Mats Mats area north of Port Ludlow, made in September 2010 for Internet access logs – or metadata about the websites county employees visit while on the job – from the prior eight months.
Nine years earlier, then-Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag wrote a letter to the county, in part acknowledging a concern of Belenski's that county employees had violated county policy by listening to Seattle Mariners baseball games online.
Through an earlier records request, Belenski found a memo from then-Central Services director Gary Rowe asking department heads to ensure employees don't listen to games online because it was bogging down the system, writing: “We would all be pretty embarrassed if information about Internet usage were published in the local newspaper.”
The fact that employees had been visiting adult sites, gambling sites, fortune-telling sites, sports sites, celebrity fan sites, as well as a gore fetish site, eventually did make the newspaper in March 2005.
Days after filing his 2010 request, the county responded to Belenski, advising it had “no responsive records.”
“When they say no responsive records, it means [there are] no records,” Belenski told the court's nine justices May 12, pointing out that the county offered no further explanation. “The county has repeated hard drive failures; They could have reconfigured their software, which they've done; They could have had a massive hard drive failure. Give a person some kind of a reason.”
In March 2011, Alvarez told Belenski he did not receive the logs because “we don't use them for anything so we don't have to keep them,” suggesting they did not exist.
Following a subsequent request in November 2011 for that year's logs, Belenski was told a catastrophic hard drive failure had wiped out nearly all of them.
In January 2012, Belenski attended a county meeting where he asked then-Information Services Manager David Shambley why he hadn't received any records. Shambley told him an employee “decided that you didn't have the software to look at them,” confirming the existence of the records.
In August 2012, Belenski filed another records request, this time learning that one day after he submitted his 2010 request, the same Information Services employee wrote an email to Alvarez acknowledging the existence of the records but expressing concern about Belenski's ability to read the logs without generating “a human readable” report.
On Nov. 19, 2012, nearly 26 months after making his 2010 request, Belenski filed suit against the county in Clallam County Superior Court. The county won on summary judgement, arguing it did not provide the logs because it decided they were not public records.
On appeal, the logs were found to be public records, but the court still dismissed Belenski's claim because not only had the PRA's one-year statute of limitations to bring a lawsuit expired, but so too had a generic two-year statute usually applied when no other is provided.
The question before the state Supreme Court: Which statute applies in Belenski's case? The court's answer will apply to all such cases statewide.
“We’ll be making a rule that applies to all requesters, not just to this one requester,” Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud said.
Belenski, along with Earl-Hubbard, argued the generic two-year statute of limitations does not apply to PRA cases as the PRA is already equipped with such a statute.
“The two-year statute of limitations can never apply in a PRA case because it is a gap filler and the PRA has a statute of limitations: it is the one-year," Earl-Hubbard said.
Under PRA, a requester may file suit within one year of an agency's claim of an exemption or its last production of a record on an installment basis.
“When I ended up filing the lawsuit, it still hadn't started to run because I hadn't gotten the exemption log or the records,” Belenski told the court, adding that he could not be expected to bring suit sooner as he did not yet know whether the records he requested even existed.
“The agency is the one that has all the knowledge about the records," he said. "You're requiring the requester to be a mind reader. If you go to court, you need proof, and if somebody tells you ‘no responsive records,’ how do you know there actually are records?”
Myers, arguing on behalf of the county, said it would be “an absurd consequence” to conclude the statute of limitations can only be triggered by one of the two prescribed agency responses, thus potentially allowing a requester to sue many years later upon discovering the agency failed to produce a record.
“There are lots of other kinds of public records responses,” Myers said. “I think it’s an absurd consequence to say that [the start of the statute] jumps around depending on how the agency chooses to respond. What if it was a single record, and it wasn’t done in installments? I think you have to clarify that. You could also read it to say the last production of a record is also the date that you determined there are no records to produce.”
Myers said generally a statute of limitations begins to run when a person has the right to sue and, in this case, he said Belenski had the right to sue when the county made its initial response.
“So you're recognizing somebody might be forced to bring a lawsuit while they're still negotiating back and forth with the county?” asked Justice Debra L. Stephens.
“I think that is a possibility,” Myers said.
“Wouldn’t that tell all requesters: ‘Always sue; As soon as you get that, always sue, just in case?” Justice McCloud asked.
“I think that is one strategy people might use,” Myers said.
Earl-Hubbard said the PRA ensures the public's right to inspect public records and entitles requesters to an adequate response. Without an adequate response, she said, the requester does not know whether they have cause to sue.
“You said in numerous cases that the failure to give an adequate withholding explanation is a violation of the adequate response because the person doesn’t know what they’ve been denied,” she said. “If we’d been here on Wade’s Eastside Gun Shop involving lead contamination of people and we’d been told there’s no responsive records, I would have thought that meant there was not a lead contamination investigation by L&I of this particular place. In 20 years of seeing PRA denials that say that, I think it means there are no records.”
Earl-Hubbard said Myers' assertion that a requester should be prepared to sue within a year of receiving an initial response puts too much of the onus on the requester.
“You do not want to cut short this idea of negotiation, you don’t want to force people into court and then try to discover and negotiate later,” she said. “Yes, a person might be able to sue if they think the response is inadequate, but that puts a burden on our courts we don’t want to impose and puts a requirement on a requester that the law doesn’t allow.”
Earl-Hubbard said the county should have told Belenski in the first place why it would not provide the records.
“They knew they had records, they decided they weren’t public records and they could have, in their explanation, at least said that and then he would have had a choice: Do I go to court? Do I question this? Do I fight with them?”
When Belenski made his 2010 request, the county's software was, by default, retaining the last 13 months of logs, automatically deleting the oldest day of logs with each new day.
The county stopped retaining records of employee computer use all together in January 2015, Alvarez said.
“Because of the potential cost to the county of having to maintain those records and redact for exemptions, we were forced to turn those things off so they wouldn't become a potential liability,” county Administrator Philip Morley said, noting that a single day of logs amounted to 2.7 million Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. “The primary reason is to be able to take out internal IP addresses so we don't compromise the security of the county network.”
The county still has the ability to turn on the log-retaining function, Morley said, but instead it relies on employees and department managers to monitor each other and report concerns for follow up.
“We try to minimize the risk of misuse by turning off access to a number of inappropriate sites,” he said. “But there is always the possibility that an employee could misuse something.”
"A Jefferson County man is awaiting a decision after arguing his Public Records Act (PRA) case against the county May 12 in front of the state Supreme Court.
Mike Belenski, 59, is best known for his prolific history of requesting public records, suing elected and public officials, and getting under the skin of the county's civil deputy prosecutor, David Alvarez.
Alvarez also appeared in court May 12, but he let Olympia-based attorney Jeffrey Myers of Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich argue on behalf of the county.
Joining Belenski as a friend of the court, and making closing arguments, was Michele Earl-Hubbard of the Allied Law Group, representing individual newspapers around the state as well as the Coalition for Open Government, Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, of which the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader is a member.
“This is really the first time in the 16 years I've been here that the county has been in front of the state Supreme Court for a civil case,” Alvarez said. “It's very rare.”
At issue in this case is a request Belenski, who lives in the Mats Mats area north of Port Ludlow, made in September 2010 for Internet access logs – or metadata about the websites county employees visit while on the job – from the prior eight months.
Nine years earlier, then-Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag wrote a letter to the county, in part acknowledging a concern of Belenski's that county employees had violated county policy by listening to Seattle Mariners baseball games online.
