Friday, March 25, 2016

the Washington State Department of Ecology is suppose to protect the ECOLOGY of Washington. Instead they PROTECT Corporate GREED and aid and abet TOXIC Companies such as the Port Townsend Paper Mill to POISON residents, air, soil and water.

Who does the Washington State Department of Ecology work for? Well they are PAID by YOUR Tax Dollars, but they "work for" Toxic Greedy Corporations that are Polluting your Air, Water, and Soil.

The Washington DOE Claims:

Our mission is to protect, preserve and enhance
Washington's environment, and promote the wise
management of our air, land and water.

Yet that is NOT what they REALLY Do. Instead they preserve the rights of corporate GREED to poison our water, air, soil and affect our life and health negatively.

the Washington State Department of Ecology claims; 

In order to fulfill our mission and move Washington forward
in a global economy, 
the Dept. of Ecology has three goals:
· Prevent pollution
· Clean up pollution
· Support sustainable communities and natural resources

This is NOT TRUE. The WA DOE does NOT Prevent Pollution, they don't even try and PREVENT. Instead they enable companies such as the Port Townsend Paper mill and other Toxic Corporations to SPEW pollutants into our air and to pollute our water MASSIVELY, even in times of severe drought.

State of Washington Law [WAC 173-401-600]
*(this is from Port Townsend Paper Corporation Air Operating
Permit, Facility Wide General Requirements, Issued by WA
Department of Ecology)

No. 2. Detrimental Emissions. The permitee shall not
cause or allow emission of any contaminant if it is
detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of any
person, or causes damage to property or business.

[WAC 173-400-040(5)]

No. 6. Particulate Matter Deposition. ... No
deposition of particulate matter beyond property line
so as to interfere unreasonably with use and
enjoyment. [WAC 173-400-040(2)]

No. 7. Odors. ...Any person causing odor which may
unreasonably interfere with use & enjoyment of
property must use recognized good practice and
procedures to reduce odors to a reasonable minimum.
[WAC 173-400-040(4)]

the Washington State Department of Ecology FAILS Washington Residents and Enables Polluters, Billionaires to keep making Billions and getting your Tax Money by way of subsidies, as the POISON ever aspect of your life.