Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You are the Media. REPORT THE NEWS TO YOU. Real News is News by the People for the People. YOU ARE MEDIA.

Corruption is Being EXPOSED. The Light is SHINING bright in dark rooms of Corruption that have been there since the beginning of time. ~  Keep it up Folks. YOU are the MEDIA. You are the ones in the know.

Start a Blog, Use Google Docs, Use Free PR sites, use iReport, upload videos of you talking / reporting, post court documents, post sworn statements, post proof and be the MEDIA.


REPORT on what you know, what you are passionate about, post documented facts, case law, videos, photos, and lot's of real proof. YOU are the REAL NEWS Folks.

You are the News by the People for the People. 

If you are in insider, a whistleblower, a witness to a criminal or corrupt activity, a witness to an accident or incident, have information special to your company or industry, know about specific judges, cops, politicians or attorneys, REPORT THE NEWS and post documents of proof, post photos, post video so that people can actually read the REAL NEWS. 

Report on Lobbyists, State Representatives, Mayors, Senators, Attorney Generals, Governors, Attorneys, Judges, Police, Sheriffs, Detectives, and any official, YOU are the NEWS. If you don't report what you see, find out or know then the REAL News does not get reported.

Not only do you have case precedent of a LEGAL Constitutional Right to Report the News that is EQUAL to any Institutional Press Journalist or Big Media Reporter but you also have case precedent to BREAK the NEWS. Another words you have free speech rights, as a matter of LAW, by case precedent to break a story, be the first person talking about the story. THIS is a VERY Big Deal. So use this case precedent to Break the News, Report the News, YOU are MEDIA.