Through an earlier records request, Belenski found a memo from then-Central Services director Gary Rowe asking department heads to ensure employees don't listen to games online because it was bogging down the system, writing: “We would all be pretty embarrassed if information about Internet usage were published in the local newspaper.”
The fact that employees had been visiting adult sites, gambling sites, fortune-telling sites, sports sites, celebrity fan sites, as well as a gore fetish site, eventually did make the newspaper in March 2005.
Days after filing his 2010 request, the county responded to Belenski, advising it had “no responsive records.”
“When they say no responsive records, it means [there are] no records,” Belenski told the court's nine justices May 12, pointing out that the county offered no further explanation. “The county has repeated hard drive failures; They could have reconfigured their software, which they've done; They could have had a massive hard drive failure. Give a person some kind of a reason.”
In March 2011, Alvarez told Belenski he did not receive the logs because “we don't use them for anything so we don't have to keep them,” suggesting they did not exist.
Following a subsequent request in November 2011 for that year's logs, Belenski was told a catastrophic hard drive failure had wiped out nearly all of them.
In January 2012, Belenski attended a county meeting where he asked then-Information Services Manager David Shambley why he hadn't received any records. Shambley told him an employee “decided that you didn't have the software to look at them,” confirming the existence of the records.
In August 2012, Belenski filed another records request, this time learning that one day after he submitted his 2010 request, the same Information Services employee wrote an email to Alvarez acknowledging the existence of the records but expressing concern about Belenski's ability to read the logs without generating “a human readable” report.
On Nov. 19, 2012, nearly 26 months after making his 2010 request, Belenski filed suit against the county in Clallam County Superior Court. The county won on summary judgement, arguing it did not provide the logs because it decided they were not public records.
On appeal, the logs were found to be public records, but the court still dismissed Belenski's claim because not only had the PRA's one-year statute of limitations to bring a lawsuit expired, but so too had a generic two-year statute usually applied when no other is provided.
The question before the state Supreme Court: Which statute applies in Belenski's case? The court's answer will apply to all such cases statewide.
“We’ll be making a rule that applies to all requesters, not just to this one requester,” Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud said.
Belenski, along with Earl-Hubbard, argued the generic two-year statute of limitations does not apply to PRA cases as the PRA is already equipped with such a statute.
“The two-year statute of limitations can never apply in a PRA case because it is a gap filler and the PRA has a statute of limitations: it is the one-year," Earl-Hubbard said.
Under PRA, a requester may file suit within one year of an agency's claim of an exemption or its last production of a record on an installment basis.
“When I ended up filing the lawsuit, it still hadn't started to run because I hadn't gotten the exemption log or the records,” Belenski told the court, adding that he could not be expected to bring suit sooner as he did not yet know whether the records he requested even existed.
“The agency is the one that has all the knowledge about the records," he said. "You're requiring the requester to be a mind reader. If you go to court, you need proof, and if somebody tells you ‘no responsive records,’ how do you know there actually are records?”
Myers, arguing on behalf of the county, said it would be “an absurd consequence” to conclude the statute of limitations can only be triggered by one of the two prescribed agency responses, thus potentially allowing a requester to sue many years later upon discovering the agency failed to produce a record.
“There are lots of other kinds of public records responses,” Myers said. “I think it’s an absurd consequence to say that [the start of the statute] jumps around depending on how the agency chooses to respond. What if it was a single record, and it wasn’t done in installments? I think you have to clarify that. You could also read it to say the last production of a record is also the date that you determined there are no records to produce.”
Myers said generally a statute of limitations begins to run when a person has the right to sue and, in this case, he said Belenski had the right to sue when the county made its initial response.
“So you're recognizing somebody might be forced to bring a lawsuit while they're still negotiating back and forth with the county?” asked Justice Debra L. Stephens.
“I think that is a possibility,” Myers said.
“Wouldn’t that tell all requesters: ‘Always sue; As soon as you get that, always sue, just in case?” Justice McCloud asked.
“I think that is one strategy people might use,” Myers said.
Earl-Hubbard said the PRA ensures the public's right to inspect public records and entitles requesters to an adequate response. Without an adequate response, she said, the requester does not know whether they have cause to sue.
“You said in numerous cases that the failure to give an adequate withholding explanation is a violation of the adequate response because the person doesn’t know what they’ve been denied,” she said. “If we’d been here on Wade’s Eastside Gun Shop involving lead contamination of people and we’d been told there’s no responsive records, I would have thought that meant there was not a lead contamination investigation by L&I of this particular place. In 20 years of seeing PRA denials that say that, I think it means there are no records.”
Earl-Hubbard said Myers' assertion that a requester should be prepared to sue within a year of receiving an initial response puts too much of the onus on the requester.
“You do not want to cut short this idea of negotiation, you don’t want to force people into court and then try to discover and negotiate later,” she said. “Yes, a person might be able to sue if they think the response is inadequate, but that puts a burden on our courts we don’t want to impose and puts a requirement on a requester that the law doesn’t allow.”
Earl-Hubbard said the county should have told Belenski in the first place why it would not provide the records.
“They knew they had records, they decided they weren’t public records and they could have, in their explanation, at least said that and then he would have had a choice: Do I go to court? Do I question this? Do I fight with them?”
When Belenski made his 2010 request, the county's software was, by default, retaining the last 13 months of logs, automatically deleting the oldest day of logs with each new day.
The county stopped retaining records of employee computer use all together in January 2015, Alvarez said.
“Because of the potential cost to the county of having to maintain those records and redact for exemptions, we were forced to turn those things off so they wouldn't become a potential liability,” county Administrator Philip Morley said, noting that a single day of logs amounted to 2.7 million Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. “The primary reason is to be able to take out internal IP addresses so we don't compromise the security of the county network.”
The county still has the ability to turn on the log-retaining function, Morley said, but instead it relies on employees and department managers to monitor each other and report concerns for follow up.
“We try to minimize the risk of misuse by turning off access to a number of inappropriate sites,” he said. “But there is always the possibility that an employee could misuse something.”
love this Comment on the Article; "Simon J. May 18, 2016 11:38am
If they need any witnesses, I have asked the county for public records of which many have been ignored or refused, and this has been going on for decades. Maybe we should write a book 'The secrets of Jefferson County.'"
I want to request ALL emails, or phone correspondence with County Commissioners, City Officials, County Officials and the Port Townsend Paper Mill. Soon SOON.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
You are the Media. REPORT THE NEWS TO YOU. Real News is News by the People for the People. YOU ARE MEDIA.
Corruption is Being EXPOSED. The Light is SHINING bright in dark rooms of Corruption that have been there since the beginning of time. ~ Keep it up Folks. YOU are the MEDIA. You are the ones in the know.
Start a Blog, Use Google Docs, Use Free PR sites, use iReport, upload videos of you talking / reporting, post court documents, post sworn statements, post proof and be the MEDIA.
REPORT on what you know, what you are passionate about, post documented facts, case law, videos, photos, and lot's of real proof. YOU are the REAL NEWS Folks.
You are the News by the People for the People.
If you are in insider, a whistleblower, a witness to a criminal or corrupt activity, a witness to an accident or incident, have information special to your company or industry, know about specific judges, cops, politicians or attorneys, REPORT THE NEWS and post documents of proof, post photos, post video so that people can actually read the REAL NEWS.
Report on Lobbyists, State Representatives, Mayors, Senators, Attorney Generals, Governors, Attorneys, Judges, Police, Sheriffs, Detectives, and any official, YOU are the NEWS. If you don't report what you see, find out or know then the REAL News does not get reported.
Not only do you have case precedent of a LEGAL Constitutional Right to Report the News that is EQUAL to any Institutional Press Journalist or Big Media Reporter but you also have case precedent to BREAK the NEWS. Another words you have free speech rights, as a matter of LAW, by case precedent to break a story, be the first person talking about the story. THIS is a VERY Big Deal. So use this case precedent to Break the News, Report the News, YOU are MEDIA.
Start a Blog, Use Google Docs, Use Free PR sites, use iReport, upload videos of you talking / reporting, post court documents, post sworn statements, post proof and be the MEDIA.
REPORT on what you know, what you are passionate about, post documented facts, case law, videos, photos, and lot's of real proof. YOU are the REAL NEWS Folks.

If you are in insider, a whistleblower, a witness to a criminal or corrupt activity, a witness to an accident or incident, have information special to your company or industry, know about specific judges, cops, politicians or attorneys, REPORT THE NEWS and post documents of proof, post photos, post video so that people can actually read the REAL NEWS.
Report on Lobbyists, State Representatives, Mayors, Senators, Attorney Generals, Governors, Attorneys, Judges, Police, Sheriffs, Detectives, and any official, YOU are the NEWS. If you don't report what you see, find out or know then the REAL News does not get reported.
Not only do you have case precedent of a LEGAL Constitutional Right to Report the News that is EQUAL to any Institutional Press Journalist or Big Media Reporter but you also have case precedent to BREAK the NEWS. Another words you have free speech rights, as a matter of LAW, by case precedent to break a story, be the first person talking about the story. THIS is a VERY Big Deal. So use this case precedent to Break the News, Report the News, YOU are MEDIA.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Joshua Larson CONVICTED of child sex crimes in Snohomish County Washington. Still faces charges in Port Townsend, Jefferson County Washington. Joshua David Larson sentenced to roughly five years.
"Convicted child molester gets maximum prison sentence"
"Joshua David Larson was sentenced to roughly five years in prison for child molestation Wednesday."
"EVERETT — Being accused of molesting little girls is nothing new for Joshua David Larson.
But getting sentenced to prison after being convicted of the allegations?
The Port Townsend man found out what that was like for the first time Wednesday.
Larson was sentenced to roughly five years behind bars — although there is a good chance he'll be locked up longer.
He was convicted of molesting a 3-year-old girl while his extended family gathered in Stanwood in 2013 for Thanksgiving dinner. There were no direct witnesses, and the case largely hinged on whom jurors believed.
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Anita Farris said the sentence, the maximum under state guidelines, was warranted because Larson violated others' trust to prey on a victim whose young age made her particularly vulnerable.
Larson, 41, declined the judge's offer to address the court. He mostly stood silent through the hearing, sometimes closing his eyes and frowning.
Over the last 18 years, Larson has three times faced prosecution for allegations that he's committed sex crimes against young children.
He won acquittal twice in separate trials in King and Clallam counties, the first in 1998 when he was 24, the second last spring.
That came close to happening in Snohomish County, too. A jury here in November was unable to reach a verdict in the Stanwood case, leading to a mistrial.
Larson insisted the physical contact with the girl had been accidental and that his victim in the Stanwood case, now 6, may have made up the story to please her parents.
Deputy prosecutor Laura Twitchell took the case to trial again in January. The second jury needed just 90 minutes of weighing evidence from the week-long trial to find Larson guilty.
The defendant has demonstrated himself to be a liar and a remorseless manipulator, Twitchell said. “He made a plan and he followed through on it,” she said.
Over the years, four other girls have accused Larson of molestation. At trial, Farris allowed Twitchell to present evidence from other Larson sex cases, but only for the limited purpose of challenging the defendant's claims that the touching was accidental. The prosecutor successfully argued that the defendant used a common plan in each incident.
The judge's decision about the other girls' testimony likely will figure large in Larson's appeal. On Wednesday, public defender Jennifer Rancourt successfully argued that Twitchell shouldn't be allowed to make reference to any other allegations against Larson except for the Thanksgiving incident that led to his conviction.
She also asked that limits be placed on photography, urging the judge to order no images of her client in handcuffs.
Farris resolved that issue by allowing Larson to participate during his sentencing without his hands restrained.
He remains charged in Jefferson County with molesting a 7-year-old girl in 2013.
Rancourt told the judge she wanted to limit the chance that potential jurors in that case may prejudge Larson should it proceed to trial.
Because he's been convicted of a sex offense, Larson won't see freedom again unless he can convince the state's Indeterminate Sentence Review Board that he is fit to be released. If that happens, he'll be required to abide by a long list of conditions prohibiting contact with children and also register as a sex offender."
"Joshua David Larson, 41, was convicted Wednesday of one count of first-degree child molestation and faces up to 5½ years in prison when he's sentenced March 30. He will be required to register as a sex offender. The Snohomish jury found Larson guilty of molesting a 3-year-old girl during a 2013 Thanksgiving dinner in Stanwood."
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"Joshua David Larson was sentenced to roughly five years in prison for child molestation Wednesday."
"EVERETT — Being accused of molesting little girls is nothing new for Joshua David Larson.
But getting sentenced to prison after being convicted of the allegations?
The Port Townsend man found out what that was like for the first time Wednesday.
Larson was sentenced to roughly five years behind bars — although there is a good chance he'll be locked up longer.
He was convicted of molesting a 3-year-old girl while his extended family gathered in Stanwood in 2013 for Thanksgiving dinner. There were no direct witnesses, and the case largely hinged on whom jurors believed.
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Anita Farris said the sentence, the maximum under state guidelines, was warranted because Larson violated others' trust to prey on a victim whose young age made her particularly vulnerable.
Larson, 41, declined the judge's offer to address the court. He mostly stood silent through the hearing, sometimes closing his eyes and frowning.
Over the last 18 years, Larson has three times faced prosecution for allegations that he's committed sex crimes against young children.
He won acquittal twice in separate trials in King and Clallam counties, the first in 1998 when he was 24, the second last spring.
That came close to happening in Snohomish County, too. A jury here in November was unable to reach a verdict in the Stanwood case, leading to a mistrial.
Larson insisted the physical contact with the girl had been accidental and that his victim in the Stanwood case, now 6, may have made up the story to please her parents.
Deputy prosecutor Laura Twitchell took the case to trial again in January. The second jury needed just 90 minutes of weighing evidence from the week-long trial to find Larson guilty.
The defendant has demonstrated himself to be a liar and a remorseless manipulator, Twitchell said. “He made a plan and he followed through on it,” she said.
Over the years, four other girls have accused Larson of molestation. At trial, Farris allowed Twitchell to present evidence from other Larson sex cases, but only for the limited purpose of challenging the defendant's claims that the touching was accidental. The prosecutor successfully argued that the defendant used a common plan in each incident.
The judge's decision about the other girls' testimony likely will figure large in Larson's appeal. On Wednesday, public defender Jennifer Rancourt successfully argued that Twitchell shouldn't be allowed to make reference to any other allegations against Larson except for the Thanksgiving incident that led to his conviction.
She also asked that limits be placed on photography, urging the judge to order no images of her client in handcuffs.
Farris resolved that issue by allowing Larson to participate during his sentencing without his hands restrained.
He remains charged in Jefferson County with molesting a 7-year-old girl in 2013.
Rancourt told the judge she wanted to limit the chance that potential jurors in that case may prejudge Larson should it proceed to trial.
