Thursday, February 2, 2023

Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro emails Mayor David Fabor Concerned over the grey areas of Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom Bullying Staff. Mauro thanks Fabor For Listening.

Is Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom a Bully?

Well you know that I think she is.

However, Clearly So Does the Port Townsend

City Manager John Mauro

Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom sure did Bully Julie Jaman and Rachael Burt. yet City Manager John Mauro did nothing and joined the Bullying. Yet that Very Day of the infamous YMCA Incident, City Manager John Mauro had emailed concerns to Mayor David Fabor regarding the aggressive inappropriate bullying by Port Townsend Council Woman Libby Wennstrom.

Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom sure did Bully all of us, to the point of being a part of inciting a mob to assault us then Gaslight us that it simply did not happen.

Mauro Knowing that Libby is a BULLY and doing NOTHING as he Bullied members of the public to the point of assault, well I believe this is a Human Rights Violation and it sure seems it 
would show Pattern and History for say, a RICO Lawsuit.

City Manager John Mauro knew what Libby Wennstrom was capable of and did nothing to stand up for Julie Jaman as Wennstrom defamed, bullied, attacked Julie online.


What a BULLY You are Libby

Let's Take a Look at an email from City Manager Mauro

"Hi David

In an effort to ensure we’re all synced up, I often get a heads up and a brief update from my team when Councilmembers reach out to them, especially if I’m not cc’d. I like this system so that Councilmembers can ask questions and have easy access to information to help them do their jobs but color within the legal lines of not directing staff. 

It’s also great to have staff enjoy direct relationships with elected members since we spend a good amount of time and effort together and I’m not wanting to command and control those relationships. 

This balance is new for the City I’m told and one that I think we and our community can benefit from. That said, there are ways this can go poorly, hence this email heads up. 

Our People & Performance/HR Director indicated that Councilmember Wennstrom contacted her last week to discuss a media matter related to my performance review. 

Councilmember Wennstrom is within her right to ask questions and reach out (I’ve often urged her to contact directors for more information on other matters). I get the sense from my HR director, though, that while it ended okay, the conversation started poorly and with some degree of accusation. 

This is troubling to me for at least two reasons. First, Pamela did not indicate being bullied, but I worry about the grey areas of appropriate interaction and confrontation with staff that should be better directed instead toward you or me, at least in the first instance. 

Second, assuming good intent from Councilmember Wennstrom, the perception of this interaction may betray the intent – in that, staff may feel unnecessarily confronted on matters where they have no control or influence and the power dynamic makes it challenging for them to stick up for themselves when pressed by someone who is clearly in distress.

I’m not proposing any specific remedy, but I have an interest in setting clear boundaries here. 

I would suggest that it may be appropriate for you to signal to Councilmember Wennstrom that she instead direct any frustrations, concerns or questions to you or to me regarding these kinds of matters. As I’m sure you know, I’m very happy to discuss with you and learn your perspective so we can walk forward through this as best we can.

Thanks for listening!



Link to Source FOI eMail 

“no control or influence and the power dynamic” Gee John, that is what you dished up to us, the Victims of your extreme Discrimination, Prejudice and Human Rights Violations regarding the Julie Jaman Press Conference.  

We were severely bullied, and Wennstrom and Fabor was part of that bullying. And  “assuming good intent from” City Manager Mauro, “the perception of this interaction may betray the intent”.

Maro says “I have an interest in setting clear boundaries here” WHAT? We were Given No Boundaries what so ever. The Entire City Government and Police Bullied Us. The YMCA bullied us and you backed them John. Olympic Pride Bullied us “assuming good intent from”the perception of this interaction may betray the intent”.

What a Hypocrite

Oh and P.S John Mauro “Thanks for listening!” NOT!!

Check Out my Facebook Group Reporting on
the Extreme, Violent, Dangerous Bullying by Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom

Link to Facebook Thread where Libby Wennstrom

is Clearly a BULLY

Check Out my Facebook Group Reporting on the Hypocrisy, Discrimination, and Human Rights Violations of Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro.