Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Port Townsend has Ammonia in the Air PERIOD. 

Port Townsend Paper is poisoning people, period. And they say oh the jobs. WR Grace did the same thing and my family suffered and suffers from Asbestos related lung disease, bone cancers and more.  They worked at the plant, brought the poison home to their kids and all for MONEY, all to make a living.  The kids were sick often, red under their eyes, but hey they have food, crappy food, food they are allergic too or can't eat but are forced to eat but oh well it's food. 

It is not speculation, it is fact. I have read the documents that so many ignore. I would NEVER raise kids in that air, and I certainly would not work there and bring home toxins as my family did. And on top of that they chain smoked cigerettes because they were so stressed and that made their body and health problems worse and their kids. And well they were miserable so they drank whiskey all day every day. No matter the time of day they walked in, they drank. Then they say oh I can't afford better food, can't afford your sports shoes. And the cycle went on and on. So many of them passed away in pain, with oxygen tanks and worse. Most of us had or have heart issues from second hand smoke. Cars, furniture, clothes, hugs, and even to talk to them, we got second hand smoke and a lifetime of problems related to it. 

I have interviewed many who left Port Townsend because their child's health was so bad, and they had chronic lung and sinus issues. Most ignore it and call it the smell of money. Money for WHO? Its survival for them, along with stress, bad food, whiskey, cigarettes and well they can pay the rent, but we live out their choices as their children. WR Grace in Libby Montana just as the Port Townsend Paper Mill, they did small things for the community and they provided jobs. They lied about KNOWN toxins just as the PT Paper Mill. Ignorance may be bliss to some, but for me I would never expose my children's lungs to such a life, or to alcoholism, cigarettes and food lacking nutrients. To me it a matter of priority, and I choose healthy air, not to be an alcoholic, not to smoke, and to eat whole foods, to create the money to eat whole good foods and not empty poison foods.

So many of my family members still do such. They eat cheap or free food. Food that is not good for them or their children and they whine about how they can't afford better. Yet they chain smoke and get a gallon of whiskey a week and seem to have plenty of money for that. 

They don't play with their kids. Its all about football, cigs and whiskey. This is so rampant, and certainly not just in my family. However, it is NOT my life nor will it ever be. I vibrate much higher than that. Even in Poverty.  With no money I still eat healthy, still don't drink or smoke. It's never been me. I don't understand those who drink and smoke all day every single day. WHY? Is their life that bad? Do they not think their kids know, worry about them, know they are alcoholics? Do they not know that they talk different to the kids and others after they drink. The rules change, the talk, the information. How can kids do what parents want if they are drunk all the time. Ya highly functioning alcoholics but non-the less Alchoholics.  And so odd they think it's ok to drink whiskey as if it is milk and smell of smoke constantly, even with babies and young children around. Nothing I can do but pray for the children. Its not my choices that's for sure.

Anyway it is quite shocking to see family still turning to toxic jobs for survival, and making toxic choices right along with it. Instead of using that job to better their life, they continue drinking non-stop, smoking non-stop, eating food that they and their kids are actually allergic to and they don't know and well the cycle goes on. It's never been that way for me, even at homeless and poverty, I still never turned to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and if I had kids well I would not even have got to experience poverty or homeless but would have kept my businesses. So ya, I try not to judge, but it heavies my heart at times. Especially when I see family or talk to family in that same toxic cycle, blind alcoholics poisoning their children and those around them seemingly thinking we all don't know, or that its somehow ok.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill AIR is not ok. Ya Jobs, so what, there are jobs at Big Pharma, Oncologist Jobs, Mercenary Jobs, Spraying Pesticides, and many jobs that harm or kill people. You Choose to do them and support that or NOT. You have CHOICE every day.

Just because you make more money there, does not mean its best for your Family, nor Mother Earth and her animals and people.