Because he's been convicted of a sex offense, Larson won't see freedom again unless he can convince the state's Indeterminate Sentence Review Board that he is fit to be released. If that happens, he'll be required to abide by a long list of conditions prohibiting contact with children and also register as a sex offender."
"Joshua David Larson, 41, was convicted Wednesday of one count of first-degree child molestation and faces up to 5½ years in prison when he's sentenced March 30. He will be required to register as a sex offender. The Snohomish jury found Larson guilty of molesting a 3-year-old girl during a 2013 Thanksgiving dinner in Stanwood."
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
I, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, say that the Seventh Day Adventist Church did not do all they could have done to prevent the children of Douglas Allison class from being Raped. They seem to have a motto of love the SINNER and not the SIN. I wonder if the have POLICY and did actual background checks on him. We know they IGNORED warnings as reports CLEARLY show.
It is my opinion that the Seventh Day Adventist Church is VERY liable to the Victims of Douglas Allison. They were given warning it seems by another congregation member, a parent as the news reports say. So why did they only question Douglas Allison? Did they check with people, churches, police, anyone in the California town he was in before? Was he ever accused of this before?
It is my personally opinion, and in no way meant to be a stated fact. But as someone who has studied alot about child molestation cases, and has this sort of behavior in my own family, and seen many victims, well I say that it is HIGHLY unlikely that a 55 year old man with this kind of access to children, has not ever molested or raped another child. I allege that there is way more victims and that the Seventh Day Adventist Church did not do ENOUGH to protect the children period.
Ask them who their insurance carrier is. I hope the VICTIMS are suing, as the Seventh Day Adventist Church had prior knowledge and it does not seem they warned the parents and gave them a choice to remove their kids from the over friendliness that had been warned about 7 months prior to this story getting into the news. They could have prevented further harm and did not. It is my opinion and not to be legal advice, but I say the Seventh Day Adventist Church is negligent in the least.
It is important to ask, obtain , in my opinion, all their records on if they actually did a criminal background check on Douglas Allison before they hired him, before he represented their church. If they did ask to see that, in my opinion. If they did not do a background check then they they are even more liable. If the check showed anything at all and they disclosed it then their insurance rates would have went VERY high.
It is time to stand up to Christian Church schools that LOVE the SINNER and hate the SIN and IGNORE the signs of child abuse. Enough is ENOUGH. More has to be done to protect children.
I say SUE the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
It is my personally opinion, and in no way meant to be a stated fact. But as someone who has studied alot about child molestation cases, and has this sort of behavior in my own family, and seen many victims, well I say that it is HIGHLY unlikely that a 55 year old man with this kind of access to children, has not ever molested or raped another child. I allege that there is way more victims and that the Seventh Day Adventist Church did not do ENOUGH to protect the children period.
Ask them who their insurance carrier is. I hope the VICTIMS are suing, as the Seventh Day Adventist Church had prior knowledge and it does not seem they warned the parents and gave them a choice to remove their kids from the over friendliness that had been warned about 7 months prior to this story getting into the news. They could have prevented further harm and did not. It is my opinion and not to be legal advice, but I say the Seventh Day Adventist Church is negligent in the least.
It is important to ask, obtain , in my opinion, all their records on if they actually did a criminal background check on Douglas Allison before they hired him, before he represented their church. If they did ask to see that, in my opinion. If they did not do a background check then they they are even more liable. If the check showed anything at all and they disclosed it then their insurance rates would have went VERY high.
It is time to stand up to Christian Church schools that LOVE the SINNER and hate the SIN and IGNORE the signs of child abuse. Enough is ENOUGH. More has to be done to protect children.
I say SUE the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
For more Information on the Greg Reseck, Douglas Allison story
Greg Reseck Cedar Brook Adventist Church in Port Townsend
Greg Reseck, Cedar Brook Adventist Church in Port Townsend
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Greg Reseck, Cedar Brook Adventist Church in Port Townsend
Greg Reseck, a teacher from Cedar Brook Adventist Church in Port Townsend
Sunday, March 27, 2016
the Air in Port Townsend Washington is TOXIC. Believe what helps you sleep at night, the TRUTH remains to be the TRUTH. Find your Facts for Yourself. Do not believe me or anyone. It is your Body, your Life. Still the TRUTH is the TRUTH.
ORCAA is NOT telling Port Townsend Residents the TRUTH.
ORCAA says,:"Paper mill odor
While it can be a source of unpleasant smells the Port Townsend Paper Co. is not the source of excess particulate matter, Hadley said.
“The odor from the mill comes from reduced sulphur compounds, which the nose detects but the instruments do not,” she said.
“We do not believe the mill provides any kind of health risk.”
Source of this BULL
This is NOT True Folks. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is producing fine particles and YOU are breathing them and it is TOXIC. Do not believe ME, do not believe ORCAA nor anyone else. DO your homework, it is your body, your children's lungs and health, your quality of life. YOU get to choose what you believe or IGNORE.
It is my OPINION because I can READ and think for myself that INDEED the Port Townsend Paper Mill PROVIDES a Health Risk. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
The Port Townsend Paper Mill is owned by BILLIONAIRES. Your Lungs and Quality of life is of NO Concern to them. Believe what you must, however the facts are out there if you really want to find them. If you don't then you don't.
Jefferson County Health is NOT doing their Job to Protect Jefferson County. Neither is the Jefferson County Commissioners nor the Washington DOE.
"when compared to "other" places" WHERE? China? What places is this comparison. Good news the air is mostly, pretty much oK. Folks do you own homework. There is billion dollar companions involved and they do NOT have your lungs nor your children's lung's or health on their priority list. YOU are breathing ammonia. Is even a little bit of poison OK?
The ORCAA study plays down the Toxins. The school is the worst? Is this really ok with people. How do you feel? Are you tired, are your kids sick. They ARE breathing fine particle TOXIC air. They are breathing ammonia.
This list is from 2009 and its way worse now.
This on top of polluting over 12 million gallons of water a day and in a time of massive drought. All this is ok with YOU, Really? Ok well you are in charge. If you don't want to breath Toxic Air, pollute 12 million gallons of PURE spring water a day, pollute the soil with massive acidic toxins, and pollute the Port Townsend Bay and the Puget Sound with massive toxic acid, well then you will, ONE DAY stand up to the DOE of Washington, the Port Townsend Paper Mill GREED, the Jefferson County Commissioners, the Town of Port Townsend, and Jefferson County Health.
Local nurses and doctors know of the cancer rates in Port Townsend, they know of countless children who had to leave due to the TOXIC air and others that stay and try to get well. WHY? Well because on the service Port Townsend is amazing. It seems as though a healthy place with lot's of wonderful Organic Farms however there is NO WAY to be ORGANIC when your crops are getting the toxins from the Port Townsend Paper Mill. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is NOT a FIT for the residents, farms, consciousness of the MAJORITY of Port Townsend Washington.
My first year in Port Townsend someone told me to go outside at night with a flashlight, I then lived off of discovery road. The particles in the air were SHOCKING. This toxin does affect you whether you believe it or not. THE TRUTH is the TRUTH no matter who chooses to believe it.
It really may not affect your health. Or you may have other health issues and so you believe it is not affecting your health. I believe it does.
I use to be so excited about all the Organics in Port Townsend, however, how can there truly be Organics with the Port Townsend Paper Mill spewing such a huge amount of ammonia, and other toxins.
Though Port Townsend is a Magical Place, the city is so "cool", there is so many amazing beautiful people and events, so many organics and well it is just a very special place, I have had to leave as have hundreds if not thousands over the years, as my chest would seize with a grip as if in a vice, my head above my eyes would feel intense painful pressure, my eyes would burn and eyesight foggy, my stomach as if turning inside out, my inner ear in intense pain, liver pain and literally waking up seizing, and choking with sever throat and lymph pain.
You can Believe whatever you like, however, the TRUTH is out there SHOULD you ever really want to know. ORCAA is NOT telling the TRUTH. Follow the Money Folks.
More at
Friday, March 25, 2016
the Washington State Department of Ecology is suppose to protect the ECOLOGY of Washington. Instead they PROTECT Corporate GREED and aid and abet TOXIC Companies such as the Port Townsend Paper Mill to POISON residents, air, soil and water.
Who does the Washington State Department of Ecology work for? Well they are PAID by YOUR Tax Dollars, but they "work for" Toxic Greedy Corporations that are Polluting your Air, Water, and Soil.
Yet that is NOT what they REALLY Do. Instead they preserve the rights of corporate GREED to poison our water, air, soil and affect our life and health negatively.
This is NOT TRUE. The WA DOE does NOT Prevent Pollution, they don't even try and PREVENT. Instead they enable companies such as the Port Townsend Paper mill and other Toxic Corporations to SPEW pollutants into our air and to pollute our water MASSIVELY, even in times of severe drought.
State of Washington Law [WAC 173-401-600]
*(this is from Port Townsend Paper Corporation Air Operating
Permit, Facility Wide General Requirements, Issued by WA
Department of Ecology)
No. 2. Detrimental Emissions. The permitee shall not
cause or allow emission of any contaminant if it is
detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of any
person, or causes damage to property or business.
[WAC 173-400-040(5)]
No. 6. Particulate Matter Deposition. ... No
deposition of particulate matter beyond property line
so as to interfere unreasonably with use and
enjoyment. [WAC 173-400-040(2)]
No. 7. Odors. ...Any person causing odor which may
unreasonably interfere with use & enjoyment of
property must use recognized good practice and
procedures to reduce odors to a reasonable minimum.
[WAC 173-400-040(4)]
the Washington State Department of Ecology FAILS Washington Residents and Enables Polluters, Billionaires to keep making Billions and getting your Tax Money by way of subsidies, as the POISON ever aspect of your life.
The Washington DOE Claims:
Our mission is to protect, preserve and enhance
Washington's environment, and promote the wise
management of our air, land and water.
Yet that is NOT what they REALLY Do. Instead they preserve the rights of corporate GREED to poison our water, air, soil and affect our life and health negatively.
the Washington State Department of Ecology claims;
In order to fulfill our mission and move Washington forward
in a global economy,
the Dept. of Ecology has three goals:
· Prevent pollution
· Clean up pollution
· Support sustainable communities and natural resources
This is NOT TRUE. The WA DOE does NOT Prevent Pollution, they don't even try and PREVENT. Instead they enable companies such as the Port Townsend Paper mill and other Toxic Corporations to SPEW pollutants into our air and to pollute our water MASSIVELY, even in times of severe drought.
State of Washington Law [WAC 173-401-600]
*(this is from Port Townsend Paper Corporation Air Operating
Permit, Facility Wide General Requirements, Issued by WA
Department of Ecology)
No. 2. Detrimental Emissions. The permitee shall not
cause or allow emission of any contaminant if it is
detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of any
person, or causes damage to property or business.
[WAC 173-400-040(5)]
No. 6. Particulate Matter Deposition. ... No
deposition of particulate matter beyond property line
so as to interfere unreasonably with use and
enjoyment. [WAC 173-400-040(2)]
No. 7. Odors. ...Any person causing odor which may
unreasonably interfere with use & enjoyment of
property must use recognized good practice and
procedures to reduce odors to a reasonable minimum.
[WAC 173-400-040(4)]
the Washington State Department of Ecology FAILS Washington Residents and Enables Polluters, Billionaires to keep making Billions and getting your Tax Money by way of subsidies, as the POISON ever aspect of your life.
Jefferson County Health, Port Townsend Washington, is aiding and abetting the Port Townsend Paper Mill to POISON Port Townsend. They know how many people get sick. They know the TOXINS and they cover it up for GREED, for money, for funding. ALL at the expense of YOUR quality of LIFE, your air, your water, your soil, YOUR LIFE.
RCW 70.05.060 Powers and duties of local board of health.
Each local board of health shall have supervision over all matters pertaining to the preservation of the life and health of the people within its jurisdiction and shall: (1) Enforce through the local health officer or the administrative officer appointed under RCW 70.05.040, if any, the public health statutes of the state and rules promulgated by the state board of health and the secretary of health; ,,, (5) Provide for the prevention, control and abatement of nuisances detrimental to the public health
RCW 70.05.070 Local health officer — Powers and duties.
The local health officer, acting under the direction of the local board of health or under direction of the administrative officer appointed under RCW 70.05.040 or 70.05.035, if any, shall: (1) Enforce the public health statutes of the state, rules of the state board of health and the secretary of health, and all local health rules, regulations and ordinances within his or her jurisdiction... (2) Take such action as is necessary to maintain health and sanitation supervision over the territory within his or her jurisdiction; ... (5) Prevent, control or abate nuisances which are detrimental to the public healt
Jefferson County Health has FAILED Jefferson County and Port Townsend and the people of Jefferson County have yet to stand up against them.
Each local board of health shall have supervision over all matters pertaining to the preservation of the life and health of the people within its jurisdiction and shall: (1) Enforce through the local health officer or the administrative officer appointed under RCW 70.05.040, if any, the public health statutes of the state and rules promulgated by the state board of health and the secretary of health; ,,, (5) Provide for the prevention, control and abatement of nuisances detrimental to the public health
RCW 70.05.070 Local health officer — Powers and duties.
The local health officer, acting under the direction of the local board of health or under direction of the administrative officer appointed under RCW 70.05.040 or 70.05.035, if any, shall: (1) Enforce the public health statutes of the state, rules of the state board of health and the secretary of health, and all local health rules, regulations and ordinances within his or her jurisdiction... (2) Take such action as is necessary to maintain health and sanitation supervision over the territory within his or her jurisdiction; ... (5) Prevent, control or abate nuisances which are detrimental to the public healt
Jefferson County Health has FAILED Jefferson County and Port Townsend and the people of Jefferson County have yet to stand up against them.
the Port Townsend Paper Mill is Poisoning Port Townsend. The SMELL of MONEY they Call It. I Call it the SMELL of Toxic Greed that has no Conscience of what that MONEY SMELL is doing to the lungs, health, soil, water, air and quality of life of Port Townsend Residents, as well as all of Jefferson County Washington.
I have not written about the Port Townsend Paper Mill in awhile. I became very discouraged at articles claiming Port Townsend Air Quality is GOOD, when it is NOT Good it is Down Right TOXIC. Discouraged at CLEARLY toxic air and a local government that CLEARLY chooses Greed and Profit over People.
The DEQ and Jefferson County Officials hide the FACTS from the public. People are sick, and they leave the area due to this sickness. Others can't leave because they are stuck in overpriced Port Townsend Real Estate, Home. These folks thought the mill would be gone by now.
Still we have positive news on the Port Townsend Paper Mill from the Port Townsend Leader. When the TRUTH is not all FLUFFY as the Port Townsend Leader makes it out to be.
We have officials such as Deborah Stimson who does not care about air quality or sound pollution as she has clearly proven. Meanwhile the actual data shows MASSIVE TOXINS, ammonia in the air and much more that is burning your lungs, harming your health and creating HUGE amounts of fine particle pollution that you and your children breath every day. Children and babies have all kinds of damage and health concerns from these fine particles of MASSIVE harmful, Toxic Pollution. Meanwhile Jefferson County is paid off by BIG MONEY from the hedge funds and corporate greed of those who own and profit from investing in the Port Townsend Paper Mill.
We have a commissioner somewhere paid off by the Paper Mill in some unknown account that will never be traced according to anonymous sources.
And we have a public who thinks the mill is the smell of money. And don't seem to care what you give up, pollute, ruin, or sacrifice for that MONEY SMELL.
Meanwhile YOU are sick and you don't why. You have low energy and you don't why. Your inner ears hurt, your throat hurts, your eyes feel funny, you feel hazy and you are not sure what it is. It is the Port Townsend Paper Mill poisoning you.
The Public at large let's Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend flat out lie about the Mill as the Port Townsend Paper Mill pollutes MASSIVE water and you the public are to cut down on water use, as they use over 12 million gallons a day and POLLUTE the water and the Port Townsend Bay.
They Flat out LIE about what is really in the air you are breathing, and the Public, the local media outlets and the local governing body REFUSES to actually disclose the TRUTH that they know through air monitors. Instead they choose to CODDLE Greed.
I also became discouraged at Governor Inslee's carbon tax being shot down on places like the Port Townsend Paper Mill and the claims, FLAT OUT LIES, that the Port Townsend Paper Mill is not a HUGE Carbon Polluter when they clear are and Jefferson County Washington ignores it and protects 300 jobs which is actually 1% of Jefferson County. There are so many amazing people in Port Townsend that make money with clean jobs that do not harm the air, soil and water.
The Port Townsend Paper Mill is putting massive toxins into the air. I am not saying to believe me. I am saying do your homework. Get all the documents, including the LYING bankruptcy documents of the previous mill owner, the air monitor reports that are out there, take an independent air monitor test, and find out ALL the documented facts for yourself. Don't Believe the LIES of the Port Townsend Leader, the Jefferson County Commissioners, Paid off Jefferson County Health or ANYONE. Find the FACTS for yourself. This is your AIR, your water, your soil, your LIFE.
The City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Washington PROTECTS the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Put's PROFIT before the health of the Citizens of Port Townsend Washington.
The DEQ and Jefferson County Officials hide the FACTS from the public. People are sick, and they leave the area due to this sickness. Others can't leave because they are stuck in overpriced Port Townsend Real Estate, Home. These folks thought the mill would be gone by now.
Still we have positive news on the Port Townsend Paper Mill from the Port Townsend Leader. When the TRUTH is not all FLUFFY as the Port Townsend Leader makes it out to be.
We have officials such as Deborah Stimson who does not care about air quality or sound pollution as she has clearly proven. Meanwhile the actual data shows MASSIVE TOXINS, ammonia in the air and much more that is burning your lungs, harming your health and creating HUGE amounts of fine particle pollution that you and your children breath every day. Children and babies have all kinds of damage and health concerns from these fine particles of MASSIVE harmful, Toxic Pollution. Meanwhile Jefferson County is paid off by BIG MONEY from the hedge funds and corporate greed of those who own and profit from investing in the Port Townsend Paper Mill.
We have a commissioner somewhere paid off by the Paper Mill in some unknown account that will never be traced according to anonymous sources.
And we have a public who thinks the mill is the smell of money. And don't seem to care what you give up, pollute, ruin, or sacrifice for that MONEY SMELL.
Meanwhile YOU are sick and you don't why. You have low energy and you don't why. Your inner ears hurt, your throat hurts, your eyes feel funny, you feel hazy and you are not sure what it is. It is the Port Townsend Paper Mill poisoning you.
The Public at large let's Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend flat out lie about the Mill as the Port Townsend Paper Mill pollutes MASSIVE water and you the public are to cut down on water use, as they use over 12 million gallons a day and POLLUTE the water and the Port Townsend Bay.
They Flat out LIE about what is really in the air you are breathing, and the Public, the local media outlets and the local governing body REFUSES to actually disclose the TRUTH that they know through air monitors. Instead they choose to CODDLE Greed.
I also became discouraged at Governor Inslee's carbon tax being shot down on places like the Port Townsend Paper Mill and the claims, FLAT OUT LIES, that the Port Townsend Paper Mill is not a HUGE Carbon Polluter when they clear are and Jefferson County Washington ignores it and protects 300 jobs which is actually 1% of Jefferson County. There are so many amazing people in Port Townsend that make money with clean jobs that do not harm the air, soil and water.
The Port Townsend Paper Mill is putting massive toxins into the air. I am not saying to believe me. I am saying do your homework. Get all the documents, including the LYING bankruptcy documents of the previous mill owner, the air monitor reports that are out there, take an independent air monitor test, and find out ALL the documented facts for yourself. Don't Believe the LIES of the Port Townsend Leader, the Jefferson County Commissioners, Paid off Jefferson County Health or ANYONE. Find the FACTS for yourself. This is your AIR, your water, your soil, your LIFE.
The City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Washington PROTECTS the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Put's PROFIT before the health of the Citizens of Port Townsend Washington.
Port Townsend Paper Mill Criminal Trespass. I ALLEGE that it is criminal to pollute our air. I Allege that Jefferson County Health, the City of Port Townsend and the County of Jefferson is aiding and abetting CRIMINAL TRESPASS, as well as violations of the Clean Air Act and our Right to Breath Clean Air, as the BLATANTLY cover up what is really coming out of the Port Townsend Paper Mill.
"EO: What motivated you and your group to get organized?
Gretchen: We did our homework. We were looking for real scientific data that would tell us about the smell. We found that the smell from the mill comes equally from the mill stacks and the basin pollution. We found that there is legal precedence in that that kind of pollution that could affect people’s health and livelihood is called “chemical trespass”.
Chemical trespass is chemicals spread from somebody else’s activities which impact your life and property. Our groups have spent thousands of hours researching this pollution and also the mill and how it operates. We wanted to know the details. It was a great effort by many people. PT Airwatchers has more than 500 members, and there is a changing core of 100 people doing the research and organizing events such as educating the community.
EO: Tell me about the Port Townsend Mill, what do they manufacture and how do they generate income?
Gretchen: The main product of the Port Townsend mill is the manufacturing of unbleached Kraft pulp. The pulp is sold to make corrugated cardboard. The pulp is made from local trees that are known for their extra-fine fibers such as Western Red Cedar. The mill has been buying the slash of clear-cuts since 1929. The mill also runs a Biomass burner to generate electricity. Although originally set up with a promise of cheaper electricity to the local community, the electricity is actually sold to the bigger markets for higher revenue. They already generate 14.9 megawatts to sell. So what they do is buy power that they need from Bonneville Power at sub-market rates and then sell the power they generate back to the power grid at market rates or higher. They sell at a higher rate because they claim they are making green energy. It is another way they generate income.
They also receive a subsidy from the US government because they are designated as “green energy” producers. Two years ago California stopped buying this power from the grid because the state passed a law to buy local first. The state would buy energy from California producers first. This kind of put a crimp in the mill’s plan to sell “green energy”. Fracking of natural gas across the country has driven down energy prices and the need for electricity has decreased.
They make money by collecting government subsidies. They get a tax subsidy for using forest products."
Source and More
For Some Reason the PT Airwatchers Blog has been down for awhile. Not sure Why. However, I do have every page of it saved as well as all connected documents to the best of my ability. If you have any documents of proof, or anything that exposes corruption connected to the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Jefferson County officials in ANY way, eMail your tip to
Also Don't FORGET that the Port Townsend Paper Mill gets government subsidies to POISON YOU. They get YOUR TAX MONEY TO POISON YOU.
Gretchen: We did our homework. We were looking for real scientific data that would tell us about the smell. We found that the smell from the mill comes equally from the mill stacks and the basin pollution. We found that there is legal precedence in that that kind of pollution that could affect people’s health and livelihood is called “chemical trespass”.
Chemical trespass is chemicals spread from somebody else’s activities which impact your life and property. Our groups have spent thousands of hours researching this pollution and also the mill and how it operates. We wanted to know the details. It was a great effort by many people. PT Airwatchers has more than 500 members, and there is a changing core of 100 people doing the research and organizing events such as educating the community.
EO: Tell me about the Port Townsend Mill, what do they manufacture and how do they generate income?
Gretchen: The main product of the Port Townsend mill is the manufacturing of unbleached Kraft pulp. The pulp is sold to make corrugated cardboard. The pulp is made from local trees that are known for their extra-fine fibers such as Western Red Cedar. The mill has been buying the slash of clear-cuts since 1929. The mill also runs a Biomass burner to generate electricity. Although originally set up with a promise of cheaper electricity to the local community, the electricity is actually sold to the bigger markets for higher revenue. They already generate 14.9 megawatts to sell. So what they do is buy power that they need from Bonneville Power at sub-market rates and then sell the power they generate back to the power grid at market rates or higher. They sell at a higher rate because they claim they are making green energy. It is another way they generate income.
They also receive a subsidy from the US government because they are designated as “green energy” producers. Two years ago California stopped buying this power from the grid because the state passed a law to buy local first. The state would buy energy from California producers first. This kind of put a crimp in the mill’s plan to sell “green energy”. Fracking of natural gas across the country has driven down energy prices and the need for electricity has decreased.
They make money by collecting government subsidies. They get a tax subsidy for using forest products."
Source and More
For Some Reason the PT Airwatchers Blog has been down for awhile. Not sure Why. However, I do have every page of it saved as well as all connected documents to the best of my ability. If you have any documents of proof, or anything that exposes corruption connected to the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Jefferson County officials in ANY way, eMail your tip to
Also Don't FORGET that the Port Townsend Paper Mill gets government subsidies to POISON YOU. They get YOUR TAX MONEY TO POISON YOU.
Port Townsend Paper Mill Criminal Trespass. I ALLEGE that it is criminal to pollute our air. I Allege that Jefferson County Health, the City of Port Townsend and the County of Jefferson is aiding and abetting CRIMINAL TRESPASS, as well as violations of the Clean Air Act and our Right to Breath Clean Air, as the BLATANTLY cover up what is really coming out of the Port Townsend Paper Mill.
"EO: What motivated you and your group to get organized?
Gretchen: We did our homework. We were looking for real scientific data that would tell us about the smell. We found that the smell from the mill comes equally from the mill stacks and the basin pollution. We found that there is legal precedence in that that kind of pollution that could affect people’s health and livelihood is called “chemical trespass”.
Chemical trespass is chemicals spread from somebody else’s activities which impact your life and property. Our groups have spent thousands of hours researching this pollution and also the mill and how it operates. We wanted to know the details. It was a great effort by many people. PT Airwatchers has more than 500 members, and there is a changing core of 100 people doing the research and organizing events such as educating the community.
EO: Tell me about the Port Townsend Mill, what do they manufacture and how do they generate income?
Gretchen: The main product of the Port Townsend mill is the manufacturing of unbleached Kraft pulp. The pulp is sold to make corrugated cardboard. The pulp is made from local trees that are known for their extra-fine fibers such as Western Red Cedar. The mill has been buying the slash of clear-cuts since 1929. The mill also runs a Biomass burner to generate electricity. Although originally set up with a promise of cheaper electricity to the local community, the electricity is actually sold to the bigger markets for higher revenue. They already generate 14.9 megawatts to sell. So what they do is buy power that they need from Bonneville Power at sub-market rates and then sell the power they generate back to the power grid at market rates or higher. They sell at a higher rate because they claim they are making green energy. It is another way they generate income.
They also receive a subsidy from the US government because they are designated as “green energy” producers. Two years ago California stopped buying this power from the grid because the state passed a law to buy local first. The state would buy energy from California producers first. This kind of put a crimp in the mill’s plan to sell “green energy”. Fracking of natural gas across the country has driven down energy prices and the need for electricity has decreased.
They make money by collecting government subsidies. They get a tax subsidy for using forest products."
Source and More
For Some Reason the PT Airwatchers Blog has been down for awhile. Not sure Why. However, I do have every page of it saved as well as all connected documents to the best of my ability. If you have any documents of proof, or anything that exposes corruption connected to the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Jefferson County officials in ANY way, eMail your tip to
Also Don't FORGET that the Port Townsend Paper Mill gets government subsidies to POISON YOU. They get YOUR TAX MONEY TO POISON YOU.
Gretchen: We did our homework. We were looking for real scientific data that would tell us about the smell. We found that the smell from the mill comes equally from the mill stacks and the basin pollution. We found that there is legal precedence in that that kind of pollution that could affect people’s health and livelihood is called “chemical trespass”.
Chemical trespass is chemicals spread from somebody else’s activities which impact your life and property. Our groups have spent thousands of hours researching this pollution and also the mill and how it operates. We wanted to know the details. It was a great effort by many people. PT Airwatchers has more than 500 members, and there is a changing core of 100 people doing the research and organizing events such as educating the community.
EO: Tell me about the Port Townsend Mill, what do they manufacture and how do they generate income?
Gretchen: The main product of the Port Townsend mill is the manufacturing of unbleached Kraft pulp. The pulp is sold to make corrugated cardboard. The pulp is made from local trees that are known for their extra-fine fibers such as Western Red Cedar. The mill has been buying the slash of clear-cuts since 1929. The mill also runs a Biomass burner to generate electricity. Although originally set up with a promise of cheaper electricity to the local community, the electricity is actually sold to the bigger markets for higher revenue. They already generate 14.9 megawatts to sell. So what they do is buy power that they need from Bonneville Power at sub-market rates and then sell the power they generate back to the power grid at market rates or higher. They sell at a higher rate because they claim they are making green energy. It is another way they generate income.
They also receive a subsidy from the US government because they are designated as “green energy” producers. Two years ago California stopped buying this power from the grid because the state passed a law to buy local first. The state would buy energy from California producers first. This kind of put a crimp in the mill’s plan to sell “green energy”. Fracking of natural gas across the country has driven down energy prices and the need for electricity has decreased.
They make money by collecting government subsidies. They get a tax subsidy for using forest products."
Source and More
For Some Reason the PT Airwatchers Blog has been down for awhile. Not sure Why. However, I do have every page of it saved as well as all connected documents to the best of my ability. If you have any documents of proof, or anything that exposes corruption connected to the Port Townsend Paper Mill and Jefferson County officials in ANY way, eMail your tip to
Also Don't FORGET that the Port Townsend Paper Mill gets government subsidies to POISON YOU. They get YOUR TAX MONEY TO POISON YOU.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Josh Larson Port Townsend - Joshua Larson Convicted Sex Offender Washington. Joshua David Larson is finally convicted of being the Sexual Predator he is.
Joshua Larson of Port Townsend is CLEARLY a Sexual Predator and if the courts would have STOPPED him at age 24 when they were first informed, it would have saved alot of future victims. Pay attention folks.
Joshua David Larson of Port Townsend plans to appeal. Joshua David Larson is a predator. Pay attention to you children folks. Give them the power to say no to hugs or anyone for any reason. Predators are mostly family friends.
Joshua David Larson is GUILTY and now a Convicted Sexual Predator, finally after nearly 20 years of the authorities knowing about this man and the public having no idea and trusting him with their children.
Joshua David Larson of Port Townsend plans to appeal. Joshua David Larson is a predator. Pay attention to you children folks. Give them the power to say no to hugs or anyone for any reason. Predators are mostly family friends.
Joshua David Larson is GUILTY and now a Convicted Sexual Predator, finally after nearly 20 years of the authorities knowing about this man and the public having no idea and trusting him with their children.
Josh Larson plans to appeal? Right. Clearly this man has spent his entire life abusing children.
"Port Townsend man found guilty of child sex crime in Snohomish County faces more charges in Jefferson
Port Townsend man acquitted of child sex crimes in Clallam County has been convicted in Snohomish County of molesting a 3-year-old girl and will be transferred to the custody of the state Department of Corrections before returning to Port Townsend to face similar charges.
Joshua David Larson, 41, was convicted Wednesday of one count of child molestation in the third degree and faces up to 5½ years in prison when he's sentenced March 30. He will be required to register as a sex offender.
The Snohomish jury found Larson guilty of molesting a 3-year-old girl during a 2013 Thanksgiving dinner in Stanwood.
It reached its verdict in 90 minutes after a weeklong trial that included testimony from the girl, now 6.
Snohomish County Deputy Prosecutor Laura Twitchell retried the case following a mistrial in November. Those jurors couldn't reach a verdict after a couple of days of deliberations.
Twitchell said Larson will be processed into the state prison system after his sentencing and then taken to Jefferson County, where he will stand trial on charges of two counts of first-degree rape of a child and first-degree child molestation.
Larson plans to appeal his conviction, his lawyer said.
In the Jefferson County case, a 7-year-old girl reported Larson molested her in 2012, saying he assaulted her while she visited his then-5-year-old son at the family's Port
Townsend home.
Jefferson County dismissed the charges in March 2015 “without prejudice,” meaning the charges could be refiled.
At that time, Prosecuting Attorney Michael Haas cited the acquisition of new information as a reason for the dismissal.
The girl in that case and two others who accused Larson of sexually abusing them testified in the Snohomish County trial.
Snohomish Superior Court Judge Anita Farris permitted their testimony for limited purposes, specifically to refute the defendant's claims that the touching was accidental.
Twitchell pressed to get the testimony in front of jurors to prove that Larson used a common plan in each incident and that the touching was for his sexual gratification.
Jurors were told that Larson was acquitted in a case involving one of the girls.
The admissibility of the other girls' testimony is expected to be at the heart of Larson's appeal.
The Jefferson County charges were refiled Oct. 29 and resulted from the Snohomish County case, according to court documents.
Two acquittals
Larson has been acquitted of molestation twice.
He was 24 when he was charged with child molestation after a 5-year-old girl said he abused her. A King County jury acquitted him at the 1998 trial.
In March, a Clallam County jury concluded that Larson wasn't guilty of molesting a 9-year-old girl in May 2014 at the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center pool.
The girl said Larson touched her while she was playing in the pool.
That allegation came two months after Larson was arrested for investigation of child sex crimes in Snohomish County.
He'd been released from the Everett jail without having to post bail.
In the Snohomish County case, Larson denied touching the girl's genitals and testified that his hand brushed her clothed buttocks as he lifted her to take a toy away.
Larson told detectives the girl may have made up the story because that's what her parents wanted to hear."
Josh Larson Port Townsend - Joshua Larson Convicted Sex Offender Washington
I especially love the story where the JUDGE let's this predator go without bail "by Judge Tam Bui, in early 2014. She responded by blaming prosecutors for not filing charges quickly enough.
Judge Alsdorf issued a 500,000.00 warrant for his arrest but sadly he was able to allegedly assault 2 more children shortly after his release."
"Port Townsend man found guilty of child sex crime in Snohomish County faces more charges in Jefferson
Port Townsend man acquitted of child sex crimes in Clallam County has been convicted in Snohomish County of molesting a 3-year-old girl and will be transferred to the custody of the state Department of Corrections before returning to Port Townsend to face similar charges.
Joshua David Larson, 41, was convicted Wednesday of one count of child molestation in the third degree and faces up to 5½ years in prison when he's sentenced March 30. He will be required to register as a sex offender.
The Snohomish jury found Larson guilty of molesting a 3-year-old girl during a 2013 Thanksgiving dinner in Stanwood.
It reached its verdict in 90 minutes after a weeklong trial that included testimony from the girl, now 6.
Snohomish County Deputy Prosecutor Laura Twitchell retried the case following a mistrial in November. Those jurors couldn't reach a verdict after a couple of days of deliberations.
Twitchell said Larson will be processed into the state prison system after his sentencing and then taken to Jefferson County, where he will stand trial on charges of two counts of first-degree rape of a child and first-degree child molestation.
Larson plans to appeal his conviction, his lawyer said.
In the Jefferson County case, a 7-year-old girl reported Larson molested her in 2012, saying he assaulted her while she visited his then-5-year-old son at the family's Port
Townsend home.
Jefferson County dismissed the charges in March 2015 “without prejudice,” meaning the charges could be refiled.
At that time, Prosecuting Attorney Michael Haas cited the acquisition of new information as a reason for the dismissal.
The girl in that case and two others who accused Larson of sexually abusing them testified in the Snohomish County trial.
Snohomish Superior Court Judge Anita Farris permitted their testimony for limited purposes, specifically to refute the defendant's claims that the touching was accidental.
Twitchell pressed to get the testimony in front of jurors to prove that Larson used a common plan in each incident and that the touching was for his sexual gratification.
Jurors were told that Larson was acquitted in a case involving one of the girls.
The admissibility of the other girls' testimony is expected to be at the heart of Larson's appeal.
The Jefferson County charges were refiled Oct. 29 and resulted from the Snohomish County case, according to court documents.
Two acquittals
Larson has been acquitted of molestation twice.
He was 24 when he was charged with child molestation after a 5-year-old girl said he abused her. A King County jury acquitted him at the 1998 trial.
In March, a Clallam County jury concluded that Larson wasn't guilty of molesting a 9-year-old girl in May 2014 at the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center pool.
The girl said Larson touched her while she was playing in the pool.
That allegation came two months after Larson was arrested for investigation of child sex crimes in Snohomish County.
He'd been released from the Everett jail without having to post bail.
In the Snohomish County case, Larson denied touching the girl's genitals and testified that his hand brushed her clothed buttocks as he lifted her to take a toy away.
Larson told detectives the girl may have made up the story because that's what her parents wanted to hear."
Josh Larson Port Townsend - Joshua Larson Convicted Sex Offender Washington
Links to more Research about Joshua David Larson, convicted Child Molester
I especially love the story where the JUDGE let's this predator go without bail "by Judge Tam Bui, in early 2014. She responded by blaming prosecutors for not filing charges quickly enough.
Judge Alsdorf issued a 500,000.00 warrant for his arrest but sadly he was able to allegedly assault 2 more children shortly after his release."
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